Don't see that in Manhattan! Wild fox spotted yards away from Ivanka and Jared's house as Kushner heads to the White House at the end of his first week of work 

  • Jared Kushner was spotted heading off to work at the White House early on Friday 
  • The President's son-in-law was polished in a suit and tie, rounding off his first week of work in the West Wing 
  • Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump have settled their three children into an upmarket Washington DC enclave 
  • A wild fox was spotted next door to the home - showing how different surburban life must be compared to their old lives in Manhattan

Jared Kushner had a brush with nature Friday morning, as he headed into work at the White House. 

The son-in-law and adviser to President Trump was leaving his home in the upmarket Kalorama neighborhood of DC when a wild fox was spotted outside the house next door. 

It's a sight that Kushner, who has lived in New York City for most of his life, will have to get used to now that he's suburbian.

Jared Kushner steps out of his house on Friday, at the end of his first week working in the White House 

A wild fox was spotted just next door to the Kushner's new DC home on Friday morning 

Kushner is working as a special adviser to his father-in-law, President Trump 

Friday marked the end of Kushner's first week working for his father-in-law. 

Mr Trump has repeatedly said that the 36-year-old, an Orthodox Jew and the grandson of two Holocaust survivors, will help his administration broker peace between Israel and Palestine. 

Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump moved their three kids down to Washington, DC right after her father was elected. 

While Kushner will be working alongside Mr Trump in his administration, Ivanka is also said to be taking on a role in the new Office of the First Family. 

Mr Trump has said that Kushner, an Orthodox Jew and the grandson of Holocaust survivors, could help bring peace to Israel and Palestine 

Kushner and his wife moved into a house just blocks away from where former President Obama and his family are now living 

Kushner is pictured leaving his home in a small motorcade Friday morning to head to the White House 

Boxes lined the street outside of the Kushner's home, showing that they are still in the process of unpacking

What exactly that will entail remains to be seen, but it has been speculated that Ivanka will be a de facto first lady, since her step-mother Melania is continuing to live in New York City for the time being. 

Ivanka has been excitedly posting pictures of her new family settling into their new DC digs. 

On Thursday, she even posted a picture of her youngest - 10-month-old Theodore - crawling for the first time in the White House. 

'There were so many incredible milestones this past weekend - including one for baby Theodore who crawled for the very first time in the White House!' Ivanka wrote. 

Also on Thursday, she posted another picture of eldest daughter Arabella, age 5, pushing her middle son Joseph, age 3, on a swing set. 

The Kushners moved to DC right after Mr Trump was elected. The couple are pictured above with their three kids: five-year-old Arabella, three-year-old Joseph and 10-month-old Theodore

Theodore, the Kushner's youngest, crawled for the first time this week, in the White House

Ivanka also posted a picture of Arabella and Joseph playing on a swing set this week as they get used to their new DC life

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