The name's Ratajkowski... Lisa Ratajkowski! Big Brother star Appleton emulates DKNY model Emily as she walks her dog in lacy bra and knickers

The early morning bustle of north London was momentarily disrupted on Friday as a buxom, lingerie-lad female disregarded freezing temperatures and took her dog for a walk.

But anyone thinking it was striking model Emily Ratajkowski, who pulled a similar stunt while filming a racy commercial in New York last week, may well have been disappointed.

In a game attempt at emulating the Blurred Lines muse, former Big Brother contestant Lisa Appleton was up to her old head turning tricks by wearing next to nothing while walking a friend’s pooch.

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That looks familiar: In a game attempt at emulating the Blurred Lines muse Emily Ratajkowski, former Big Brother contestant Lisa Appleton was up to her old head turning tricks by wearing next to nothing while walking a friend’s pooch in north London on Friday morning 

Much like Emily, the voluptuous 48-year old sported a lacy black bra and matching black knickers for a casual stroll past a busy road teeming with mid-morning traffic. 

The ex-body builder completed her skimpy look with a pair of peep-toe heels, while her bouffant brunette locks fell across her naked shoulders.  

Lisa's latest eye-catching display followed model Emily's racy DKNY shoot in New York, during which she paraded through Manhattan in lingerie from the American fashion brand.

Not something you see everyday: Much like Emily, the voluptuous 48-year old sported a lacy black bra and matching black knickers for a casual stroll past a busy road teeming with mid-morning traffic

Emily was spotted shooting scenes on the street, as well as in the doorway of a building, where she was seen exiting with a cute Jack Russel terrier on a lead. 

Unlike the promising young model Lisa has fallen on hard times following her appearance on Big Brother with former fiance Mario Marconi in 2008. 

The pair called time on their eight-and-a-half year romance in 2013 after they were duped by conman Selva Carmichael into being followed by cameras for six months to film a fake reality show.

'I had suicidal thoughts I hit rock bottom,' she told MailOnline. 'After Big Brother and all the success, I lost it all.'

The real deal: Lisa's latest eye-catching display followed model Emily's racy DKNY shoot in New York, during which she paraded through Manhattan in lingerie from the American fashion brand

She added: 'I felt I had lost everything – my career, my marriage, everything, that I felt rock bottom. I felt so low I just wasn’t enjoying life anymore. I felt really emotional. I had a complete breakdown.'

Speaking on Channel 5's Celebs on Benefits last summer, she revealed how difficult it had been to adjust to life on benefits - only a few years after finding fame on Big Brother.

She said of whirlwind time in the spotlight: 'Nothing prepared me for the overnight success and fame that I had. It was huge. I was knocking back magazine deals, newspaper deals, photo shoots, exclusives.'

Plenty to talk about: The former reality star recently opened up to Fubar radio DJ Lizzie Cundy about how she was conned and ended up on income support

The former reality star has since opened up to Fubar radio DJ Lizzie Cundy about how she was conned and ended up on income support.

'It's very controversial because it can happen to anyone,' she told the former WAG-turned-MC.

She went on to explain that she finds younger men are drawn to her.

'I've had a few toy boys, I attract them all in,' she said. 'I think they like the older, experienced woman who can put them in their place.' 



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