'Dreamt about Alexis ... I started crying': Patricia Arquette makes emotional revelation while mourning late sibling who died four months ago

Patricia Arquette mourned her late sister Alexis in an emotional tweet Thursday, about four months after the transgender actress died September 11, 2016 at 47 from a heart attack.

The Oscar-winning Boyhood star tweeted: 'Dreamt about Alexis. She was 20 wearing a sequins 50s dress. I started crying & said I come from the future I'm your sister I love U so much.'

In response to a follower's kind wishes, the 48-year-old Medium star added, 'I think Dior made her dress. She has the best clothes over there!'

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Missing her: Patricia Arquette (right) paid homage to her late sister Alexis (left) on Thursday, about four months after the transgender actress passed away from a heart attack, with HIV as an underlying cause. The two were snapped at an LA party in 2008

Memories: The Academy Award winner revealed she'd reunited with her late sister's younger self in a dream

Tough times: Patricia wore a solemn expression at an LA gala, less than a month after her sister died 

When another remarked to her about the difficulty in losing a sibling, Patricia wrote, 'It's really hard.'

Medical officials confirmed about a week after Alexis's death that the actress waged a 29-year battle against HIV, which also played a role in her passing, as well as a bacterial infection she had been dealing with in the prior three weeks.

Patricia, along with sister Rosanna and brothers David and Richmond, issued a statement after the death of their sister, whose notable roles included stints in Last Exit to Brooklyn, The Wedding Singer and Pulp Fiction.

Red carpet walk: Alexis, an accomplished actress, was snapped at a 2014 gala in LA 

Remembering her talents in across multiple platforms - Alexis was a 'brilliant artist and painter, a singer, an entertainer and an actor,' they said - the four surviving siblings addressed the courage and strength in which Alexis conducted herself, even to her own professional detriment.

'Her career was cut short, not by her passing, but by her decision to live her truth and her life as a transgender woman,' the siblings said. 'She refused to play roles that were demeaning or stereotypical.

'She was a vanguard in the fight for understanding and acceptance for all trans people.'

'Vanguard': The actress was credited by her siblings with spreading awareness about the trans community through her onscreen work

Emotional: Alexis previous revealed that David Bowie's Starman was playing in her sister's final moments

Alexis, who was born Robert Arquette, also brought her life journey to the masses appearing on VH1's The Surreal Life; and Alexis Arquette: She's My Brother, which chronicled her gender reassignment process.  

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