'I'm feeling for you': CBB's Jamie O'Hara forgives love-interest Bianca Gascoigne as the pair kiss and make-up... after she lied about being single

Their blossoming romance appeared to be crashing and burning after the revelation she had lied about her single status.

But on Thursday's Celebrity Big Brother Jamie O'Hara and Bianca Gascoigne had an emotional reunion as the pair kissed and made-up following a tense night apart.

The pair, both 30, had spent the evening apart, but that appeared to be too much for the footballer as he embraced his lady love in a hug whilst whispering: 'I'm feeling for you'. 

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Love's young dream? On Thursday's Celebrity Big Brother Jamie O'Hara and Bianca Gascoigne had an emotional reunion as the pair kissed and made-up following a tense night apart

Having only just found out that Bianca, Paul Gascoigne's adopted daughter, had lied about having a boyfriend on the outside, Jamie appeared to regret distancing himself from her.

Speaking to Nicola McLean as Bianca lay in her bed, he admitted he felt she had been stupid covering it all up.

As Nicola told him how bad her friend was feeling, he explained his stance, saying: 'It brings a headline… did she think it wasn’t going to come out? I really feel for her but I’ve also got to look out for me.'

Clearly wanting the promising couple to work things out, the WAG, 35, went straight to an off-colour Bianca.

The pair, both 30, had spent the evening apart, but that appeared to be too much for the footballer as he embraced his lady love in an embrace whilst whispering: 'I'm feeling for you'

Taking her into the bathroom, she explained that Jamie wasn't mad, he simply felt bad for her.

Heading back to the bedroom Bianca was greeted by Jamie, who swept her up in a huge hug and kissed her neck, as he whispered:

'I'm alright... I'm feeling for you, but I wanna' enjoy the next few days with you.'

Hiding? Speaking to Nicola McLean as Bianca lay in her bed, he admitted he felt she had been stupid covering it all up

'It brings a headline… did she think it wasn’t going to come out? I really feel for her but I’ve also got to look out for me': He seemed to be taking the news on the chin, but admitted it was hard

And it seems as though that was good enough to get the romance back on track, as they ended the day cosying up to each other in bed, kissing before the lights went out.

The brief rough patch came as it was revealed to the entire house week that Bianca has a boyfriend on the outside world - something she had purposely neglected to tell Jamie.

Ever since the cat was let out of the bag, Bianca had been seen in knots, agonising over the situation, crying in the diary room and confiding in Nicola McLean. 

Better again: Shortly after his chat with Nicola, Jamie headed back to the bedroom where he swept Bianca up into an embrace whilst kissing her

'I'm alright... I'm feeling for you, but I wanna' enjoy the next few days with you': He told the blonde model he was feeling sorry for her, not himself 

In Wednesday night's show the footballer admitted just how hurt he felt after Bianca dropped the bombshell.

In a heart to heart with pal Nicola he said: 'I feel like I’ve been put in a situation in the outside…s he hasn’t been 100 per cent truthful. She should of said "I’ve got a fella"…I’m a bit p*ssed off, I don’t need that sh*t. Tell me straight. I’ve been put in a situation.'

Nicola, who was aware of Bianca's predicament, tried to reassure Jamie he is the man she wants, telling him: 'Bianca doesn’t want to be with this person, she wants to be with you.' 

Meanwhile, glamour girl Bianca admitted the extent of her feelings for the footballer telling him: 'I’ve never felt like this in my life, I’m so sorry.' 

Moving too fast? Bianca and Jamie's relationship has gone from playful to serious in the blink of an eye

Discussing her love triangle in the garden, Bianca told her housemates: 'There is someone on the outside that I need to have the conversation with. I haven’t been able to help how I feel. I didn’t want to bring that person into it…and I really like Jamie.'

The beauty retreated to the diary room to confide in Big Brother about her troubled love life. 

Upset, she said: 'I came in here and there’s someone on the outside, and I didn’t expect at all to have feelings for anybody and it has developed with Jamie. I feel like it’s one big mess and I can’t fix it right now.'

Gutted: He was left devastated in Tuesday's episode after discovering love interest Bianca has a boyfriend outside the house

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