Matthew Sherrill

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Weekly Review — October 4, 2016, 1:34 pm

Weekly Review

A train derails in New Jersey, Rodrigo Duterte likens himself to Adolf Hitler, and a blind hoarder in Brooklyn discovers she has been living with the decomposing corpse of her son for 20 years

Weekly Review — August 16, 2016, 2:50 pm

Weekly Review

U.S. swimmer Simone Manuel becomes the first black woman to win a gold medal in the 100-meter event, a congressman in the Philippines calls for Trump to be banned from the country, and the mayor of Cannes, France, bans the burkini

Weekly Review — July 12, 2016, 1:46 pm

Weekly Review

Philando Castile and Alton Sterling are killed by police officers, Donald Trump says Saddam Hussein was good at fighting terrorism, and a woman in Florida hits her boyfriend with her baby

Weekly Review — May 10, 2016, 1:07 pm

Weekly Review

A Syrian refugee camp is bombed, Londoners elect their first Muslim mayor, and China bans videos of women seductively eating bananas

Weekly Review — March 23, 2016, 12:39 pm

Weekly Review

The Islamic State kills 34 people in Brussels, Raul Castro tells the United States to leave Guantanamo Bay, and Seattle police search for a masturbating ninja

Weekly Review — February 16, 2016, 12:08 pm

Weekly Review

Justice Antonin Scalia dies, the prime minister of the United Arab Emirates publishes a poem called “Happy Nation,” and a man in Florida tosses an alligator through a Wendy’s drive-thru window

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November 2016

Coming Apart

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Swat Team

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Escape from The Caliphate

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In This One

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In The Hollow

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Swat Team·

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"As we shall see, for the sort of people who write and edit the opinion pages of the Post, there was something deeply threatening about Sanders and his political views."
Illustration (detail) by John Ritter
Escape from The Caliphate·

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"When Matti invited me on a tour of the neighborhood, I asked about security. 'The message has already been passed to ISIS that you’re here,' he said. 'But don’t worry. I guarantee I could bring even you in and out of the Islamic State.'"
Photograph (detail) by Alice Martins
In This One·

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Years ago, I lived in Montana, a land of purple sunsets, clear streams, and snowflakes the size of silver dollars drifting through the cold air. There were no speed limits and you could legally drive drunk. My small apartment in Missoula had little privacy. In order to write, I rented an off-season fishing cabin on Rock Creek, a one-room place with a bed and a bureau. I lacked the budget for a desk. My idea was to remove a sliding door from a closet in my apartment and place it over a couple of hastily cobbled-together sawhorses.

Illustration (detail) by Shonagh Rae
“Don’t Touch My Medicare!”·

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"Medicare’s popularity, however, comes with almost no understanding of what the program is and how it works."
Illustration (detail) by Nate Kitch
In The Hollow·

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"I’m a gun owner, drive a pickup, and fish from a johnboat. I also recycle, believe in women’s reproductive rights, and own a Prius as a second car. Politically, I don’t fit in anywhere, either."
photograph (detail) by Stacy Kranitz

Amount of U.S. military aid given to the government of El Salvador each minute during the 1980s:


A team of European sexologists reported that 40 percent of Italian couples were not having sex, due in part to Italian men’s declining sex drive and growing predilection for prostitutes and cybersex.

Telecommunications company AT&T; agreed to buy Time Warner for $85.4 billion in a bid to find new ways to reach consumers, and hackers took control of Internet-connected cameras and baby monitors to overwhelm the routing company Dyn with traffic, causing worldwide disruption to outlets such as Netflix and Amazon.

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A nightly scene in London

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"She never thanked me, never looked at me—melted away into the miserable night, in the strangest manner I ever saw. I have seen many strange things, but not one that has left a deeper impression on my memory than the dull impassive way in which that worn-out heap of misery took that piece of money, and was lost."

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