Extraditing El Chapo was a good sign — for both Mexico and the US

Mexico sent the US one of its worst people ... to preserve law and order.

El Chapo's capture won't help win the war on drugs

While a symbolic victory, this could actually make drug war violence worse.

The 3 deadliest drugs in America are legal

Tobacco, alcohol, and opioids kill hundreds of thousands annually. Marijuana, meanwhile, has caused zero overdose deaths.

Donald Trump’s attack on civil rights leader John Lewis, explained

John Lewis is the leader dissenters need in the age of Donald Trump.

Report: Chicago police use excessive force and often treat people “as animals or subhuman”

The Justice Department just completed an exhaustive 13-month investigation into the Chicago Police Department. The findings are horrifying.

Obama’s ending one of the US’s most generous immigration policies

And Trump might reinstate it.

The trial of Dylann Roof for the Charleston church shooting, explained

He killed nine people at a black church. And a jury has now sentenced him to death.

Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general pick, would be a massive setback for civil rights

A man who once allegedly said the KKK “was okay until I found out they smoked pot” could guide the nation’s top law enforcement agency. But he said he was taken out of context.

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  5. Democrats are putting up a tougher fight than liberals realize

Jeff Sessions’s confirmation hearing is a referendum on Trumpism

A fight about race that both parties want.

The viral anti-Trump attack video from Chicago, explained

The attack is drawing attention as a potential hate crime.

Texas’s anti-transgender bathroom bill, explained

Texas’s lieutenant governor is leading the charge for a new bathroom bill — by touting a big myth.

Boxing Day, explained

For some countries, the day after Christmas is a holiday in its own right.

The heroes of the Hanukkah story wouldn't understand what the Jewish holiday has become

How a minor holiday about a religious uprising became the symbol of Jewish America.