We're Building the Climate Movement

Climate-focused campaigns, projects and actions led from the bottom-up by people in 188 countries. Email is how 350 connects — Join in and get started:

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Freeze New Fossil Fuel Development

Governments meeting at the next climate conference must put their Paris pledges into action -- and action means no more room for new fossil fuel projects.
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#ClimateFacts: You can’t hold back science

In just their first few days in office, the Trump administration has gone after science. The online response to these actions has been significant. National Park Service accounts, both fake and real, have gained tens of thousands of followers. People are rushing to the defense of science and the EPA. So we wanted to turn up... (More...)
North America

2017 – Scaling up campaigns across Africa

It is a new year, new promises and renewed hope for climate change warriors, as we gather much-needed strength and resilience to soldier on and up the ante on our climate change campaigns across the African region. Learn More Here  (More...)

BREAKING: Keystone XL and Dakota Access

This morning Donald Trump signed executive actions that attempt to restart the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline and the Dakota Access fracked oil pipeline. Trump is pushing these pipelines for one reason: because people powered movements stopped them. He wants us demoralized and defeated, so that he can spend the next 4 years working with... (More...)
Keep It In The Ground Keystone XL North America

The Science of 350

Find out what 350ppm means and why we need a global movement to get the planet on a path back to below 350.
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Climate Movement Videos

Check out some of the amazing videos profiling the growth of the global climate movement.
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