The curious history of dating by Nichi Hodgson

From Lonely Hearts columns in newspapers, which first appeared in 1786, to the aristocratic cattle market of the London season, to today's instantaneous Tinder 'likes' and 'dislikes', which may be followed up, with luck, by an assignation in Nando's, 'the UK's most popular venue for a first date', people have always been keen to pair off.

At Auschwitz concentration camp near Krakow in Poland, now a museum and memorial, the corridors are lined with thousands of photographs taken by the SS guards of each inmate on arrival.

Chris Paling discovered reading is often the last thing on visitors' minds in a library. .A lot of people wander through its doors simply seeking a refuge from the tides of life outside.

As well as being one of the coldest places on earth, the Arctic is also one of the most dramatic and beautiful. So why not embrace our winter weather by leafing through this stunning book?

On the morning of the World Cup final, Bobby Charlton and Ray Wilson went shopping in Golders Green for new suits. Charlton was nearly run over while crossing the road to go into Cecil Gee.

Hidden lives of the Victorians are revealed

William Gladstone (bottom right), the former Liberal Prime Minister, may have been a man of many parts, but a left forefinger wasn't one of them. He lost it in a shooting accident when he was a young man. But look at any portrait of Gladstone and you'll see he has a full set of ten fingers. Darwin (top right), it turns out, had something to hide: a nasty case of eczema. Pictured (left), a Victorian woman displaying the very tight corset fashion of the day.

Jam-packed with charm, it traces the inception of commercial air travel right through to the modern day. Expect elegant air hostesses, vivid vintage advertising and a lot about aeroplanes.

In World War I, Mary Lindell chose to be a Red Cross nurse in a military field hospital in France. When Hitler's armies invaded in 1940, she helped repatriate trapped British soldiers.

Mark Stevenson has toured the world meeting people who refuse to take 'status quo' for an answer. In India, he witnesses cows listening to classical music (it's been proven to relax them).

For all of us emerging into 2017 from our cocoon of indoorsy warmth, this story of how an ordinary person conquers her fear should be read by all who suffer life-fright.

Early in the run of the original 1957 Broadway production of West Side Story, composer Leonard Bernstein was perplexed to learn that the hit musical was 20 minutes shorter than it should have been.

Considering 2016 was the year Brits embraced the cosy Danish concept of hygge, then 2017 may be the year in which we tire of candles and adopt the rougher and readier Dutch version: gezelligheid.

Dive into the mind that co-founded one of the world's largest advertising agencies. Holy Cow! is a collection of Charles Saatchi's favourite images and articles from his popular column.

This stylish book contains candid snapshots from the film sets of Roman Holiday, Sabrina and Funny Face, as well as stills from fashion shoots by top photographers.

Catherine Howard was just 18 when she married Henry VIII who was fat and 50. She soon

Believe it or not, Catherine Howard (on the left), Henry VIII's fifth wife, the one beheaded for having a bit on the side, was a victim of Brexit, a piece of collateral damage. Not, I hasten to add, our present situation vis a vis Brussels (though there are parallels) but the original Brexit, the 16th-century version when England raised two fingers to the over-mighty power of a centralised European authority - the Roman Catholic church in the Vatican - and opted to go it alone.

The Map and the Clock, edited by Carol Ann Duffy and Gillian Clarke, is a desert island book you'd never tire of - and (at less than 3p per page) stupendous value.

The Daily Mail has put together a fiendish quiz for all book fanatics. Question range from notable memoirs to unusual nouns and their even more unusual meanings.

Colours have been crucial to humans throughout history, governing everything from our body clocks to the names of our countries, writes Kassia St Clair.

Christopher Somerville (pictured with his father as a child) starts his journey to understand his late dad in Gloucestershire where he grew up - his sister is former newsreader Julia Somerville.

These picture books are a sumptuous feast for the eyes. They include the British Wildlife Photography Awards and Chanel Catwalk. They can be purchased from the Mail Book Shop.

Michelle Slatalla is a former columnist for the New York Times and the editor-in-chief of the Gardenista website. Her 'definitive guide to outdoor spaces' begins with a 'gardenista manifesto'.

Brave boys the fat man branded liars: How Cyril Smith's victims were ignored when they

All this week, Labour MP Simon Danczuk is laying bare how the Establishment, the Liberal Party, the police and even MI5 covered up the industrial-scale child abuse of 29-stone Rochdale MP Cyril Smith. Today, how his victims were ignored and betrayed when they tried to expose their suffering.