
Fram Wikipǣdian
Gān tō: þurhfōr, sēcan

Grēneland is micel īeg in norðum Atlantiscum gārsecge. Hit is Denemearces dǣl and wæs oþ 1953 Denemearces scīr.

Rīcu in Norðamerican
Antīga and Barbūda | Bahamas | Barbados | Belīs | Canada | Costa Rīca | Cuba | Dominica | Dominicisce Cynewīse | Se Neriend | Grenēda | Guatemala | Haīti | Hondūras | Iamaica | Mexico | Nicaragua | Panama | Sanctus-Christophes and Nefis | Sancte Lucīa | Sanctus-Finsent and þā Grenadingas | Þrines and Tobāgo | Geānedan Rīcu
Nēatlandu: Anguilla | Arūba | Bermuda | Bryttiscan Fæmne Īegland | Cægman Īegland | Grēneland | Guadelūp | Martinīc | Montserrat | Nafāssa-Īeg | Niðerlandisc Antilles | Port Rīce | Sanctus-Petrus and Micelong | Turcas and Caicos Īegland | G.R. Fæmne Īegland