Short seller Jim Chanos warns markets could be on verge of historic shift

Jim Chanos, founder of Kynikos Associates, warns that global capitalism could be on the cusp of major changes.
Jim Chanos, founder of Kynikos Associates, warns that global capitalism could be on the cusp of major changes. Bloomberg

As the US sharemarket pauses for breath after its spectacular run-up spurred by Donald Trump's surprise electoral victory, attention is turning to the legendary hedge fund managers who notched up huge gains – and losses – from their multibillion-dollar bets on the election outcome.

Top of the list is George Soros, the billionaire hedge fund manager, who lost nearly $US1 billion ($1.3 billion) as a result of his bearish view of Trump's victory. According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, Soros was cautious going into November, and turned more negative following Trump's election victory.

But the decision proved costly, as the US share market rallied strongly on bets that Trump's tax cuts and fiscal stimulus would boost company profits. According to the WSJ report, Soros avoided further losses by closing out many of his bearish bets late last year.

Other billionaire investors were more fortunate. Stanley Druckenmiller, formerly Soros' deputy who helped him make $US1 billion by betting against the British pound in the early 1990s, has notched up significant gains in the latest market rally.

Shortly after Trump's victory, Druckenmiller said in a television interview that he was "very hopeful and optimistic" about the implications US economic growth. "I have a large bet on economic growth ... I like the sectors of the equity market that respond to growth [like] value and materials, not things like staples or traditional growth stocks." He added that he was short US bonds.

Another billionaire investor Carl Icahn, who has been appointed Trump's special adviser on regulation, said that he had left Trump's electoral victory in the early hours of the morning to bet about $US1 billion on US equities. Although Icahn said that the US economy still faced a number of problems, he said in a television interview in early November that Trump's victory represented "a major step in the right direction".

But, as billionaire short-seller Jim Chanos notes, investors should be careful of knee-jerk market reactions to US presidential elections. After all, markets fell after Barack Obama won the 2008 US presidential election, and continued to fall until the following March. Since then, the US share market has tripled.

"So I wouldn't read a lot into the first month or two," Chanos, who is the founder of New York-based Kynikos Associates, said in an interview last month.

Chanos also questioned whether investors were becoming too enthusiastic about bank stocks.

"It could be that banks are anticipating deregulation, but so what?", he said. "They're still going to have the capital requirements, which are international. Putting capital standards on them is the biggest way in which they were regulated."

According to Chanos, the big question for investors is to decide whether Trump's victory represents a major once-in-fifty-year sea-change in thinking about capitalism. If it is, he said, "then you have to pay attention".

"In the 1930s, we rejected the individuality of the '20s and before. After the crash and the Depression, we finally put the corporate class and bankers to the sidelines.

"Whether it was Keynesianism or the New Deal in the West, or state fascism or the advent of Stalinism, you saw more government control over the economy."

Although this boosted nominal economic growth, "It was not good for the asset-holding classes – stocks and bonds did terribly over that period ...You wanted to be a worker – you wanted to be labour, not capital."

But all this changed in the late 1970s and 1980s, with the arrival of [former US president] Ronald Reagan and [former British prime minister] Margaret Thatcher, who advocated a more globalistic, free-market approach.

"Since then, capital has risen and assets have done better than labour. Taxes have been light on financial assets, and heavy on labour."

The question for investors, Chanos said, is "if we look at the events of 2016 – Brexit, the Italian referendum, Trump, and the rise of nationalist China – are these the harbingers of something bigger? Or are they just a coincidence?"

Although Chanos avoided giving a definitive answer to his question, he added that "the ground seems to be fertile for things to change globally".

If this is the case, he said, it would have huge implications for investors. "If we're in one of those periods now – if 2016 is like 1932 or 1979 – then you not only have to change your portfolio, you have to change your lifestyle ... If this is a major shift to populism, nationalism, greater state involvement, and less globalism, then you really have to rethink almost everything in your life."