Donald Trump will publish a weekly list of crimes committed by illegal immigrants and will hire 10,000 additional immigration officers

  • President Trump signed an executive order 'enhancing public safety' in US
  • Homeland Security Secretary will publish comprehensive list of crimes weekly
  • The executive order includes cutting federal funding for sanctuary cities
  • Mayors in cities across the country have vowed to defy the president

In an executive action created to 'enhance the public safety' of the United States, President Donald Trump has signed an order that will involve publishing a weekly list of crimes committed by illegal immigrants. 

The list, also known as a Declined Detainer Outcome Report, will include a comprehensive list of criminal activity committed by illegal aliens that will 'better inform' the public.  

Trump signed the order on Wednesday which also stated that jurisdictions (sanctuary cities) which failed to comply with the order will lose federal funding.

Trump signed an executive order Wednesday (pictured) to cut federal funding for cities that do not arrest or detain undocumented immigrants

Donald Trump's executive order stated the 300 sanctuary cities and states will lose federal funding if they fail to arrest and detain undocumented immigrants 

The document states that the 300 sanctuary cities which currently exist nationwide violate federal law as they attempt to 'shield aliens' from deportation.

Trump added that these cities have caused 'immeasurable harm' to Americans.

Although the president does not have power to withhold all federal funding, he can pressure cities to comply by cutting grants.


New York City: $10.4 billion 

Chicago: $1.3 billion

San Francisco: $1 billion 

Boston: $250 million

Seattle: $85 million 

Santa Fe: $6 million 

Sources: CNN Money, DNA InfoBoston Globe, Kiro 7 and the San Francisco Examiner

The administration also plans to crack down by hiring an additional 10,000 immigration officers. 

New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio vowed not to 'deport law-abiding New Yorkers' in a news conference on Wednesday.

Mayors in Santa Fe, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle and Boston have all defied the president's order and pledged to protect immigrants.

New York Police Department has a list of 170 criminal offenses that are not covered by the sanctuary policy, such as felony assault, rape, murder, terrorism, and gun smuggling and witness tampering, the New York Post reported.

NYPD is required to report those illegal immigrants charged with those crimes to federal law enforcement. 

Protesters also held signs near the White House during a protest about Trump's immigration policies after he signed his two executive orders Wednesday

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