'Why are we on her mind so often?' Paris Jackson hits back at Wendy Williams after chat show host said she did not deserve Rolling Stone cover

She had just been slated for not being talented enough for her grand appearance on the cover of Rolling Stone.

And Michael Jackson's daughter Paris took to Twitter on Thursday to hit back at chat show star Wendy Williams after her brutal on-air takedown.

The 18-year-old was stung by the criticism by the daytime television doyen, which also included criticism over the offspring of the Prince Of Pop considering herself black.

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Bad blood: Michael Jackson's daughter Paris took to Twitter on Thursday to hit back at chat show star Wendy Williams

In a tweet she tagged the Fox star in, she said: (Wendy) seems to think about the family a lot considering she makes all these claims about us.

'Why are we on her mind so often?'

Her rival had blasting the teen's appearance on the cover of the popular magazine during a Hot Topics segment.

She said: '"She has not made her mark on her own. You cannot be on the cover of one of the most prestigious entertainment and influential magazines in the world and just be the daughter of and tell your story inside. Sorry y'all.'

A Dangerous game: Angry Paris  did not hold back as she hit out at her rival on social media

Slammed: Wendy said she did not deserve her cover as she 'has not made her mark on her own'

Wendy was particularly scathing about Paris' claims that she sees herself as black.

She said: 'I get that she considers herself black and everything, but I'm just talking about the visual because you know … black is not what you call yourself. 

'It's what the cops see you when they got steel to your neck on the turnpike.

'It's what they see. But that's cute, and good for her.' 

Not her cup of tea: Wendy was clearly unhappy at the teen's cover appearance

However Paris, who is worth an estimated $100 million, hit back about that as well.

She riposted: 'Well, she didn't birth me, so.' 

Paris sensationally claimed her father had been murdered in the latest issue of the magazine, and also said she had tried to commit suicide multiple times after being raped as a teenager.

Talking about her belief her father had been assassinated, she said: 'He would drop hints about people being out to get him. And at some point he was like, "They're gonna kill me one day."' 

Cover up? Paris sensationally claimed her father had been murdered in her interview

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