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Kidspot Things To Do

The family road-trip checklist

Carolyn Tate

Ah, summer: a time for endless school holidays and optimistically planned family road trips.

If there’s one thing you can be sure of on a family road trip, it’s that you’ll get to your destination needing some space, and being less fond of your family than when you started. But that’s okay, because you’re creating memories that will last a lifetime, right?

My brother still likes to reminisce over a family road trip we took when he was seven and I was four. Neither of us recalls where we were going, but we both remember that we were hungry and tired, and that, after enduring a four-hour drive along a winding mountain road, I vomited in my sleeping brother’s hair with only 500 metres to drive to our destination. My father’s brand new car never quite shook the ghost of vomit smell for the six subsequent years he drove it.

Want to avoid those kinds of memories? Follow our Family Road Trip Checklist to create the right kind of holiday memories for your family road trip.





Avoid travel sickness

If your family is prone to travel sickness, take turns sitting in the front seat (sickest person always takes priority – this is no time for fairness), ensure everyone eats regularly, and take some hard lollies to suck (but be wary that they can be a choking hazard for the very young).

Play plenty of games

Do your research and come equipped with some easy-to-play games. Not those dreadful magnetic travel board games where the pieces fly off and lodge themselves under your seat – we’re talking easy games that involve looking out the window, spotting something, and shouting louder than your travel companions.

For a long list of great ideas check out our car games ideas.

Factor in regular stops

Family road trips are no time to try to break land speed records or work to a tight schedule. Take it easy and make regular stops. Stop for toilet breaks, stop for lunch, stop to take a short walk and look at an interesting beach, or tree, or landmark. Basically, take any excuse to get everyone out of the car and away from each other for a while. The one exception to this is if someone is asleep. Never wake a sleeping car traveler – it’s a recipe for grumpiness and resentment.

Play music

Take turns choosing the music. Sure, your children (and if you’re like me, your husband) probably have terrible taste in music, but if you have the chance to make them remotely happy, even for just a little while, why would you not take it? If you’re super lucky you might have one of those whizz-bang cars with speakers in the back, in which case you can crank that up and enjoy some peace in the front.

Come equipped

Bring ear plugs (see ‘Play music’ above if you don’t understand why), pillows, water bottles, favourite (non-noisy) toys, iPods and iPads if you have them, reading materials for those guaranteed not to get travel sick, snacks to keep everyone fed as well as entertained, and cash in case you want to stop somewhere on the way (shops in smaller towns may not accept Paypass just yet). And a note on technology: this is no time to be worrying about how much screen time your children are getting. If it’s the only thing that will work, for goodness’ sake, use it!

Remember, life isn’t just about the destination, it’s about the journey. With a bit of preparation, your family will arrive at their destination rested, happy, and still wanting to spend the holiday together.