
The Simpsons celebrate 600th episode

James L Brooks can recall the exact moment he realised The Simpsons had become a pop culture phenomenon.

"It was 27 years ago and some magazine like Satellite News put us on the cover," recalled Brooks, one of the show's co-creators. "I said, 'Oh my God, we're on the cover!' And put it on my wall.

"Remember how in 'Tootsie,' there's this montage where all these magazine covers start coming at you at once? It was like that, and suddenly all the covers were on my wall.

"There's an actual sound that happens when you enter the culture and I remember experiencing that."

Brooks was speaking at a party in celebration for the 600th episode of The Simpsons, held on Friday night at the YouTube Space Los Angeles.

Attendees walked a yellow carpet and got a sneak preview of the episode, Treehouse of Horror XXVII, which airs in the US on Sunday.


An early review of the episode (spoiler alert) reveals the first segment lampoons the Hunger Games in which Mr Burns plays President Snow, while Lisa plays Katniss and Homer is recognisable as Homish, her drunk mentor.

The second segment is the most ghoulish. with a story about Lisa's imaginary friend (voiced by Sarah Silverman) becoming jealous over any real life friends.

And the episode ends with Bart discovering Moe's tavern is a front for an international super-spy organisation in a Kingsman/Bond-esque segment.

Back in LA, Simpsons guests also got a sneak peek at the virtual-reality couch gag that was made in conjunction with Google, which will also screen on Sunday. Called Planet of the Couches, it's a 360 degree immersive experience developed by Google Spotlight Stories with executive producers Brooks, Matt Groening, Al Jean, Matt Selman and director David Silverman.

Asked to explain the enduring appeal of The Simpsons, now in its 28th season, Groening spoke of the teamwork behind the show.

"It's a huge shared vision among writers, animators, actors, and musicians and we're all facing the same direction and everybody throws in their life experience and makes the show better," said Groening. "It's a true collaboration that really works."

Added Silverman, "The original style Matt came up with and the colour palette was so striking. It was really the first TV family that watched TV. And we could do so many great parodies with animation that you can't do with live-action."

Reuters, with Aja Styles