Workers Struggles

Maryland Democrat vetoes $15 county-wide minimum wage bill

By Nick Barrickman, 26 January 2017

Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett said the requirement would place the county at a “competitive disadvantage” in relation to other state jurisdictions.

Australia: Union hails “cooperation” with Alcoa after government subsidy

By Frank Gaglioti and Will Morrow, 26 January 2017

The federal and state handouts will depend on Alcoa and the Australian Workers Union cutting workers’ wages and conditions.

Opposition parties feign support for New Zealand mine disaster families

By Tom Peters, 26 January 2017

The Labour Party and its allies, including the trade union bureaucracy, are complicit in the unsafe conditions that led to the 2010 Pike River tragedy.

Striking British Airways cabin crew explain appalling work contract

By Josh Arkos, 24 January 2017

The WSWS spoke to striking British Airways cabin crew at their picket at Hatton Cross Metro station last week during a 72-hour strike.

Illinois AFSCME sets strike authorization vote

By George Gallanis, 21 January 2017

If a strike is called, the AFSCME leadership will do everything in its power to quickly end it.

Support the striking bus drivers in Hesse, Germany!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Germany), 21 January 2017

The strike by Hesse bus drivers is significant because millions of workers in Germany, Europe and throughout the world suffer under similar conditions.

Australia: Latrobe Valley residents denounce corporate onslaught

By our correspondents, 21 January 2017

WSWS reporters spoke to workers about the escalating attacks on jobs and wages, and existing high levels of unemployment and poverty in the region.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 21 January 2017

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Three Florida construction workers killed on the job

By Matthew Taylor, 19 January 2017

The three employees of a private utilities contractor were killed when they were exposed to a poisonous mixture of hydrogen sulfide and methane gas in an underground drainage ditch.

Dayton transit workers set to vote on sellout contract

By Shannon Jones, 17 January 2017

Published details of the agreement include a major attack on health care benefits and a derisory pay increase.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 17 January 2017

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Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 14 January 2017

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 13 January 2017

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Government and employers attack striking apparel workers in Bangladesh

By Wimal Perera, 13 January 2017

The repression is aimed at preventing a broader eruption by workers against their appalling living and working conditions.

Union reaches deal, moves to end Dayton, Ohio transit strike

By Vernon Stevens, 12 January 2017

Transit workers, who have not had a raise since 2014, will be voting on the agreement, which undoubtedly contains major concession on pay and out-of-pocket health expenses.

Newfoundland fishers consider disaffiliating from Unifor

By Carl Bronski, 12 January 2017

Fishers have cited many examples of the FFAW-Unifor apparatus feathering its own nest at the expense of the workers.

Dayton, Ohio transit workers strike over wages, health care

By Shannon Jones, 10 January 2017

The walkout by 463 drivers and mechanics is the first by transit workers in Dayton in nearly 60 years.

University of California support staff in one-day strike

By Evelyn Rios, 10 January 2017

The strike affects all 10 UC campuses and five medical centers throughout the system.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 10 January 2017

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Strikes in transport and other sectors to hit the UK

By Robert Stevens, 9 January 2017

The series of strikes points to a nascent rebellion by workers against the efforts of the trade unions to suppress opposition to the onslaught on jobs and wages.

As contract expiration nears, union moves to block fight by New York transit workers

By Alan Whyte, 9 January 2017

Transport Workers Union Local 100 officials have praised state Democrats who have overseen the attack on workers’ wages and pensions.

Four dead, 1,000 arrested as demonstrations continue across Mexico

By Eric London, 7 January 2017

With the police cracking down on demonstrations, the trade unions and bourgeois “left” are struggling to contain the growing protest movement.

Protest by Illinois auto parts workers wins broad support on Facebook

By Shannon Jones, 7 January 2017

In a confrontation recorded on video, plant management called police on protesting workers after robbing them of promised severance pay.

UK: Janitors and IT workers at Glasgow City Council face common struggle

By Minnie Watson, 7 January 2017

Unison aims to keep the Glasgow disputes separate from the identical threats facing the numerous council workers and Unison members in every single local authority in Britain.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 7 January 2017

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Strikes spread in Mexico, thousands of police deployed to capital

By Neil Hardt, 6 January 2017

The trade unions and the National Regeneration Movement (Morena) are being mobilized to strangle the growing movement against cuts in gas subsidies.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 6 January 2017

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Build rank-and-file committees

Fight GM layoffs! Defend the right to a job!

By the WSWS Autoworker Newsletter, 5 January 2017

The World Socialist Web Site Autoworker Newsletter has issued the following statement to General Motors workers in the wake of the announcement of mass layoffs by the Detroit-based automaker.

Protests against gas price hikes spread across Mexico

By Eric London, 5 January 2017

The Mexican government’s decision to cut gas subsidies has provoked widespread demonstrations, road blockades and gas station occupations, sparking fears within the ruling class of a social explosion.

As strike enters third month

Momentive workers fight Trump’s billionaire appointee Schwarzman

By Philip Guelpa, 3 January 2017

The 700 striking workers at Momentive Performance Materials will be among the first to experience the full force of the Trump administration’s viciously anti-working class policies.

Workers Struggles: the Americas

By , 3 January 2017

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US railroads demand concessions from 145,000 workers

By Jeff Lusanne, 31 December 2016

Freight railroads in the US, bolstered by the government, are demanding cuts to health care and working conditions from workers.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 31 December 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 30 December 2016

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More layoffs at Bombardier in Germany

By Dietmar Henning, 28 December 2016

Social Democratic leader Sigmar Gabriel is trying to prevent a strike and class struggles developing in 2017, when federal elections will take place.

Australia: Sacked brewery workers return after union “productivity” deal

By Chris Sadlier, 24 December 2016

The unions have repeatedly boasted of their role in boosting productivity and profitability at the CUB plant.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 24 December 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 23 December 2016

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Sri Lanka: Political lessons of the Hambantota port strike

By the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka), 21 December 2016

Colombo’s military repression of the eight-day strike points to the urgent need to build a revolutionary leadership of the working class.

UK government denounces strike wave

By Robert Stevens, 20 December 2016

The strikes are indicative of growing opposition to years of attacks by successive British governments and are part of a growing movement of the working class throughout Europe.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 20 December 2016

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Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 17 December 2016

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UK Southern Rail strike continues as British Airways cabin crew vote to strike

By Richard Tyler, 16 December 2016

The Conservative government is planning to pass legislation against strikes on the rail network in response to the determined struggle by Southern Rail workers.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 16 December 2016

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Sri Lankan port minister threatens to sack striking workers

By our reporters, 14 December 2016

The government’s repression of the Magampura Port workers is a warning to the whole working class.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 13 December 2016

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Sharp Professional Nurses Network union rams through concessionary contract

By Seb Gomez, 10 December 2016

Having called off a strike hours before it was set to begin, the Sharp Professional Nurses Network pushed through a new sellout contract.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 10 December 2016

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 6 December 2016

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UK: Veolia sacks binmen for helping elderly man

By Paul Mitchell, 3 December 2016

Veolia’s vindictive actions will come as no surprise to millions of workers.

San Diego nurses work without contract after union blocks Sharp Healthcare strike

By Marko Leone, 3 December 2016

As part of the deal calling off the walkout by more than 3,000 nurses, the union secured an agreement from management giving it authority to collect dues from new nurses.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 2 December 2016

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Pittsburgh Symphony musicians’ strike ends with pay cuts and concessions

By Samuel Davidson, 1 December 2016

After a 55-day strike, musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra were forced to accept concessions as part of a broader assault on music, art and education throughout the country.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 29 November 2016

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GE Appliances workers in Louisville, Kentucky reject concessions deal

By Shannon Jones, 26 November 2016

Despite the significant rejection vote, the IUE–CWA has not called a strike and is instead seeking further meetings with management.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 26 November 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 25 November 2016

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Unions, aided by the pseudo-left, push through poverty-level wage deals

Lessons of the Harvard University Dining Services strike

By Mike Ingram, 23 November 2016

The strike by Harvard dining workers provides political lessons for others facing poverty-level wage deals negotiated by the unions with the support of ostensibly left organizations.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 22 November 2016

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Barnard College contingent faculty vote on strike authorization

By Sandy English, 19 November 2016

Part-time and temporary faculty at Columbia University’s Barnard College in New York City began voting on a strike authorization this week.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 19 November 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 18 November 2016

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Philadelphia transit workers must reject sellout deal

By Alan Whyte, 17 November 2016

Nearly 5,000 Philadelphia transit workers are voting on a sellout deal this Friday, after the union shut down their six-day strike on the eve of Election Day.

Pittsburgh Symphony musician strike longest in history

By Evan Winters and Samuel Davidson, 15 November 2016

On November 15, the strike will surpass the 46-day strike of 1975, the only other in the orchestra's history.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 15 November 2016

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Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 12 November 2016

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Pittsburgh symphony musicians continue strike against wage cuts and job losses

By Samuel Davidson, 11 November 2016

Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra musicians have been on strike for over a month against management demands for a 15 percent pay cut, the elimination defined pension benefits and a reduction the size of the orchestra.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 11 November 2016

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Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 9 November 2016

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To boost Clinton, unions shut down Philadelphia transit strike

By Alan Whyte, 8 November 2016

The Transport Workers Union ended the six-day shutdown of the Philadelphia transit system Monday morning in order to bolster Clinton’s electoral prospects in the pivotal state of Pennsylvania.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 5 November 2016

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California state workers to vote on strike authorization

By Dan Conway, 4 November 2016

The union fears that a strike will cut across its support for the Democratic Brown administration and the Democratic Party.

Sri Lanka: Deeside plantation workers form action committee

By our correspondents, 4 November 2016

The committee’s establishment is an important step toward breaking from the trade unions, which function as industrial police for big business and the government.

Australia: Hazelwood power station closure threatens thousands of jobs

By Oscar Grenfell, 4 November 2016

The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union is seeking to impose an “orderly closure” of the plant.

UK: South Yorkshire cleaning workers continue strike

By Barry Mason, 4 November 2016

The three cleaning workers’ strike is being isolated by the trade unions.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 4 November 2016

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Workers Struggles: the Americas

By , 1 November 2016

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Strikes end at Libbey Glass in Ohio and Jim Beam in Kentucky

By Shannon Jones, 29 October 2016

The strikes by glassmakers and distillery workers are part of a nationwide uptick in strike activity that reflects a growing spirit of resistance.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 29 October 2016

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“They are picking on the most vulnerable sections of society”

Blue Cross retirees stage picket over health care cuts

By Shannon Jones, 28 October 2016

Scores of retirees protested in downtown Detroit Thursday to oppose management's attempts to slash their health care benefits.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 28 October 2016

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SAG-AFTRA picketers discuss strike, US elections

By Marc Wells, 26 October 2016

SAG-AFTRA video games actors went on strike Monday for better pay, safety and transparency.

Musicians speak out at concert to support Pittsburgh Symphony strike

By Evan Winters, 26 October 2016

Members of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, together with other musicians and PSO students, played to hundreds of people in person and thousands more online.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 25 October 2016

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Union ends strike at Pennsylvania state campuses, pushes concessions

By Samuel Davidson, 22 October 2016

Union leaders ordered 5,500 striking faculty and coaches to take down picket lines Friday, caving in to management demands for salary and benefit cuts.

SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike

By Marc Wells, 22 October 2016

Video games actors went on strike Friday against several large corporations for better pay, safety, transparency.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 22 October 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 21 October 2016

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Five thousand faculty strike at Pennsylvania state campuses

By Samuel Davidson and Douglas Lyons, 20 October 2016

The strike by Pennsylvania faculty is an expression of growing social opposition among different sections of workers in the run-up to the US election.

Ohio glass workers discuss strike with SEP presidential candidate Jerry White

By a WSWS reporting team, 20 October 2016

Workers in the second week of their strike against the multinational glass maker are determined to resist further attacks on working conditions, health insurance and pay.

Philadelphia transit workers vote to strike

By Alan Whyte, 19 October 2016

Nearly 6,000 bus, subway and trolley operators, cashiers and mechanics have voted to stop work if a new labor agreement is not reached by October 31.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 18 October 2016

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Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 15 October 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 14 October 2016

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Minnesota nurses’ union seeks to ram through concessions contract

By Anthony Bertolt and Matt Rigel, 12 October 2016

The WSWS calls on nurses to reject the sellout contract and combine this rejection with a political mobilization of the working class in the Minneapolis/St. Paul area and beyond.

UK: Southern GTR railworkers strike

By Michael Barnes, 12 October 2016

Rail workers’ determined resistance has been sabotaged at every stage.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

By , 11 October 2016

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Harvard dining hall workers continue strike

By Mike Ingram, 10 October 2016

Harvard University Dining Services workers are continuing their strike over health care and wages, the first since 1983.

Workers Struggles: Asia, Australia and the Pacific

By , 8 October 2016

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Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

By , 7 October 2016

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