The Dissenter

Chelsea Manning supporters deliver over 115,000 signatures to the Secretary of the Army, demanding they drop administrative charges against her. Photo by Demand Progress.
10 Aug 2016

Chelsea Manning Supporters Demand Army End Punishment For Surviving Suicide Attempt

Supporters of US military whistleblower Chelsea Manning and one of her attorneys demanded the Army drop administrative charges brought against her.

Green Party presidential candidate, Dr. Jill Stein, with supporters in Arizona. Photo by Gage Skidmore.
09 Aug 2016

Media Scrambles To Discourage Sanders Supporters From Voting Jill Stein

The Green Party convention influenced another round of snide commentary for daring to give voters an alternative to Clinton.

Hillary Clinton addresses Iran nuclear deal in September 2015 (Photo by Brookings Institution)
07 Aug 2016

Neoconservatives And Clinton Manufacture Fear Of Russian Influence In Election

There has been no specific evidence put forward by anyone in any of the United States security agencies or the Democratic National Committee to prove the Russian government was behind a hack, which led to WikiLeaks publishing incredibly embarrassing emails from the DNC. But that has not stopped the Democrats and

Demonstrators at the Bernie Sanders rally in Philadelphia during the DNC Convention. Photo by Victoria Pickering on Flickr.
05 Aug 2016

An American Child’s Primer For The US Presidential Election

See the Republican. Voters are angry. He feeds off their anger. Voters are scared. He feeds off their fear. He watches himself on tv. This would make a good tv show.


The Bullpen

Secretary Clinton and Chelsea Clinton Participate in the Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting. Photo by US Department of State on Flickr.
10 Aug 2016

New Emails Show Scheme Between Clinton Foundation And State Department

Emails revealed during a FOIA lawsuit show a corrupt relationship between the Clinton Foundation and the Hillary Clinton-led US State Department.

Hillary 5 "short-circuits" in response to questions about FBI investigation into her emails.
08 Aug 2016

Hillary Clinton Tries Again On Email Lie, Says She ‘Short-Circuited’

Hillary Clinton claims FBI Director James Comey said he had no evidence she lied, and that somehow means he is saying she was truthful about her email use.

"Jabhat al Nusra uses the Shahada on black background as its logo" — Tom Spender (@tomspend) on Twitter.
04 Aug 2016

Al Qaeda In Syria Rebrands

In an interview with CNN, the spokesman for Al-Nusra/Al-Sham said the “new” group will continue to focus solely on Syria and has no plans to attack the US.


Sharp Edges

The former US embassy in Tehran. Photo by Ă–rlygur Hnefill on Flickr.
08 Aug 2016

Bigotry Against Muslims In 2016 Election Rooted In American History

Historically, animus against Muslims in the U.S. has existed since they first lived in the United the country.

Protesters marched from City Hall to the Wells Fargo Center where Hillary Clinton was nominated as the Democratic Presidential candidate. Photo by susanmelkisethian on Flickr.
29 Jul 2016

Media Collusion Revealed In DNC Leak Shows Why Change Must Come From Outside The Party

A new movement cannot be beholden to those who continue to thwart necessary efforts for change in our lifetimes.

22 Jul 2016

‘We Are The Left’ Seeks To Diversify A Broken System

While leftists radically examine and work to undermine the status quo, those behind We Are The Left have worked to maintain it.

Istanbul airport after failed military coup. Photo by Eser KaradaÄź on Flickr.
18 Jul 2016

Delete Your Account – Episode 8: Coups Don’t Bring Democracy

Roqayah and Kumars talk to Mehmet Yuksel of Turkey’s People’s Democratic Party, which strongly opposed both ErdoÄźan’s policies and the military coup.


The Next Cold War

CIA Headquarters in Langley, VA (via Wikimedia)
09 Aug 2016

Morell: US Should Kill Iranians and Russians in Syria; Trump Was Recruited by Putin

Next Cold War 8/9/16 Syrian rebels, led by al Nusra (aka al Qaeda aka Fatah al-Sham) reversed the siege situation in Aleppo as part of a long-planned and major offensive heavily supplied by foreign powers. There are some curious reports and contradictions about the extent of the involvement of Turkey,

Battle Map of Aleppo, August, 2016 (By Kami888 via Wikimedia, CC BY-SA 3.0)
05 Aug 2016

Syrian War Reaches Critical Point For All Parties

Syrian opposition forces assembled an army of rebel fighters from different fronts and launched an offensive they call the “Great Battle of Aleppo.”

AV-8B Harrier on the flight deck of amphibious assault ship USS Wasp. June, 2016. (US Navy)
02 Aug 2016

Bombing Mission in Libya; Coup Plotters Called JCS Dunford; Incirlik Protests

Next Cold War Roundup 8/2/16 A new US airstrike mission was launched in Sirte, Libya. President Obama authorized a 30-day mission and the Pentagon spokesman said the mission had “no end date.” JCS chair Gen. Dunford traveled to Turkey for meetings. Tales of the Turkish coup attempt and its aftermath


Prison Protest

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness? Photo by bitzcelt on Flickr.
10 Aug 2016

Survey Finds Crime Victims Overwhelmingly Favor Rehabilitation Over Punishment

A survey of US crime victims indicates they favor funding education, jobs, health care, and other services over incarceration by wide margins.

Chase Bank. Photo by thomashawk on Flickr.
06 Aug 2016

JPMorgan Chase To Repay Former Prisoners Forced To Use High-Fee Debit Cards

Chase’s exclusive contract was a “deceptive, fraudulent and illegal scheme” to exploit “one of the most vulnerable groups imaginable.”

Photo from The White House
04 Aug 2016

Obama’s Historic Commutations Obscure Clemency Record

President Barack Obama has pardoned fewer federal prisoners than the past four presidents, including President Ronald Reagan.

Photo by
03 Aug 2016

Watchdog: New York Program For Disabled Inmates In Solitary Confinement Rife With Abuse

A new report by Disability Rights New York finds a rehabilitation program for prisoners in solitary confinement, who have disabilities, is marred by abuse.


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