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Sandraن 11h
💥 Life is a human right 💥
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Fudge Tosser 8h
So I gotta take an Uber ride to Chick-Fil-A while listening to 3 Doors Down and wearing L.L. Bean Did I forget anything?
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Michael Nöthem 5h
Babies are made in the image of God, not spare parts.
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Scott Ernst 🇺🇸 10h
This great picture of on will surely make cry, so retweet it a million times!!!
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CC 4m
They've beat US to a pulp! We have a $60B trade deficit with Mexico. NO MORE!
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CC 26m
💖As a woman, mom & grandmother: I approve this message. Pro-Woman Pro-Baby Pro-Life
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Boca Vista 2h
IF the unborn isn't life Than why does a person who kills a pregnant mother Go to jail for DOUBLE murder?
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Linda Suhler, Ph.D. 2h
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Lou Dobbs 2h
MSM Bias: ABC apologizes for misleading quote about Sean Spicer -
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I'm attending the because too many lives have been lost to dudes wearing condoms, pulling out, vasectomy or jerking off.
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Anonymous 🏴‍☠️ 3h
Hey people who voted for , we all make mistakes. Join us against , and let him know why you made a mistake.
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Lou Dobbs 3h
800,000 noncitizens voted for HRC, bolsters claim -
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CC 4h
❤We have a great too, don't we folks. America has been blessed, twice.
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CC 4h
❤President Trump encourages media to cover today's ... but will they?
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The Trump Train 4h
Our newsletter is covering Trump's first 100 day. Help fuel the movement by subscribing! Click here:
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Carmine Zozzora 4h
A US president taking steps to ensure legitimate elections in the United States is an act of treason to the subversive left.
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Lori Hendry 4h
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Samantha Alexander 5h
Mexico is paying for one way or another. To would be futile. Spread the word retweet please.
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Official Team Trump 5h
VP tells Congress to 'buckle up' and get ready to enact major change
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Don Vito 5h
The Border Patrol Chief Position Is Available, Americans Know The Perfect Man For The Job!
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