'Still cancer free!' Flip or Flop's Tarek El Moussa celebrates latest health tests while turmoil continues with estranged wife Christina

He's had a tough few months following the disintegration of his marriage.

But Tarek El Moussa finally has something to celebrate, as he received good health news on Wednesday.

The 35-year-old reality star took to Instagram to announce that he is still tumor free three years after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

About time! Tarek El Moussa finally has something to celebrate, as he received good health news on Wednesday

His snap was actually a screenshot of a text conversation with his doctor at UCLA medical center.

The doctor's name is crossed out, but the rest of his explanation about how Tarek's tests all came back negative for cancer remains.

Tarek's grateful response, which read 'Wow that is really really great news! Thank you so much! I'm relieved,' was also included. 

In addition to the image, he also provided a lengthy commentary about how he's dealt with the cancer screening process.

Positive news! The 35-year-old reality star took to Instagram to announce that he is still tumor free three years after being diagnosed with thyroid cancer

'Still #cancer #free,' began the real estate flipper, before stating 'having cancer is a very scary thing... I always get nervous going into each check up and today I got GREAT news!'

He then went on to detail some of the challenges he's faced since getting his thyroid removed via surgery.

'Having no thyroid and balancing medications is tough! I'm finally at UCLA and I'm on the right doses of medication. People don't know but I was very over medicated with rapid heart rate and palpitations to the point where I wore a heart rate monitor.'

Tarek's cancer was originally spotted by an eagle-eyed fan, who wrote into the show to suggest he get a 'nodule' on his neck checked out.

Meanwhile, it seems that the rift between himself and soon-to-be ex Christina (pictured March 2016) has not affected their work on their show Flip or Flop

The aberration was in fact cancerous, and the HGTV host soon had surgery to remove his thyroid and infected lymph nodes.

Meanwhile, it seems that the rift between himself and soon-to-be ex Christina, 33, has not affected their work on their show Flip or Flop.

A day after Tarek posted his health update, Christina posted a promotional post to Instagram, which only offered up some observations of a recent flip while pointing out the sixth season would premiere on Thursday.

The couple filed for divorce in December after secretly separating back in May 2016. Rumors of infidelity and uncouth behavior have plagued the couple ever since. 

Business as usual? A day after Tarek posted his health update, Christina posted a promotional post to Instagram, which only offered up some superficial observations of a recent flip while pointing out the sixth season would premiere on Thursday

Unfortunate: The couple filed for divorce in December after secretly separating back in May 2016. Rumors of infidelity and uncouth behavior have plagued the couple ever since



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