Sex J-Education: CBB's Jedward shock their housemates by talking about having sex on the kitchen table and teach Jamie O'Hara how to put a condom on a banana

  • X Factor twins prove they've grown up with their explicit chat in the CBB house
  • John demonstrates putting on a condom using a banana to Jamie O'Hara
  • Pop stars ask Kim Woodburn if she thinks kitchen table is sturdy enough for sex
  • Brothers risk the wrath of Nicola McLean by flooding the kitchen with soap suds
  • Boys face Friday's double eviction against Kim, Bianca, Jessica and Speidi

Eight years ago they were the innocent teen identical twins that the nation either loved or hated on The X Factor.

But Jedward seem to be all grown up now, if their innuendo-laden Celebrity Big Brother chat is anything to go by.

Last week they were seen enjoying an explicit lap dance from former housemate Chloe Ferry; and this seems to have set the boys' libidos going full-throttle.

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In a clip from Friday night's edition of the show, one of the randy twins is seen perched on the kitchen table, contemplating what he could get up to on it.

Talking to Kim Woodburn, the blonde asks her if she's ever 'had fun' on a kitchen table? 

'As a kid, yes, I used to spin around on them,' Kim said, missing the point. 'If I did it now they'd take me to the asylum.'

Sturdy: CBB's Jedward shock their housemates by talking about having sex on the kitchen table and teach Jamie O'Hara how to put a condom on a banana

Sex J-Education: One of the randy twins is seen perched on the kitchen table, contemplating what he could get up to on it

Lessons in love: Making sure he isn't emasculated in any way by 25-year-old pop star, the former footballer frantically insists that 'I definitely don’t need a lesson in putting on a condom'

'Everyone has fun on kitchen tables,' the twin says, adding: 'Some kitchen tables are a bit small, but this one has a lot of support. It's not going to break. Extra support.'

At this point, he starts banging suggestively on the table, causing glamour model Bianca Gascoigne to exclaim 'well I never'.

The smut doesn't stop there.

John (the 'J' in Jedward) takes it upon himself to demonstrate to Jamie O'Hara how to apply a condom to a banana ornament.

Smutty: Talking to Kim Woodburn, the blonde asks her if she's ever 'had fun' on a kitchen table?

Filthy beggar: John (the 'J' in Jedward) takes it upon himself to demonstrate to Jamie O'Hara how to apply a condom to a banana ornament

Blushing Bianca? At this point, he starts banging suggestively on the table, causing glamour model Bianca Gascoigne to exclaim 'well I never'

Making sure he isn't emasculated in any way by 25-year-old pop star, the former footballer frantically insists that 'I definitely don’t need a lesson in that!'

The explicit demonstration prompts Nicola McLean to comment: 'I do not find that funny.'

Nicola has been reaching the end of her tether with the twins in recent days, having aggressive arguments with them over their tidiness and the way they talk to her.

And things look to explode between them again going by another clip released by Channel 5, showing the boys creating their own foam party in the kitchen.

Feeling randy: The explicit demonstration prompts Nicola McLean to comment: 'I do not find that funny'

The troublesome duo have flooded the sink with soapy bubbles and created somewhere to slide around on the kitchen floor, seen in the clip skimming across the suds in just their underwear.

The double-act - who have also revealed they have taken 74 jackets into the CBB compound between them -  are sure to lock horns with Nicola over this, as tensions have been rising steadily between them as time has crept on.

On Thursday’s instalment of Celebrity Big Brother Nicola blew up with Jedward after an emotional day, labeling the twins ‘f***ing p***ks’ in an aggressive tirade.

After a trying day, which saw the housemates turn down the chance to speak with loved ones, the WAG, 35, screamed at the twins, saying they ‘talk so much b****cks!’ 

Mean girl? On Thursday’s instalment of CBB Nicola McLean blew up with Jedward after an emotionally trying day, labeling the twins ‘f***ing p***ks’ in an aggressive tirade

During an emotionally trying day which saw the housemates tempted to sacrifice their shopping budget for messages from home, Nicola was clearly feeling fragile.

After telling Edward Grimes that she thought the twins were trying to ‘stir something up’, she let herself be goaded by the former X Factor flop’s twin brother John.

Seemingly making an innocuous comment regarding Nicola’s make-up, John appeared to push Nicola over the edge.

Screaming at the Irish star: ‘You talk so much b*llocks! Why don’t you say ‘Nicola you look bad?’ I don’t give a f**k how I look!’

Talking rubbish? After a trying day, which saw the housemates turn down the chance to speak with loved ones, the WAG, 35, blew-up at the twins, saying they ‘talk so much b****cks!’

‘Don’t be so passive aggressive! Then people won’t get mad at you.’

As John tried to calm Nicola down, she exploded with rage, shouting: ‘Go f*** yourself! People aren’t interested!’

When he was joined by his twin, Nicola continued her rant – despite the boys trying to placate her by calling her a ‘classy lady’.

‘You’re a little p***k when you behave like this,’ she shouted at John as he and his brother attempted to calm her down.

Too much? After telling Edward Grimes that she thought the twins were trying to ‘stir something up’, she let herself be goaded by the former X Factor flop’s twin brother John

You talk so much b*llocks! Why don’t you say ‘Nicola you look bad?’ I don’t give a f**k how I look!’: Nicola screamed at John after he made a comment about her changing her make-up 

Blowing up: As John tried to calm Nicola down, she exploded with rage, shouting: ‘Go f*** yourself! People aren’t interested!’

But as they continued to diffuse the situation she kept her tirade up, shouting: ‘It’s not my f***ing problem what you think of me, my class or my eye make-up!’

Having had enough of the argument, on-looker Calum Best asked the twins to leave Nicola alone, saying: ‘It’s been a long day, everyone’s on edge. Just leave it and tomorrow everything will be ok.’

However, it seems as though Nicola couldn’t forget about the argument, as she later vented her frustrations over being trapped in the house with the twins.

Peacemaker: Calum Best asked the twins to leave Nicola alone, saying: ‘It’s been a long day, everyone’s on edge. Just leave it and tomorrow everything will be ok.’

‘I just don’t like f***ing living with them': It seems as though Nicola couldn’t forget about the argument, as she later vented her frustrations over being trapped in the house with the twins

Sitting down in the Diary Room Nicola confessed that she was ‘stuggling’ in the house – venting her emotions.

‘I just don’t like f***ing living with them,’ she spat. ‘They know what they’re saying. They’re looking for a reaction and then I always give it to them.

‘They just annoy me so much. They keep prodding me. They’re robotic so they’re not going to blow, and I’m an emotional wreck who is always ready to blow.’

Clearly struggling with the day and its emotional toll, the former glamour model started to break down, explaining: ‘I’m real, I’m here and I’m struggling.’ 

Had enough? She added: ‘They just annoy me so much. They keep prodding me. They’re robotic so they’re not going to blow, and I’m an emotional wreck who is always ready to blow’

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