Thousands of Bernie Sanders supporters call for Bill Clinton's arrest after alleging the former president broke the law by campaigning for Hillary too close to polling places on Super Tuesday

05/03/16 14:39

05/03/16 00:12

The retired neurosurgeon had a dismal showing on Super Tuesday and will tell supporters on Friday he sees 'no path forward' to the nomination - but is not formally ending his campaign.

03/03/16 22:06

Today, during his own news conference back in New Jersey, Christie addressed the episode. 'I wasn’t standing there thinking, 'Oh God, what have I done," ' he said.

03/03/16 20:05

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has been ridiculed online for his bizarre appearance during Donald Trump's victory speech on Super Tuesday.

03/03/16 19:27

Robert Morrow was elected chair of the Travis County GOP on Super Tuesday, prompting a backlash from party officials who want him out because of his degrading remarks and beliefs.

03/03/16 18:56

The Republican front-runner in the race for the White House finally announced his seven point healthcare plan on his website and on Twitter after calls for him to reveal his policy.

03/03/16 13:19

It's one of two final fight nights before the calendar day that could end it all - March 15, when Florida holds its winner-take-all contest. GOP candidates will debate there next Thursday in Miami.

03/03/16 11:21

The Democratic front-runner's second-place finish in the money game was not unexpected. Her campaign had already admitted that Sanders and his team would outraise them.

03/03/16 03:59

In a new memo, Hillary Clinton's super PAC is reassuring supporters that 'the threat of a Donald Trump presidency' is being taken 'seriously,' saying the GOP committed 'political malpractice.'

03/03/16 00:52

New analysis of exit polling shows that turnout was up by as much as 386 per cent. Even in Texas, which he lost, it doubled on 2012. In contrast, Democratic turnout was down on 2008.

03/03/16 00:48

Republican donors, strategists and campaign operatives interviewed by Reuters admitted they had misjudged the mood of voters who have thrown their support behind Donald Trump.

02/03/16 23:02

After losing every state except one to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, Sen. Marco Rubio suggested the delegate math was in his favor over the brash billionaire's.

02/03/16 22:37

Paul Ryan isn't going to play Republican party political savior twice in a year. The House Speaker, who begrudgingly filled that position, will not be a late entry into the presidential race.

02/03/16 20:36

Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson likely has the least probable path to the Republican nomination of the five candidates standing – but he's not giving up, citing his 'social media fans.'

02/03/16 19:01

Jeffrey Lord (pictured), who wrote a book titled What America Needs: The Case For Trump, argued with CNN analyst Van Jones. He said the KKK used to be the terrorist arm of the Democratic party.

02/03/16 18:26

'I am not one to give you a rosy picture if there’s no evidentiary basis for it,' the former prosecutor told 'I don’t have any reason to contradict the polling.'

02/03/16 17:47

Ted Cruz has positioned himself as the Republicans' only viable alternative to frontrunner Donald Trump after winning Oklahoma, Texas and Alaska. But Marco Rubio refused to drop out.

02/03/16 17:27

Hillary Clinton swept seven states on Super Tuesday - a commanding performance that will settle nerves in her campaign. Oklahoma, Colorado, Vermont and Minnesota went Sanders' way.

02/03/16 17:25

The billionaire real estate tycoon has been declared the winner in seven states – Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Vermont and Virginia.

02/03/16 14:39

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton may be political rivals these days, but ten years ago the two looked like the best of friends while being photographed at the billionaire mogul's third wedding.

02/03/16 14:38

Ted Cruz held a Super Tuesday victory party at the controversial Redneck Country Club in Stafford, Texas, which has hosted a blackface 'comedian'.

02/03/16 11:15

Donald Trump unveiled a new campaign prop on Tuesday in Ohio - a giant Make American Great Again umbrella.

02/03/16 10:46

The billionaire whose unlikely run has spawned a thousand late-night jokes recast himself as the GOP's one hope, and said the Republican Party's bosses has no business standing in his way.

02/03/16 01:32

When it comes to the Republican veepstakes, voters are all over the place. Ben Carson, another GOP candidate still in the race, gets the biggest chunk of support, to run with Trump.

02/03/16 01:27

The Vermont senator was defiantly upbeat as he cast his vote in Vermont , insisting that if voter turnout is high 'we are going to do well' - but his wife was not so confident about their national debut.

02/03/16 01:23

Former President Bill Clinton was among those advising his wife Hillary Clinton's campaign who suggested a run against Republican frontrunner Donald Trump would be no cake walk.

01/03/16 18:46

'I haven't even focused on Hillary Clinton' yet, the Republican front-runner said on Good Morning America. 'I will beat Hillary Clinton much more easily than anybody else.'

01/03/16 18:41

Asked if he was prepared to renounce all forms of racism and bigotry, he said: 'Of course I am. I mean, there's nobody that's done so much for equality as I have.'

01/03/16 15:33

American voters living in Wellington, New Zealand and registered as Democrats were the first to vote in Super Tuesday. They cast their ballots at a local bar, and the majority supported Bernie Sanders.

01/03/16 11:34

Melania Trump sat down for her second ever solo interview with Anderson Cooper on Monday night to discuss her husband's bid for the White House as Super Tuesday kicks off.

01/03/16 09:23

Legendary stock car driver Bill Elliott and his son Chase headlined a group of NASCAR fan favorites who endorsed Donald Trump Monday night.

01/03/16 04:37

Ben Carson is pledging to stay in the presidential race, not letting a couple of last place finishes get in the way of the will of 'hundreds of thousands' of supporters who are pushing him onward.

01/03/16 00:18

The GOP will award 595 of its 2,472 convention delegates and it could be Donald Trump's biggest payday yet. Ted Cruz leads in two states and Rubio in one, but The Donald is ahead in eight.

29/02/16 23:27

A weekend of whacking around Donald Trump stole rival Marco Rubio's voice away from the Republican candidate, so he enlisted South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for some help.

29/02/16 22:21

Ben Carson says he's not giving up on his presidential hopes. His campaign adviser is saying Carson's not giving up. For another week. Carson will wait on the results of Super Tuesday.

29/02/16 19:19

A new CNN/ORC poll cements each party's respective frontrunner as such, with Donald Trump leading the GOP pack by 33 points and Hillary Clinton besting Bernie Sanders by 17.

29/02/16 00:53

Texas Sen. Cruz noted 'multiple media reports' tying Donald's business dealings to the mob, referencing his links to S&A construction - which is owned by jailed mobster 'Fat Tony' Salerno.

28/02/16 23:58

Former Australian prime minister John Howard says he ‘trembles’ at the thought of billionaire Republican candidate, Donald Trump becoming the next president of the United States.

28/02/16 16:24

As Trump looks to complete a clean sweep of Super Tuesday states, Republican establishment figures have spoken of 'concern and dread' that the businessman could be their presidential nominee.

28/02/16 12:46

Hillary Clinton coasted to a win in South Carolina today, beating Bernie Sanders by 50 points as a record-breaking number of black voters came out to support her.
