'A day with him and I get so tired my eyes start to itch!' Chloe Madeley on England rugby player beau James Haskell 'pushing himself too hard'

They've made a name for themselves as Instagram fitness fanatics. 

And Chloe Madeley has admitted she gets so tired her eyes begin to itch if she spends a day working out with James Haskell.

The 29-year-old fitness fanatic and daughter of TV pair Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan admits she thinks the England rugby player, 31, pushes himself too hard.

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Going hard! Chloe Madeley has admitted she gets so tired her eyes begin to itch if she spends a day working out with James Haskel (pictured)

Speaking to Men's Health about his full on schedule, the fitness model admitted: 'He does too much. 

'It's non-stop. A day with him and I get so tired my eyes start to itch. And I'm quite a fit person! It's crazy.' 

Speaking ahead of the upcoming Six Nations, the magazine spent two days, training, eating and tweeting with the determined hunk.

Keeping up: The 29-year-old fitness fanatic and daughter of TV pair Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan admits she thinks the England rugby player, 31, pushes himself too hard

'It's non-stop. A day with him and I get so tired my eyes start to itch. And I'm quite a fit person! It's crazy', Chloe said of James' training

And James revealed his determination stems from overcoming hurdles in his career.  

Throwing himself into weight training, it was the start of a regimented gym routine.

'When I wasn't selected for England U16s, I was gutted. My dad told me I could either give up, or come back stronger the following year. I asked a family friend for some advice on lifting weights and I haven't looked back,'he revealed. 

'When I wasn't selected for England U16s, I was gutted. My dad told me I could either give up, or come back stronger the following year,' he revealed

'I asked a family friend for some advice on lifting weights and I haven't looked back', he said of weights training

'You played really well on that Australia tour', James is starting to become used to being recognised in public

And James is starting to become used to being recognised in public, revealing: 'Not long ago, a guy walked up to me in the street. He goes: 'You're James Haskell. I used to think you were a right d**k. 

'But you played really well on that Australia tour. So now I think you're alright!' I mean, what am I supposed to do with that?'

And despite his tough exterior he's not as laddish as as his Twitter feed suggests.

'I'm not a very social person, really. The younger boys at the club go for lunch after training or whatever. My favourite things to do are coffee and work.'

'I realise I've opened Pandora's Box. As athletes, we don't critique fans', he finds it hard to not hit back at trolls

'I'm not a very social person, really. The younger boys at the club go for lunch after training or whatever. My favourite things to do are coffee and work.'

And despite having a huge social media following, along with his girlfriend, on Instagram, it's not all plain sailing. 

'I realise I've opened Pandora's Box. As athletes, we don't critique fans. But after being lambasted for something you've done in a game and getting 200-odd messages telling you you're sh*t, I would say, 'Your cheering is sh*t!'

'Aafter being lambasted for something you've done in a game and getting 200-odd messages telling you you're sh*t, I would say, 'Your cheering is sh*t!'

'If it can get me back to playing 2-3% better then I would be a fool to ignore it. I've made it my business to cherry-pick valuable information from other sports and things like this,' gym helps his performance on the pitch

'The only people who know everything are in the graveyard'

Speaking about how his gym performance enhances his play on the pitch, he explained: 'If it can get me back to playing 2-3% better then I would be a fool to ignore it. I've made it my business to cherry-pick valuable information from other sports and things like this. If you don't give them a try you don't know. The only people who know everything are in the graveyard.' 

And James revealed he discovered he's a dumper truck enthusiast after going on Chloe's brother's stag do.

'I've just always been into dumper trucks and diggers. Chloe doesn't get it. For her brother's stag-do we went to Diggerland, and he wasn't keen either. But by the end of the day he was hooked.'

Funny habits: James revealed he discovered he's a dumper truck enthusiast after going on Chloe's brother's stag do

'I've just always been into dumper trucks and diggers. Chloe doesn't get it. For her brother's stag-do we went to Diggerland, and he wasn't keen either. But by the end of the day he was hooked', he admitted

'James and I have absolutely no plans to get engaged. We’re not that couple getting romantically carried away with each other, we’re a little bit different,' Chloe recently revealed


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