A galaxy far, far away! Star Wars actor Ben Mendelsohn cast in Netflix film 'The Land of Steady Habits'... after wife Emma Forrest files for divorce

Fresh from the biggest role of his career to date, Ben Mendelsohn has landed the lead in an upcoming Netflix film.

The 47-year-old, who played Orson Krennic in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, has been cast as Anders Hill in The Land Of Steady Habits, a role light years away from his space opera villain. 

A screen adaption from Ted Thompson's novel, the movie will see the Australian star alongside The Sopranos' Eddie Falco and Project X actor Thomas Mann. 

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Wanted man: Fresh from the biggest role of his career to date, Ben Mendelsohn has landed the lead in an upcoming Netflix film

The story will follow Ben's character - a sixty-something family man - as he opts to leave his wife, job and his safe suburb in Connecticut - nicknamed the 'land of steady habits'.

However, after realising his new life might not be all he imagined, he embarks on a journey to reconcile his past with his present. 

The movie, which will be directed by American Nicole Holofcener, will be fully financed by Netflix and distributed worldwide. 

New role: The 47-year-old, who played Orson Krennic (pictured) in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, has been cast as Anders Hill in The Land Of Steady Habits

A lot on his plate: Ben's latest role adds to a number of projects scheduled for release over the next two years, which may include playing the Sheriff of Nottingham in Robin Hood

Ben's latest role adds to a number of projects scheduled for release over the next two years, which may include playing the Sheriff of Nottingham in a new Robin Hood movie.

It was reported last month that the Melbourne native was in talks over the role, which would see him star alongside Jamie Foxx and Eddie the Eagle's Taron Egerton. 

While the actor's career is enjoying a renaissance, he has been dealing with personal turmoil away from the cameras.  

Issues: While the actor's career is enjoying a renaissance, he has been dealing with personal turmoil away from the cameras

Wife Emma Forrest filed for divorce last month, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for bringing their four-year marriage to an end. 

The British journalist, who shares a daughter with the Emmy-winner, filed for divorce in Los Angeles Superior Court just days after Christmas. 

The couple, who married in 2012, did not attend any of last year's Rogue One premieres together, and it has also been reported by TMZ that Emma is seeking physical custody of their three-year-old child. 

End of an era: Wife Emma Forrest filed for divorce last month, citing irreconcilable differences as the reason for bringing their four-year marriage to an end

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