She DOES eat crisps! Gwyneth Paltrow reveals her immaculately organised pantry containing some surprisingly normal snacks (including Kettle Chips, popcorn and lots of white pasta)

  • Hollywood star, 44, showed off her pristine pantry on her website, Goop
  • It has been given a makeover by home organisation service Home Edit
  • It is packed to the brim with health foods but also with some naughty treats 

She's the founder of Goop who's renowned for her ultra-clean eating lifestyle.

But as actress Gwyneth Paltrow showed off the inside of her pantry for the very first time, it revealed that even the goddess of healthy eating has a few guilty treats stashed away in her cupboards.

Kettle Chip and Pop Chip crisps are both clearly visible on Gwyneth's immaculately organised shelves, as are bags of popcorn and three huge jars of carbohydrate-rich white pasta.

Kettle Chip and Pop Chip crisps are both clearly visible on Gwyneth's immaculately organised shelves, as are bags of popcorn and three huge jars of carbohydrate-rich white pasta

It should come as no surprise to fans of the Oscar winning actress and lifestyle guru that her pantry is immaculately organised  

The Hollywood actress, 44, who boasts an enviably trim figure, frequently shares her health and wellbeing tips online, sharing diet recipes that advise slimmers to cut out gluten and sugar.

But foods containing both these ingredients were on show in the mother-of-two's cupboards in a post about how to declutter your house for Goop.

Three enormous jars of different white pasta shapes are clearly on display in her cupboard, proving that even the queen of clean eating likes to fill up on carbs now and again.

And while there might not any refined sugar on show, you can see at least two bottles of agave syrup - full of fructose - in the bottom right corner. 


Nut butters (left) -  Caroline Farrell at Essential Nutrition says natural nut butters 'are dairy-free for those with intolerances and contain no synthetic ingredients'.  They're also packed full of healthy fats, which is good for heart health, and plenty of fibre. They can also stabilise blood sugar levels.

Flax seeds (left) - Nutritionist Lily Soutter says flax seeds are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which help ease symptoms of depression and anxiety, as well as inflammatory conditions. They're the secret to glowing skin and shiny hair - so no wonder Gwyneth eats them.

Kidney beans (top left) - Digestive health expert Linda Booth says kidney beans are full of iron, which women lose during their period, as well as being a great source of fibre, vitamin C and protein.

Empty desserts basket (centre left) -  Gwyneth is known for being a health fanatic, so perhaps it's no surprise that her desserts basket is empty.

Popcorn (bottom left) - Nutritionist Rob Hobson hates the healthy popcorn snack trend. He told FEMAIL: 'It is munched as a guild-free snack by many dieters but even some of the "healthiest" brands can still contain over 450 kcals per 70g bag, as well as being loaded with salt. Not really a health food.' 

Olive oils from Spain and Italy (top centre) - Using olive oil as a dressing instead of fatty ranch or caesar dressing can save 125 calories from a meal, and cut out unhealthy fats, sugars, and salts from your dish.

Kettle Chips (centre) - These are no health food, but perhaps they're snacks for Gwyneth's two children.

Pop Chip crisps (centre) - These claim to have half the fat in a bag of fried potato crisps as they are popped instead of fried. 

Healthy kids' snacks (bottom centre) - Though there are crisps lurking in Gwyneth's cupboards, there are also two baskets on the lower shelves dedicated to healthy kids' snacks.

Agave syrup (bottom right) - It may be touted as a healthy alternative to sugar but nutritionist Rhiannon Lambert says agave syrup contains as much as 90 per cent fructose. 

Sriracha hot sauce (top right) - With only five calories in a teaspoon of this hot sauce, it's no wonder Gwyneth likes to spice things up with sriracha.

Dried fruit and nuts (right centre) - Rhiannon says that eating nuts can lower cholesterol and promote heart health, while dried fruit is a healthy alternative to naughty snacks as they are low in sugar, salt and fat. 

White pasta (bottom right) - Health gurus often stay away from carbs, especially in the form of white pasta, as they can cause bloating and it is thought it could stop you losing weight. But some experts now say that eating pasta could actually help weight loss after an Italian study found there was no link between eating pasta and weight gain.

Gwyneth Paltrow showed out her immaculate pantry on Goop - and revealed how even the goddess of clean eating indulges in a few unhealthy snacks now and again

Some clean eating gurus recommend agave syrup as an alternative to sugar, but nutritionists have dismissed it as a healthy alternative as it is still high in fructose. 

Another surprisingly unhealthy treat visible on the shelves is a large bag of Kettle Chip crisps. 

Next to the Kettle Chips is another large bag of crisps - but this time it's Pop Chips, which are marketed as a healthy alternative to normal crisps as they contain half the fat. 

But these are perhaps most likely to be snacks for her two kids, Apple and Moses, aged 12 and 10 respectively, since the Goop founder is renowned for her organic and healthy lifestyle.

Other ingredients found in her pantry are less surprising, such as plenty of jars of seeds, including flax and sunflower, as well as a couple of jars of natural nut butters.

Gwyneth Paltrow has opened up her cupboards for the first time and revealed how immaculately organised her shelves are

Gwyneth's pantry was given a makeover by home organisation service Home Edit

The variety of items in Gwyneth's store cupboard show a different side to the Goop founder, who is well known for being a follower of the macrobiotic diet.

This diet, which is based on Zen Buddhism, eliminates most animal products, and focuses on eating in season and in moderation.

She has also tried the 'kale and lemon' cleanse as well as only eating salad for days on end. 

In her book 'It's All Good,' she revealed that she also regularly cuts out all carbohydrates - even restricting her children from eating them.

She wrote: 'Every single nutritionist, doctor and health-conscious person I have ever come across . . . seems to concur that (gluten) is tough on the system and many of us are at best intolerant of it and at worst allergic to it.

‘Sometimes when my family is not eating pasta, bread or processed grains like white rice, we’re left with that specific hunger that comes with avoiding carbs.'

But it seems since then, Gwyneth has given up on the no-carb regime, since there are three jars dedicated to white pasta, as well as more on the middle shelf of her organised pantry. 

Then again, they may just be for her children, as the Hollywood star is known for following a mostly gluten-free lifestyle.

But it points to the actress incorporating more balance into her diet in the wake of her conscious uncoupling from husband and Coldplay frontman Chris Martin. 


Gwyneth opened up her pantry cupboards to Home Edit, a Nashville-based home organisation service so they could declutter her kitchen.

In a post, they wrote: 'For GP’s pantry, we wanted to better utilize her door compartments and fill them with jars of nuts, dried fruit, pasta, and grains. 

'We also added bins to group and contain her items instead of them free-floating on the shelves. 

'We put the school snacks down low and within easy reach for the kids, and placed overflow items and canned goods at the very top since they’re not used regularly.'

They advised:

- Use baskets or bins labelled 'pasta' or 'cereal' if you're a busy mother with little time on your hands instead of decanting these items into jars every time you go shopping.

-  Take stock of how many items you buy. If you buy in bulk, leave enough space for overflow items. If you have a lot of snacks, dedicate two bins to these items.

- Think about which items you use regularly, those you use occasionally, and those you hardly ever use and place them in your cupboards accordingly. Home Edit placed the school snacks at the bottom of the cupboards for the kids to reach, while overflow items were placed at the top.

- Every pantry can be divided into these categories: breakfast, dinner, snacks, baking, sweet snacks, and cooking. 

In fact, in a recent interview she admitted that while she does have organic snacks for her kids, she also has Oreos in her house - though these are nowhere to be seen in the photo.

She told Yahoo Beauty: 'I think there’s a lot of misinformation about what I actually eat. I really don’t have any rules. 

'I really believe in delicious food and enjoying life and not saying no to anything. But at the same time, you know, I think it’s important to understand what good nutrition does and make sure you maintain a balance. 

'For me the big things are really processed food and foods that have tons of chemicals and pesticides. I try to stay away from that, but I love French fries and cheese and martinis and all that kind of thing.'

Celebrities - maybe they are just like us after all. 

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