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Al-Shabab claims to have killed dozens of Kenyan troopsArmed group says it killed 57 soldiers at an army base in Somalia, while Kenya says "scores" of fighters were killed.


Turkey threatens to cancel Greece migration deal         Latin America

Trump wants 20 percent import tax to pay for wall            Special series

Iraq: A Deadly Deception       Donald Trump

Trump's first week: Executive overdrive   by James Reinl

           War & Conflict

 Week in Pictures: From women's marches to Somalia blast    Politics

The making and breaking of Europe    Brexit

Why a hard Brexit will cost the UK more than Europe by  Remi Piet

     Donald Trump

Fake Trump tweets filling up Chinese social media by  Bo Gu

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   Trump wants 20 percent import tax to pay for wall


   Trump's first week: Executive overdrive


   Fake Trump tweets filling up Chinese social media


   Trump to blame as doomsday draws closer, scientists say


   Turkey threatens to cancel Greece migration deal


   Al-Shabab claims to have killed dozens of Kenyan troops


   Iraq: A Deadly Deception


   Why a hard Brexit will cost the UK more than Europe


   Obama and Black Lives Matter: An epilogue


   The tragedy of Egypt's stolen revolution

          VIDEO     FEATURED  NEWS  DOCUMENTARIES  SHOWS  SHORTS                          101 East Afghanistan: Taliban At The Gates19 hours ago        Special series Iraq: A Deadly Deception3 hours ago        People & Power Cote d'Ivoire: Partial Justiceyesterday        Al Jazeera World ISIL in Brussels2 days ago        REWIND What became of Egypt's Arab Spring activists? 3 days ago        rebel education Uganda's School for Life: Educating out of Poverty4 days ago        The Stream Children for sale2 days ago        Witness Australia: Creating a Nationlast year        Talk to Al Jazeera Gabriela Michetti: 'We told the truth' 6 days ago        Counting the Cost Global inequality: Bridging the gap6 days ago           Inside Story Is Cameroon persecuting its English speakers?12 hours ago        Inside Story Will Brexit still mean Brexit?yesterday        Inside Story Is Donald Trump against free trade?2 days ago        Inside Story Can Astana talks be turning point to end Syria war?3 days ago        Inside Story What hinders the smooth transfer of power in Africa?4 days ago        The Listening Post Obama and the media: Freedom v unprecedented intrusion5 days ago        The Listening Post America's media under Trump: An ominous start5 days ago        Inside Story Trump: Targeting Barack Obama's legacy?5 days ago        Talk to Al Jazeera Gabriela Michetti: 'We told the truth' 6 days ago        The Listening Post The future of journalism under President Trump6 days ago           Special series Iraq: A Deadly Deception3 hours ago        101 East Afghanistan: Taliban At The Gates19 hours ago        People & Power Cote d'Ivoire: Partial Justiceyesterday        Al Jazeera World ISIL in Brussels2 days ago        REWIND What became of Egypt's Arab Spring activists? 3 days ago        101 East Vietnam's Tech Rushlast week        People & Power Hong Kong's Localist Revolutionarieslast week        Street Food A taste of migration: Penang's multi-culinary heritagelast week        Al Jazeera World Divorce in Lebanonlast week        REWIND Crisis in the Horn of Africa: Somalia's Faminelast week       02:57      Kenya's slum DJ shows us around Kibera2 days ago    03:32      Morocco's Mute Stowaway3 weeks ago    08:19      Finding my family after 44 years in prisonlast month    03:16      Tasneem's New Hand3 months ago    04:29      The Rescued Film Project3 months ago    04:10      The Kushti Fighters of Dubai8 months ago    03:28      Teaching Pakistan's poor how to read and write8 months ago    05:39      India's Menstruation Man8 months ago    05:49      My disability won't stop me from being a mom8 months ago    04:14      The Syrian Refugee Giving Back to Germany8 months ago       01:41      Exclusive: Al Jazeera interviews Michael Keating, UN special representative for Somalia1 hour ago    01:46      US: Retail shops lose out to thriving online market2 hours ago    01:57      China: Celebrations begin for “Year of the Rooster”3 hours ago    02:37      Historic centre of Peruvian capital in ruins4 hours ago    02:09      Trump wants 20 percent import tax to pay for wall7 hours ago    02:30      Concerns raised in UK ahead of British PM’s Trump meeting7 hours ago    02:24      Melbourne wakes up to homelessness crisis8 hours ago    01:59      Chile: 1,500 homes destroyed as forest fires rage8 hours ago    02:01      Yemen could face famine, says UN aid chief6 hours ago    02:25      Lebanon launches campaign to save the Cedar tree9 hours ago        Opinion    The US embassy's move to Jerusalem won't happen soon   by Daoud Kuttab

      Obama and Black Lives Matter: An epilogue   by Danielle Fuentes Morgan 

      Why a hard Brexit will cost the UK more than Europe   by Remi Piet

      Astana: What talks?   by Malak Chabkoun

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     Khora community centre for Greece's refugeesWith more than 62,000 refugees unable to move on, civil society and solidarity groups fill gap where the state fails.

     Australia Day protesters commemorate 'Invasion Day'Indigenous Australians protest against the national holiday, which they say marks their dispossession and subjugation. 

     Iraqi Christians return to ISIL's wreckageIraqi forces retook Qaraqosh from ISIL late last year, but for residents finally returning home, the ordeal continues.

    PreviousNext        follow us on instagram @aljazeera

        United States     The US embassy's move to Jerusalem won't happen soon  Trump's first week: Executive overdrive  Obama and Black Lives Matter: An epilogue  Trump wants 20 percent import tax to pay for wall     Middle East    Syria's Civil War

The transience of memory in times of warFrom Lebanon to Syria, Niam Itani's documentary Twice Upon A Time explores war through the eyes of a child.

    by Zineb Abdessadok

           Battle for Mosul

 Mosul University after ISIL: Damaged but defiantFaculty and students of Mosul University, which was recently retaken from ISIL, vow to save its legacy. 

    by Campbell MacDiarmid


The tragedy of Egypt's stolen revolutionSix years on, Egypt's new authoritarianism has utilised various tactics, including repression and judicial manipulation.

    by Amr Hamzawy

         Battle for Jerusalem

Trump's embassy move to Jerusalem 'self-destructive'Trump's gamble in moving the US embassy to Jerusalem will have horrific and irreversible outcomes. 

    by Ramzy Baroud


Looking to the future on Syria StreetNew project tells the stories of ordinary people affected by violence and poverty in the Lebanese city of Tripoli.

    by Olivia Alabaster

           Africa   Week in Pictures: From women's marches to Somalia blast Al-Shabab claims to have killed dozens of Kenyan troopsGambia's President Barrow arrives home Profile: Adama Barrow, The Gambia's new president    Latin America   Chile's worst wildfires in history display thousands Week in Pictures: From women's marches to Somalia blastTrump wants 20 percent import tax to pay for wallFloods lash Bolivia and Peru    Europe   Czech court rejects suit over school veil ban The making and breaking of EuropeRussian MPs back easing punishment for domestic abuseWeek in Pictures: From women's marches to Somalia blast                 News  Programmes  Opinion  About  Investigations  Contact Us  Video    Facebook  Twitter  Google+  RSS  Podcast  YouTube  SnapChat             About   About Us  Press Office  Awards  Code of Ethics  Terms and Conditions  Community Guidelines  Work for us     Connect   Contact Us  Apps  Social  Channel Finder  TV Schedule  Podcasts  Newsletter     Our Channels   AJ+  Al Jazeera Arabic  Al Jazeera Balkans  Al Jazeera Turk  Al Jazeera Mubasher  Al Jazeera Documentary     Our Network   Al Jazeera Centre for Public Liberties & Human Rights  Al Jazeera Center for Studies  Al Jazeera Forum  Al Jazeera Media Training & Development Centre  Al Jazeera Film Festival  Al Jazeera Learning  Al Jazeera Hotel Partners      © 2017 Al Jazeera Media Network

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