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Fantastic Beasts' Katherine Waterston career hasn't always been magical

Katherine Waterston has just returned from a long day of filming and looks exhausted as she slips into a back-corner restaurant booth at Claridge's, in the heart of London's Mayfair.

"I'm going to have a martini," she declares in her rich, honeyed voice to an attentive waiter, who hangs on her edict. "There is this gin I had at the bar here last night – and now I'm going to sound like a real drunkard – but it's some kind of aromatic gin and it has a number in it. So if you can find it, I want that with three olives."

When the waiter returns with her drink, proudly announcing his research had concluded she was drinking No. 3 London Dry Gin, Waterston is thrilled as she stirs the olive-skewered toothpick and takes her first sip. 

Nobody in the hotel's dining room has recognised the willowy 36-year-old actor, but that's not surprising, given her most high-profile role to date was back in 2014, when she had what Hollywood likes to call a "moment" in the well received Paul Thomas Anderson film Inherent Vice, with Joaquin Phoenix. 

Inherent Vice, with Joaquin Phoenix. But now her moment has returned, thanks to two huge roles. Later this month, Waterston co-stars with Oscar winner Eddie Redmayne in Fantastic Beasts and How to Find Them – the screenwriting debut of Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling – and next year, she stars in Ridley Scott's drama Alien: Covenant, which recently wrapped up filming in Sydney. 

Waterston reveals that working in blockbusters like these is game changing. "You always feel like you are getting away with something and it can't possibly be right, there must be some kind of mistake.


"I think on these last two, because they were such big films and they meant so much for my career, in a way I had that feeling less, because I probably would have had a nervous breakdown if I had really considered what was happening in my life." 

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them is set in 1926 and follows the adventures of writer Newt Scamander (Redmayne) who has documented an extraordinary array of magical creatures that will one day be featured in a book Harry Potter reads at school. Scamander is passing through New York when some of his beasts escape, enraging the city's secret community of witches and wizards. Waterston plays Tina (short for Porpentina) Goldstein, a witch who's been recently demoted at Macusa – the Magical Congress of the United States of America. She's looking to redeem herself by helping Scamander retrieve his beasts. 

Waterston sheepishly admits that the one skill that didn't come naturally to her for this role was casting spells. "At first I thought, 'Oh sure, how hard could this be?' " she says, rolling her big brown eyes. "And I cockily strutted into this wand workshop session with this wonderful movement instructor and I picked it up and … felt so stupid for about three weeks."

"The first hurdle is to make it feel like it has power and it's not just like a stick I picked up in the woods, so I had to make it heavier. Then I needed tips on how to move it." Still, as she admitted to Entertainment Weekly, "sometimes I'd just pass out at the end of days where I had to do 'magical' things because it feels like learning a foreign language!"

The actor has washed off her make-up and is wearing a simple blue-and-white checked cotton shirt, black pants and no jewellery. Her pixie cut and childlike features give her a youthful look that contrasts with an old-soul sensibility and wry sense of humour. "Should I lie down?" she kids at one point, when asked about her childhood. But she's also quick to play therapist herself when talking about her alter ego in the film. 

"Tina is pretty insecure when you first meet her, because she isn't sure if she has in fact chosen the right path for herself [to be a witch] …" she says, and then pauses. "I am stalling right now, because it sounds so much like the experience of an actor and it's really throwing me." In what way? "That you can at once feel like you have got a hunch you might have something to offer," she continues, "but also a serious conviction that you are no good and you are never going to make it."

Katherine Boyer Waterston, the daughter of actor Sam Waterston and former model Lynn Woodruff, was born in Westminster, England while her father was making a BBC miniseries about American physicist Robert Oppenheimer. She concedes that many lazy biographers have assumed she is English due to her birthplace. "We were only there for a few months," she says.

Waterston's "idyllic" childhood was, in fact, spent in a small town in Connecticut with her three siblings, her older sister Elisabeth, younger brother Graham and half-brother James, from her father's first marriage and 13 years her senior. (Elisabeth and James are actors and Graham a director.) 

She says she discovered her acting aspirations at a young age. "One of my earliest memories was when I was three, going to this full-length mirror in my parents' bathroom and saying into the mirror, 'You are going to be an actress,' " she recalls.

"And it's almost like it wasn't my own voice but was something that just came out of me. I don't know how that idea could have gotten into my head any other way than from having some awareness that my dad was an actor."

Her father, Sam Waterston, was nominated for an Oscar for the 1984 drama The Killing Fields and played District Attorney Jack McCoy on the TV drama Law & Order from 1994 to 2010, so she literally grew up on sets. "When you are the kid of an actor, it's always a very inviting world," Waterston reminisces.

"Everyone is nice to you, the hair and make-up people braid your hair and play with you, and the costume department makes outfits for your teddy bears. It's really misleading, because then when you actually go to pursue a career in acting, you realise that people aren't so friendly."

Waterston studied drama at New York University's Tisch School for the Arts and recalls the painful years following her graduation. "I couldn't even get a job on Law & Order," she says, explaining with embarrassment that her dad would have welcomed her on his show, but she couldn't get past the audition process.

"I'm not kidding, every actor in New York has a Law & Order credit – including my brother, sister and brother-in-law. I'm hyper-sensitive in the [audition] room, so somebody just looks at me wrong and I get paranoid."

After making her feature film debut in Michael Clayton (2007), Waterston appeared in a string of independent films, including Babysitters (2008), Taking Woodstock (2009) and The Factory (2012), and then landed her breakout role in Inherent Vice. After playing Steve Jobs' ex-girlfriend Chrisann Brennan in the 2015 drama Steve Jobs, she managed to beat out everyone from Kate Upton to Saoirse Ronan for a final chemistry test with Eddie Redmayne, already cast in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. 

"By the time it happened, there was so much anticipation and I was really nervous," Waterston admits. "But Eddie was nervous too – so it helps if someone else has a neurotic feeling to get you off your own neuroses!"

Midway through filming Fantastic Beasts in London, Waterston was invited to a meeting with English director Ridley Scott. "I assumed it was a general meeting that actors go to all the time and they usually lead to nothing – but I was happy to just meet him," she recalls. 

"After we'd talked for a while, I was nodding away when he said, 'I think it's going to be a good movie, when are you available?' And I had no idea what he was talking about!"

Scott was offering Waterston a starring role in Alien: Covenant. She raves about her time in Sydney during the shoot. "What I love is that everyone gets in the sea every day and it's one of the most active places I've ever been," she gushes.

But while she loved the lifestyle, the movie itself was more demanding. "What's so disturbing about doing an Alien movie is that people start dying. It was a small cast to begin with, and then one by one, they start leaving town!"

On red carpets, Waterston looks stunningly stylish in designer labels that include Christian Dior and Prada, but she says her own relationship with fashion runs hot and cold. "I really love fashion but I feel like the older I get, the more I am drawn to the basic things in my daily life, because everything else is so goofy and crazy," she says. 

"It scratches the itch to express myself swinging off the side of a ship in Aliens wearing military gear, or swinging a wand around in a flapper dress, but I'd describe my own personal style as more minimal and boring."

There is little information online to suggest that Waterston has had any significant romantic relationships in her past or present but during our chat, she's made a few casual references to "my future children", so I ask if children are part of her plans. 

"Yes, but no one wants to have a baby with me, that's the problem," she blurts out, looking horrified as soon as she says it and then quickly backtracking. "I shouldn't have brought it up, because I can't talk about it."

It's a vulnerable moment that causes her face to flush endearingly and makes me apologise for prying. "It's okay, everything makes me blush," she sighs sweetly

J.K. Rowling has announced that her new franchise will include another four films, thus ensuring that any anonymity Waterston still enjoys will soon be a thing of the past.

How will she cope? "My father gave me the best advice," she says. "His dad said to him when he started getting work in Hollywood in the '60s, 'Showbusiness is like smoking; it won't harm you if you don't inhale, and that is all you need to know.' "

And if that doesn't help, maybe Waterston can whip up a spell to make herself invisible.

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them opens in cinemas on November 17

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