Trump's immigration ban derailed: Federal court grants emergency stay temporarily HALTING deportation of visa holders detained at US airports after nationwide protests 

29/01/17 07:25

29/01/17 07:12

Uber CEO Travis Kalanick said they will compensate drivers affected after he was accused of pandering to Trump by agreeing to join his business advisory group.

29/01/17 07:08

The federal court for the Eastern District of New York (pictured) issued the temporary measure in the evening, while about 375 people were either denied entry to the US or barred from their planes.

29/01/17 06:41

Qantas will refund tickets for passengers who are unable to board US-bound flights while home-sharing company Airbnb is offering free accommodation to refugees and travellers barred from the US.

29/01/17 06:28

Iraqi refugees Hameed Khalid Darweesh (pictured) and Haider Sameer Abdulkhaleq Alshawi walked free at New York's JFK airport on Saturday after being held for 14 and 24 hours.

29/01/17 06:26

In 2012, Trump blasted the stream of 12 executive orders and presidential memorandums Obama signed within his first seven days of office. President Trump has signed 14 actions.

29/01/17 05:55

Iran and its President Hassan Rouhani plans to limit issuing visas to American tourists to counteract the immigration ban as world leaders, including Trudeau, reacted to the move,

29/01/17 05:39

President Trump has issued an executive order calling for joint chiefs of staff to give him a plan in 30 days for defeating the Islamic State.

29/01/17 05:10

Donald Trump acted Saturday to fulfill his pledge to 'drain the swamp' in Washington, banning officials from ever lobbying the US on behalf of a foreign government.

29/01/17 04:40

Donald Trump's plan to build a wall along the US-Mexico border has at least one international supporter - Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

29/01/17 04:19

Cook sent an email to staff at the Cupertino company saying they 'wouldn't exist' without immigration and insisted the firm does not support the policy.

29/01/17 03:19

Iranian director Asghar Farhadi is nominated in the best foreign film category for his film The Salesman but there are fears he won't be able to attend next month's Academy Awards.

29/01/17 02:53

Phoebe Tonkin, 27, has taken to her Instagram to voice her opinions against his most recent executive order banning citizens from seven Muslim countries and refugees from entering the US.

29/01/17 02:31

Sir Mo is originally from Somalia, one of the countries Donald Trump has included on his banned list of immigrants into the USA for 90 days Sir Mo could be banned from re-entering his home.

29/01/17 02:20

The Prime Minister has done far better in Washington than she could have hoped. There was a great risk that she might have been dangerously upstaged, rudely brushed aside or embarrassed.

29/01/17 02:19

The photo-opportunity with the Churchill bust was perfectly choreographed, and a standing rebuke to the previous occupant of the Oval Office who had banished it.

29/01/17 01:50

During Trump's first official conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the two have agreed to develop closer ties and discussed coordination to fight international terrorism in 'positive exchange.'

29/01/17 01:24

President Trump's trip to Britain is currently being planned but was hit by a diplomatic row after he said he did not want to meet with Prince Charles because of climate change differences.

29/01/17 00:56

Donald Trump has continued his crusade against 'fake news' outlets in a Twitter rant this morning. He slammed the New York Times and Washington Post.

29/01/17 00:35

At a news conference in Ankara with Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildirim, Theresa May repeatedly refused to condemn Donald Trump's order banning refugees from seven countries entering.

29/01/17 00:31

An explanation of the picture of Trump and May holding hands at the White House has emerged - hat he was clinging on to Mrs May for support because he has a morbid fear of stairs and slopes.

28/01/17 21:06

Refugee Ammar Sawan, who fled worn-torn Syria and dreamed of living in the United States with his family, is among those who have spoken out following Trump's immigration ban.

28/01/17 20:27

Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, has reportedly been placed on leave after saying she'd rather go to jail than 'take a bullet' for Trump.

28/01/17 19:23

Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, was a vocal opponent of the Donald during his campaign.

28/01/17 18:53

Donald Trump's photo is reportedly missing from LAX because the White House hasn't sent out copies of the presidential portrait to places where pictures of presidents are traditionally hung (right).

28/01/17 15:33

In failing to wait for his wife before scaling the White House steps for the first time, Donald Trump made history. Every president in US history has waited for his wife before greeting his predecessor.

28/01/17 13:06

Prime Minister May showed her 'psychological discomfort' with her facial expressions, while President Trump was clearly nervous judging by how frequently he spoke Joe Navarro tells DailyMail

28/01/17 12:18

People on all sides of the political spectrum are gearing up for an impending apocalypse, if a Texas bunker manufacturer is to be believed.

28/01/17 11:24

Trump signed a 120-day pause on the refugee program and a ban on Syrian refugees. It halts immigration and visas from Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Somalia.

28/01/17 08:53

US president Donald Trump will speak with Malcolm Turnbull on Sunday morning. It comes as Mr Trump has signed an order to suspend the United States' Syrian refugee program.

28/01/17 03:56

The Boeing Black phone is an ultra secure, self-destructing phone that is given to the incoming US president. But new reports revealed Donald Trump is still using his personal Android.

28/01/17 03:53

David Foster reveals in a new interview that he turned down an offer to perform at President Donald Trump's inauguration when his friends began to give him grief about the event.

28/01/17 02:11

This past Monday, just four days after her father vacated the Oval Office, Malia Obama made it clear just how disappointed she was in President Donald Trump by protesting his pipeline plan.

28/01/17 01:56

President Donald Trump joked 'there goes that relationship' to Theresa May after he was quizzed on his support for torture and calls to ban Muslims by the BBC's political editor.

28/01/17 01:56

President Donald Trump railed against Mexico once again at a televised news conference at the White House Friday – even as he described a 'friendly' call with the country's president .

28/01/17 01:44

Mrs May, who had applied vampish eye make-up, did some head wobbling and started talking perhaps a little faster than usual. Was that a Jane Austen blush in the prime ministerial cheeks?

28/01/17 01:34

JEFF POWELL IN LAS VEGAS: As if striving to wrest a world title from the jaws of The Jackal is not daunting enough a fight for one weekend, Leo Santa Cruz is also slugging it out with The Donald. This youngest son of an immigrant family is alarmed by new US president Donald Trump ordering a wall on America’s southern border, his insulting behaviour towards Santa Cruz’s fellow Mexicans and, especially, his threat of mass deportations. Santa Cruz interrupted preparations for Saturday night’s rematch with Carl Frampton, the Belfast Jackal, to say: ‘It concerns me Trump talks about wanting to kick out all Mexicans, the Latin people and the immigrants.

28/01/17 00:27

In an op-ed for the Washington Post on Thursday, Newt Gingrich said Donald Trump's inauguration speech had that 'directness and confrontational tone' of a Margaret Thatcher speech.

28/01/17 00:19

Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg on Thursday shared a New York Times article about the Trump executive order on her Facebook wall with a commentary.

28/01/17 00:04

Trump is 100 per cent behind Nato, Theresa May declared. After their first talks in the White House, the PM said the US and the UK were united in their 'unshakeable commitment' to the alliance.

27/01/17 23:55

Katie Perrior, left, is Theresa May's chief spin doctor, Fiona Hill, middle, is Mrs May's long-trusted joint-chief-of-staff and Lizzie Loudon, right, is the PM's political press secretary.

27/01/17 23:54

At the news conference this afternoon in the White House's East Room, Trump seemed to deny that sanctions relief is currently on the table. 'Very early to be talking about that,' he said.

27/01/17 23:52

Sadly, the BBC's political editor, Laura Kuenssberg WAS there to ask a question having been nominated by the PM's press team to ask the first question. What were they thinking.

27/01/17 23:52

Britain is in danger of becoming subservient to an unpredictable United States under new President Donald Trump, according to one of the leading French presidential candidates.

27/01/17 23:47

The pair bonded over a bust of Winston Churchill in the American president's office. 'This is the original. This is the original, folks, in many ways.'

27/01/17 23:46

Trump proposed the tax on imports as a way to pay for the border wall with Mexico, with his press secretary Sean Spicer saying the tax would create $10billion in revenue a year and 'easily pay' for it.

27/01/17 20:31

A daily schedule issued by the White House said the President is due to meet 'Teresa May' in Washington later.

27/01/17 19:42

Trump is commander-in-chief of the U.S. armed forces, giving him the authority to override his generals' recommendations, not the reverse.

27/01/17 17:31

President Donald Trump has fired his latest shot in his standoff with Mexico over construction of a border wall, tweeting that the country has 'taken advantage' of the United States.

27/01/17 16:14

Trump circulated an unsubstantiated claim that 3 million ballot were cast illegally in the November election again this morning. He's expected to order an investigation in the next two days.

27/01/17 16:14

The president scolded acting National Park Service director Michael T Reynolds for a retweet showing side-by-side photos of Trump's inauguration and Obama's in 2009.

27/01/17 16:07

President Donald Trump is scheduled to speak on the telephone Saturday with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, for the first time since taking the oath of office on Friday.

27/01/17 16:03

The president said in a Fox News interview Thursday that he hadn't seen waterboarding work, but had spoken to people who 'feel strongly about it'. He referred to it as not being actual torture.

27/01/17 15:52

'You're supposed to talk about the news, not use a snarky comment here, an eye roll there, an adjective that is insulting or congenitally negative toward the president,' Conway said Friday.

27/01/17 15:49

Employees at the Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida are getting inundated with calls from angry people venting their spleen at President Donald Trump, who owns the members-only club.

27/01/17 14:10

Sunrise host David Koch has shown his support for Donald Trump's controversial vow to reintroduce water torture as an interrogation tactic against Islamic State militants.

27/01/17 13:46

Kristian Saucier was sentenced to a year in prison. He admitted to taking six photos of classified areas in a nuclear sub, but argued he should have gotten the 'Hillary' treatment.

27/01/17 12:03

Speaking on the Chris Evans Breakfast Show on BBC Radio 2, Kirsty Young said she would like to interview both Barack and Michelle but dodged the question when she was asked about Trump.

27/01/17 10:28

President Donald Trump's chief strategist Stephen Bannon went off about the mainstream media to reporter for the New York Times.

27/01/17 09:08

The president sat down with Fox's Sean Hannity to take aim at the singer who he said had 'hurt the cause' with her comment that she'd considered 'blowing up the White House'.

27/01/17 08:30

Donald Trump has issued an executive order directing federal agencies to take away funding from self-proclaimed 'sanctuary cities' that limit cooperation with immigration authorities.

27/01/17 08:28

The vulnerability of President Donald Trump's security settings for his Twitter account was demonstrated online by @WauchulaGhost, a Twitter user and hacker.

27/01/17 05:27

Several senior management officials as well as a top arms control diplomat are leaving, putting pressure on incoming secretary of state, Rex Tillerson (pictured).

27/01/17 02:59

President Trump took his first flight on Marine One and Air Force One on Thursday, to attend a Republican retreat in Philadelphia.

27/01/17 02:50

Arriving in Philadelphia tonight, Theresa May condemned the use of torture after President Donald Trump said that waterboarding 'absolutely works'. The pair will meet in Washington tomorrow.

27/01/17 02:00

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: When she sits down in the Oval Office as the first foreign leader to have talks with President Trump, Theresa May can congratulate herself on the diplomatic coup.

27/01/17 02:00

Abriel Bentley, eight, from Scottsdale, Arizona, was diagnosed with aggressive bone cancer Ewing's Sarcoma in 2015. After 17 rounds of chemotherapy and surgery she is now in remission.

27/01/17 01:47

President Trump told Sean Hannity that he would be OK if the GOP Senate leader invoked the nuclear option, in order to get his forthcoming SCOTUS pick through the Senate.

27/01/17 01:43

I’ve known Donald Trump for a decade and spent hundreds of hours in his company, giving me a rare insight into what makes him tick. When I spoke to him after his win, he asked me what you were like.

27/01/17 01:38

The former head of Trump's transition team at the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday he expects the new administration to seek significant budget and staff cuts.

27/01/17 01:36

Payal Modi, who teaches art at W. H. Adamson High School in Dallas, Texas, is under investigation by the school district after an eight-second video surfaced on Instagram.

27/01/17 01:35

The actor, 30, was seen hand in hand with his mom and with his wife at his side as he returned to a livestream anti-Trump protest in Queens, New York, hours after being arrested over a spat.

27/01/17 01:28

Senate Democrats, including Bernie Sanders, have penned a letter to President Donald Trump, accusing him of sowing a 'culture of fear among federal employees.'

27/01/17 00:49

As Democrats try to chart a way out of the political wilderness, they're huddling this week in a state that hasn't gone blue in 20 years and talking to 'real people.'

27/01/17 00:38

White House said it could easily pay for the wall by taxing imports from Mexico, earning $10 billion in new revenue a year. It has since clarified it's just an idea, not a firm proposal.

26/01/17 23:44

Trump is likely to order the probe today, his spokesman said en route to a Philadelphia retreat for GOP lawmakers. There Trump said he would 'defend the votes of the American citizen.'

26/01/17 23:34

'Rogue' Twitter accounts for the EPA, NASA, and HHS and more have been created by employees from government agencies that are concerned with Donald Trump's approach to science.

26/01/17 22:52

The new law, introduced by Senator Edward Markey, D-Mass., and Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif, would prevent Trump from launching weapons without a congressional declaration of war.

26/01/17 22:42

Online government records show that Tiffany appears to be registered both in New York, where she lives, and in Pennsylvania, where she went to college.

26/01/17 21:39

U.S. Border Patrol chief Mark Morgan is out, just a few months after the Obama White House put him in charge of the agency. The rank-and-file saw him as an outsider political appointee.
