No traffic snarls here! Secret Service use just two SUVs for morning run to Barron Trump's school - and no streets are closed along the way

  • Barron Trump returned to school on Thursday in New York City
  • He was taken to class in a two-SUV motorcade, and no streets were shut down for the trip
  • Secret Service agents were on the scene at his private school
  • After the drop off, four or five agents grabbed breakfast nearby 
  • The size of the motorcade will grow and some streets will be shut down when First Lady Melania Trump chooses to travel to school with her son 

Barron Trump headed back to class on Thursday morning, a little less than a week after his father was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

And despite the outcry about what a burden it would be to have members of the first family living in New York City, it all appeared to be a relatively low-key affair. 

The 10-year-old made his way to his private school in just a two-SUV motorcade, with Secret Service not shutting down any streets along the way and managing to efficiently get Barron into the building with no closures.

Also spotted getting out by were four of five Secret Service members, who grabbed some breakfast after the drop off. 

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Time for class: Barron Trump returned to school on Thursday in New York City (Barron above last Friday with his father)

Simple process: He was taken to class in a two-SUV motorcade, and no streets were shut down for the trip

Waiuting: Secret Service agents were on the scene at his private school (one above)

The route that Barron will take to school i set to vary daily for his safety, and on some mornings there will be some road closures.

Those would only occur in waves however, with the roads being immediately opened back up after the motorcade had made its way past. 

That will occur whenever his mother Melania elects to company him to school, which would require more Secret Service agents and a bigger motorcade.

It seems however that the First Lady elected to stay home on Thursday while her son went off to class.

The First Lady and Barron returned to the city on Sunday night, but will be heading back down to Washington DC this weekend to visit President Trump.

He said in an interview with the New York Times this week: 'They’ll come down on weekends. [Melania will] come down on Thursdays and stay.'

Time to eat: After the drop off, four or five agents grabbed breakfast nearby (agents above)

Size matters: The size of the motorcade will grow and some streets will be shut down when First Lady Melania Trump chooses to travel to school with her son

Meanwhile, Barron himself was thrust into the spotlight this week after a number of people made the decision to the mock the child on social media, most notably Saturday Night Live writer Katie Rich. 

'Barron will be this country’s first homeschool shooter,' wrote Rich in a new-deleted tweet.

She later apologized for her comment and has been suspended buy Saturday Night Live. 

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