'They look like great tits!' Kate Garraway has to apologise to viewers after Ben Shephard gets naughty talking about 'chasing birds' on Good Morning Britain

Ben Shephard couldn't help himself on Friday morning, when the topic of bird watching came up on Good Morning Britain.

Sat between Charlotte Hawkins and Kate Garraway, the trio were announcing this weekend's Big Bird Watch, run by the RSPB.

'The idea is you go out and observe the birds in your back garden...' Kate explained, as Charlotte nodded, listening in interest.

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Ben was smirking, however, clearly finding something funny.

As images of garden birds flashes on to the screen, Ben was heard saying 'That’s a blue tit'.

Charlotte was quick to correct her co-host, saying: 'That’s the great tit!'

'They look like great tits!' Kate Garraway has to apologise to viewers after Ben Shephard gets naughty talking about 'chasing birds' on Good Morning Britain

Naughty boy: Ben Shephard couldn't help himself on Friday morning, when the topic of bird watching came up on Good Morning Britain

To which Ben replied: 'They all look like great tits to me!'

The ladies decided to ignore this remark, but Ben couldn't help himself and added: 'Let us know if you’re going to be looking for birds – in your garden – this weekend.'

At this point, Kate had had it. Turning to Charlotte she said: 'Ben’s mischievousness goes up throughout the week, so he’s about 60 per cent on Monday and by now he’s about 110 per cent naughty!'

Charlotte added: 'I’m trying to have a serious conversation about the birds we get in our garden, we’re really lucky, we get woodpeckers, we get great tits…'

Bird chat: Sat between Charlotte Hawkins and Kate Garraway, the trio were announcing this weekend's Big Bird Watch, run by the RSPB

'They all look like great tits to me!' The ladies decided to ignore this remark, but Ben could barely suppress his amusement at the repeated mention of 'tits'

Ben could barely suppress his amusement at the repeated mention of 'tits'.

Through laughter he said: 'I was just enjoying the conversation and its very juvenile but hilarious.'

Kate turned to the camera and said to the viewers at home: 'I apologise!'

'Let us know if you'll be looking for birds this weekend,' Ben finished, speaking to the camera. 'I think the crew will be!'

The 42-year-old presenter didn't let it drop there; talking later about the London Chinese Lanterns Festival he quipped: 'I bet there's a few great tits at that.'

That Friday feeling: 'Let us know if you'll be looking for birds this weekend. I think the crew will be,' Ben finished, speaking to the camera

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