Portrait of my lady! Evan Ross shows off his sketching skills with wife Ashlee Simpson as his model and muse

He can act, sing, and also draw.

Evan Ross shared his sketching skills with his many fans on social media on Thursday, as he posted a photo of a drawing he made of Ashlee Simpson Ross to Instagram.

'Working on my wife,' the artist wrote with the photo. 'Drawing my love: life.' 

Model and muse: van Ross shared his sketching skills with his many fans on social media on Thursday, as he posted a photo of a drawing he made of Ashlee Simpson Ross to Instagram

Evan, 28, captured his wife, Ashlee Simpson Ross, 32, beautifully on the sketch pad, portraying the curves of her face with incredible precision.

This might be the first time Ashlee has been his model, but it isn't the first time the son of Arne Næss, Jr, and singer Diana Ross, 72, has turned to his wife as his muse.

The couple collaborated on a song together in 2015 called Permission to Love, according to AZ Central.

'It's a real powerful song and we're going to keep making music together,' Evan said. 'We love doing that. It would only make sense because we sing together all the time.'

Doting husband: This isn't the first time the son of Arne Næss, Jr, and singer Diana Ross, 72, has turned to his wife as his muse, seen here in Los Angeles on January 20

Ever the doting husband, The Hunger Games: Mockingjay actor couldn't say enough good things about working with his life partner.

''It's unbelievable how talented Ashlee is, and her writing is amazing,' he said. 'She just has such an ear.'

And he wasn't kidding about continuing to work together, either.

Right now, the duo are working on Ashlee's musical comeback in the form of her fourth studio album. 

 The feeling is definitely mutual for Ashlee, who has been absent from the music scene for nearly a decade.

'It’s been really fun to work together,' the Pieces of Me singer told US Weekly. 'This way we can tour together! I’m definitely excited. I love working with my husband. (The sound) is soulful, fun and reflective of music that we both like.'

Beautiful couple: Right now, the duo are working on Ashlee's musical comeback in the form of her fourth studio album; seen here in a photo posted to social media on January 10

For Ashlee, her musical hiatus came as she focused on being a mom to her eight-year-old son, Bronx Mowgli, with ex-husband 'Pete' Wentz of Fallout Boy, and then later Jagger, 18 months, her daughter with Evan. 

And even though she now feels the time is right to get back to her singing career, the stars also plan to continue to expand their family. Just not right now.

'We’re doing this – before the next baby,' Ashlee said.

No formal release date has been set for their album at this time, but fans can expect it to drop sometime this year. 

Happy New Year! No formal release date has been set for their album at this time, but fans can expect it to drop sometime this year; seen here in a photo posted on December 31, 2016

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