'I'm good now': Khloe Kardashian helps Jill whose parents died as teen lose 30 pounds on Revenge Body

Khloe Kardashian helped a woman who lost both her parents as a teen lose weight and regain her personality on Wednesdays' episode of Revenge Body.

The 32-year-old reality star assigned a trainer and nutritionist to Jillian 'Jill' Perih on the E! reality show.

Jill during her initial meeting with Khloe revealed that her father who was on blood thinner medication died when she was aged 14 after striking his head on a pipe.

Reality star: Khloe Kardashian tried to help a pair of women lose weight on Thursday's episode of Revenge Body

She said that a year later her mother was in a fatal car accident.

The Pennsylvania native said that after her parents died she gained 15 to 20 pounds.

She lost the weight during her freshman year at UCLA and was enjoying life at the prestigious university.

'Then I was raped,' Jill told Khloe and afterward she gained close to 70 pounds.

Emotional eater: Jill revealed that she became an emotional eater after the death of her parents as a teenager

Sexual assault: Khloe listened as Jill also revealed that she gained weight after being sexually assaulted in college

Jill told how she was taken from a Hollywood nightclub while out with friends and driven 12 miles away to a seedy hotel and sexually assaulted.

She told Khlow how she stopped going to school and working out but started eating.

Khloe told Jill she could relate as her father Robert Kardashian died when she was a teenager.

Parental loss: The Keeping Up With The Kardashians star told Jill she could relate to parental loss as her father Robert Kardashian died when she was a teenager

The Keeping Up With The Kardashians said to cope with his death she would 'drink or turn to food'.

'I spiraled for like three years,' Khloe admitted.

Jill said she wanted a revenge body for her older sister who took care of her following the death of their parents.

Sister tribute: Jill said she wanted a revenge body for her older sister who took care of her after their parents died

Khloe also assigned a trainer to New Delhi, India native Sukhda Anand.

Celebrity trainer Latreal 'La' Mitchell gained little traction with under-achieving Sukhda after six weeks.

La after a meeting with Khloe told Sukhda that she had to let her go.

Under achieved: Sukhda Anand was assigned to celebrity trainer Latreal 'La' Mitchell

Little traction: There was little noticeable difference with Sukhda after six weeks

'Up to you,' Sukhda told her.

'I know,' La told her as she confirmed there would be no big reveal for Sukhda.

Jill expressed early doubt about the 12-week dance-oriented workouts planned by celebrity trainer Simone De La Rue.

End of journey: La informed Sukhda that it was the end of the journey

She tried: The celebrity trainer tried but Sukhda was constantly tardy and failed to workout outside of their sessions

'I need somebody who is going to kick my butt to a new level,' Jill said.

Simone assured Jill that she's transformed 'a lot of bodies' and Jill committed to the plan.

Jill then was put through a grueling set of exercises by Simone.

Dance body: Simone was challenged by Jill who felt her workouts wouldn't achieve results

'She's kicking my a** and I feel like a total jerk that I even had these thoughts,' Jill said.

Khloe then teamed Jill with her nutritionist Cynthia Pasquella.

Jill told Cynthia about her sexual assault and how she 'never really got over that.'

Nutrition expert: Cynthia Pasquella set up Jill with a nutrition plan

Cynthia shared that she was abused by a family member as a girl and asked Jill to consider forgiving her attacker to let go of the hate.

Jill emotionally forgave her assaulter with Cynthia guiding her along.

'I pride myself on not hating anyone,' Jill said later.

Emotional moment: Jill with Cynthia's guidance forgave her attacker

It's working: The workouts were working and Jill told the camera she was feeling better

It works: Simone put Jill through tough dance-inspired workouts

Jill then got a fitting for her cocktail party from stylist Shun Nelson.

Hair color specialist Sarah Conner also dyed her hair and stylist Etienne Ortega gave her a fresh trim.

Celebrity makeup artist Ashley Holm also gave Jill a makeover.

Color specialist: Sarah Conner gave Jill a fresh look with a dye job

Jill wowed her sister during her reveal and thanked her for taking her in as her own daughter after their parents died.

'I'm good now. I just finally let go and I'm ready to start my new life,' Jill told her sister.

The sisters then shared a giant hug. 

Tender moment: Jill during her reveal thanked her sister for all of her support

Big hug: The sisters hugged after Jill assured her sister that she was good now

Jill lost 30 pounds during her 12-week adventure.

An update said that Jill has since quit her job and joined Simone as an assistant.

Revenge Body With Khloe Kardashian will return next week on the E! network.

The reveal: Jill wore a sexy white dress that showed her toned legs during her reveal

Going strong: An update said that Jill quit her job and was now Simone's assistant

Hot yoga: Sukhda since leaving the show found hot yoga and has lost three dress sizes 

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