'We went for it!': EastEnders' Emma Barton reveals soap's cast did lift a REAL double decker bus while filming controversial crash scene 

EastEnders' bus crash catastrophe has caused quite the controversy thanks to the graphic scenes and 'insensitive' plotline. 

And after some fans expressed their disbelief that Albert Square residents could lift a bus to save one of their own, Emma Barton has revealed the action was all real.

Speaking to The Sun at Wednesday's National Television Awards, the 39-year-old actress who plays Honey Mitchell revealed all of the cast 'really went for it'.

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'We really went for it': After some fans expressed their disbelief that the EastEnders cast couldn't lift a bus to save one of their own, Emma Barton has revealed the action was all real

Speaking about the moment that the residents of Walford rushed to help one of their own trapped under the hulking vehicle, Emma revealed that the cast did partially lift the bus.

Explaining that the scene was very realisted, she told the paper: 'We all went for it, we all had a good go.

'We weren’t lifting the whole thing , we were just trying to free someone and get someone out.'

LIFT! Speaking to The Sun at Wednesday's National Television Awards, the 39-year-old actress who plays Honey Mitchell revealed all of the cast 'really went for it'

True story: Speakingof the moment that the residents of Walford rushed to help one of their own, Emma (seen with co-star Perry Fenwick)  revealed that the cast did partially lift the bus

Emma's comments on the scene come shortly after fans slammed the soap for being 'insensitive' after the dramatic crash evoked memories of recent terrorist attacks.

The cliffhanger crash in Albert Square left a number of characters' lives in the balance, in a dramatic plot twist.

But viewers have criticised show bosses for a lack of respect to victims of those murdered in the ISIS-orchestrated truck crashes in Nice and Berlin last year.

On Twitter, one fan fumed: 'Slightly insensitive storyline from #Eastenders. Glasgow bin lorry crash, the lorry in France & Berlin Christmas markets.' 

Smash: EastEnders fans watched in shock as a dramatic bus crash occurred in Albert Square during Monday night's epsiode

Shocking: The double-decker careered out of control after it appeared its driver suffered a heart attack behind the wheel

A cliffhanger:The cliffhanger crash now leaves the lives of 11 of the show's characters in the balance 

The collision was caused when the double-decker's driver appeared to suffer a heart attack at the wheel, sending the bus spinning out of control and careering into Walford's iconic market place.

Smashing through everything in its path, the bus then hit a bridge and headed towards the Queen Vic pub. 

The long list of characters at risk from the crash include Denise Fox, Keegan, Bex Fowler, Shakil Kazemi and Louise Micthell, who were on the bus.

While Martin Fowler, Donna Yates, Honey Mitchell, Johnny Carter, Carmel Kazemi and Kush Kazemi faced getting mowed down on the street.  

While the collision will no doubt send ratings through the roof, for some viewers it was an upsetting reminder of the terrorist atrocities of last year.

In July 2016, a HGV driven by Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel crashed into crowds of people on the southern French resort of Nice, killing 86.

Wrecking machine: The bus crashed through Walford's market place, sending characters jumping for safety

Shattering: The bus crashed after the driver appeared to have a heart attack at the wheel

Dramatic: The dramatic crash was slammed by some fans as being insensitive after terrorist attacks in Nice and Berlin last year

Collision course: After smashing through the market, the bus hit a bridge before heading towards the Queen Vic pub

While on December 19, a truck was driven into a Christmas market in Berlin, Germany, leaving 12 dead.

One EastEnders fan tweeted: 'Hmm not sure about this latest storyline considering recent terrorist activities. Seems a bit insensitive.'

While another wrote: 'Cannot believe eastenders has shown a bus driving through a busy market despite what's happened the last few months #someone'sgettingfired.'

However, not all were upset by the scene and accused fellow viewers of being over sensitive.

One fan tweeted:' 'It's pathetic how easily offended people are these days. Like I said #eastenders is filmed months in advance. Do some research.'

Another said: 'Some people really aren't happy unless they are moaning. Change the channel and let the REAL fans enjoy #eastenders.'

The drama unfolded on tonight's episode after Bridge Street market workers were furious to discover the council was planning to relocate the stalls.

Plan of action: Before the crash, Martin Fowler (James Bye) had gathered a group of market traders on the street to discuss going forward with a possible strike

Martin Fowler urged his colleagues to go on strike, but his pleas fell on death ears and landed him in the dog house with partner Stacey Fiowler (Lacey Turner).

However, his worries were soon overshadowed by the dramatic crash, with locals rushing to the scene to assist the injured. 

Tilly Keeper, who plays the role of Louise Mitchell, said that fans are in for a treat as Walford reacts to the horror crash.

She told The Sun : 'All I'll say is that next week's episodes are HUGE and unmissable.

'It was exciting to film and I can't wait to see the audience's reaction. I can't say anything else! My lips are sealed. All I will say is make sure you tune in.'




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