Help:IPA for Paraguayan Guaraní

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The chart below the ways in which IPA represents Guarani pronunciations

IPA Guarani Examples
d͡ʒ j jagua, jaguarete
ɰ g guarani, gotyo
ɰ̃ uahẽ, uaiui
ɟ j jagua, jaguarete
k k ka’a, ka’aguy
l l liméta, lembu
m m mombe’u, maína
ᵐb mb mburika, mburuvicha
n n nahániri, nandi
ⁿd nd nde, ndaipóri
ⁿt nt sapy’ánte, mante
ᵑg ng ñe’ẽngatu
ɲ ñ año, aña
p p py, peteĩ
r rr chavurro, arro
ɾ r ára, rei
s s sa’i, so’o
ɕ ch chipa, chicharõ
t t taita, tahýi
x h he, oho
ʋ v vosa, viru
ʔ hae, hoa
IPA Guarani
a a
ã ã
e e
i i
ĩ ĩ
ɨ y
o o
õ õ
u u
ũ ũ
IPA Example
j pundie, mokõi
w karãu, tetéu
Stress and syllabification
IPA Description
ˈ The stress is marked with an acute accent (´). When omitted, the stress falls on the last syllable.
. The syllabification is when there are two different vowels, as in "péa [ˈpe.a]" (this)
