Florida teenager, 18, 'stabbed his roommate in the face during a fight over a Minute Maid fruit juice box'

  • Tavage Tobler, 18, was arrested on January 24 for allegedly stabbing roommate 
  • Police said Tobler stabbed the man during altercation of a Minute Maid juice box 
  • He was charged with aggravated battery and is being held on $5,000 bond

Tavage Tobler, 18, was charged with aggravated battery after allegedly stabbing his roommate in the face during an altercation over a Minute Maid fruit juice box

A Florida teenager was arrested after allegedly stabbing his roommate in the face during an altercation over a Minute Maid fruit juice box.

Tavage Tobler was charged with aggravated battery after deputies from the St John's County Sheriff's Office responded to the incident in the early morning hours of January 24, according to  Fox 30.

According to a police report, the 18-year-old stabbed the middle-aged victim in the lower left jaw, 'causing permanent disfigurement and bodily harm'.

Authorities said the victim, whose identity was not released, was stabbed from behind. 

The victim told investigators the altercation ensued over the juice box. 

Tobler, who graduated from high school in May 2016, also told deputies the fight started because the victim was drinking his juice, according WOKV.

He told police things turned physical when the victim started to put his finger in his face.

Tobler said he then hit the victim in the face, but insists he didn't stab him.

The incident took place at their residence on Herbert Street in St Augustine, where authorities found the knife used in the altercation. 

Tobler is being held in the St Johns County Jail on a $5,000 bond. 

Tobler (left), who graduated from high school in May 2016, is being held in the St Johns County Jail on a $5,000 bond

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