Is this your shady sitcom star? Tom Arnold tweets about 'weather in Africa' as I'm A Celebrity posts silhouette video that matches Roseanne actor

For weeks they've been dropping hints about the names set to venture into the jungle.

But sitcom star Tom Arnold may have accidentally revealed that he'll be appearing on the new Australian season of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! just as the show released a silhouetted video that looked just like him.

The 57-year-old - who is a perfect match for the hints about the US sitcom star - took to his private Twitter account on Wednesday to talk about, of all things, the weather in Africa.

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Headed for the jungle? Tom Arnold this week tweeted about the intense heat in Africa, just days out from the start of I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here!

Cryptic? 'We used to complain about it being "Africa Hot",' Arnold tweeted on Wednesday

'When we were bailing hay back in Iowa we used to complain about it being "Africa hot",' the 57-year-old tweeted.

'Turns out we were p****es.'

In case that wasn't enough evidence, a video posted to the I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here! Instagram page had even more fans suggesting Arnold's name.

Similarity? Then, just days later, many fans said Arnold looked like the black silhouette figure in a sneak peek video posted to the reality TV show's Instagram page

The video of a black silhouette figure talking with whispy hair led to many guessing it was the Roseanne star.

However not all were convinced, with many commenters on the Instagram video throwing around a variety of other names.

From former Two And A Half Men star Charlie Sheen and Simpson's voiceover man Hank Azaria, to legendary Seinfield actor Michael Richards, they flooded in thick and fast. 

The series, co-hosted by Dr Chris Brown, 38, and comedian Julia Morris, 48, will see Australian celebrities slumming it with bare necessities and an unpalatable menu.

Sitcom star? Former 'Two and a Half Men' star Charlie Sheen (pictured) has also been widely speculated

Big names: Legendary actor Michael Richards (left), who played Kramer on Seinfeld, and Hank Azaria (right) who was a lead voiceover man on the Simpson's have also been speculated

And on Friday a sneak peek inside the living environment showed producers are not seemingly not planning on stepping outside the box.

Similar to last season, three canvas stretchers were pictured in the jungle, presumably to be used as beds - with only a lantern as a source of light.

Another snap revealed a common bathing area, that featured a hose positioned on an overhead branch and virtually no privacy.

Welcome to the jungle! I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here! teased fans with a sneak peek of the series' new surrounds in South Africa, in its latest Instagram story on Friday. Pictured are co-hosts Dr Chris Brown, 38, and comedian Julia Morris, 48

Tried-and-tested: It appears producers are not stepping outside the box, when it comes to the celebrities' environment

A seemingly unsteady wooden bridge featured in a following clip, no doubt where some of the show's action will take place.

Contestants will also need to brave the elements according to another clip, captioned: 'Can confirm: very cold.'

While a waterfall, that promises to be 'bigger' this year, will feature as part of the South African landscape.

Basic: One clip captured to the program's Instagram story, saw three canvas stretchers, similar to the previous year's season, acting as beds, with only a lantern as a source of light

Where's the privacy? A following image saw a basic bathing area, with a hose positioned on an overhead branch, failing to give any privacy

Braving the elements: Contestants will also need to brave the elements according to another clip, captioned: 'Can confirm: very cold'

Meanwhile, the food challenges on I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! are known to be stomach churning.

But it seems the bar could be set even higher this year, if hosts Dr Chris Brown, 38, and Julia Morris, 48, are to be trusted.

The popular duo teased an unusual menu while appearing on The Project on Wednesday night. 

'Crouching tiger, hidden fun bag. That's what I'm talking about,' Julia said, only half-joking. 

'The waterfall's a LOT bigger this year': A waterfall, that promises to be 'bigger' than last year, will feature as part of the South African landscape

'Crouching tiger, hidden fun bag': Co-hosts Dr Chris Brown and Julia Morris teased an unusual menu while appearing on Channel Ten's The Project on Wednesday night

Chris promised that there were more weird and wonderful body parts to come, as they recalled Chrissie Swan turning down the challenge to eat ostrich anus, in season one.

Peter Helliar raised the topic, declaring the bird organ his favourite cast member to date.  

Chris then promised that the stakes would be raised this year.

'You remove the ostrich anus, there's still plenty of anatomy left over. And you'll be seeing a lot of that anatomy during the show. There's still a couple of parts we have saved.' 

Bottom of the menu: The co-hosts teased more weird and wonderful body parts are yet to come, as they recalled Chrissie Swan turning down the challenge to eat ostrich anus (pictured), in season one

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