
Six kilo 'big, chubby baby' boy born in Victoria

Natashia Corrigan always wanted a "big, chubby baby" but she wasn't expecting to push out a six kilo one on Tuesday.

Brian Liddle jnr, who arrived at 9.44am, is the heaviest baby born at the Mercy Hospital for Women in Heidelberg, and possibly the biggest born in the state.

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6.06kg newborn surprises Melbourne mother

'I dreamed of a little fat baby': Brian jnr was born weighing in at over 6kgs to a pair of surprised parents. Video courtesy Seven News, Melbourne.

Weighing 6.06 kilograms or 13.2 pounds and stretching 57 centimetres long, he weighs double the average birth weight and the same as an average five-month-old boy.

"I never, ever thought he'd be that big," Ms Corrigan said.

"I expected he'd be 11 [pounds] max. It feels surreal."

The mother-of-four from Preston said her other children were induced, so giving birth naturally was a new experience for her.


"It was scary because his shoulder got stuck,' Ms Corrigan, who only had gas for pain relief, said.

A code pink was called and all the hospital's available doctors came racing into the room.

"I started to panic but luckily my sister and partner helped keep me calm," she said.

"I'm very fortunate he came out safely."

Ms Corrigan said she was grateful to have her partner Brian Liddle and sister Kurriki Ellis by her side during the seven-hour birth.

"Without them I would have panicked and it would have been a lot scarier," she said.

"But I've always wanted a natural labour and I've always believed in mind over matter and positive thought.

"I've always wanted a big, chubby baby and now I've gotten what I want."


Brian jnr doesn't fit into newborn nappies and was too big for the clothes his parents brought to the hospital.

"He fits size zero and infant nappies," Ms Corrigan said. "We had to buy clothes for him at the giftshop."

The new mum laughed when asked about Brian jnr's last name which sounds an awful lot like 'little'.

"He's a big baby with a 'liddle' last name," she joked.

Last year, a mother in India made history when she gave birth to a 6.8 kilogram girl via caesarean section. Previously, the heaviest baby on record was a 6.5 kilogram whopper born in 2014 in Massachusetts.