Daily Life


Powerhouse women of the ABC

It's 5.27pm Sydney time and the Taliban has just detonated a car bomb in Afghanistan, wounding dozens outside the national parliament building in Kabul. At the ABC's Ultimo headquarters in Sydney, Jo Puccini, executive producer of flagship current affairs program 7.30, is assessing the unfolding situation. It's two hours to deadline but Puccini is unperturbed. She consults with the program's interview producer, Julia Holman, who is chasing a live interview from Kabul for host Leigh Sales.

"All the phone lines are ringing out," Puccini tells me. Then she spins around to Holman: "Do you need me to make any calls?"

Historically, the news business has been a man's game. But there is a quiet shift underway at the ABC: more women are driving the news agenda, in senior and executive positions, than ever before.

The powerhouse line-up of female presenters and reporters is well known. On screen there's Leigh Sales, Emma Alberici, Virginia Trioli, Sarah Ferguson, Annabel Crabb, Ticky Fullerton and Julia Baird. But behind the scenes, women are in command, too.

The executive producers of all the television current affairs programs are currently women. There's Jo Puccini on 7.30, Sally Neighbour on Four Corners, Lisa Whitby on Lateline, Kellie Mayo on Insiders, Erin Vincent on ABC News Breakfast, outgoing EP Deborah Fleming on Australian Story, and new Foreign Correspondent EP Marianne Leitch.

The news editors in Queensland, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania are women; the Parliament House bureau chief is a woman; and two women job-share the News 24 programs executive producer role, responsible for shows such as The Drum and The World.


On radio, RN Breakfast presenter Fran Kelly is compulsory listening, backed by a female EP, Cathy Bell.

And at the helm is Kate Torney, the first female director of news who was appointed in 2009. She says she tried to avoid the fuss made about her gender, until a female mentor pointed out the game-changing nature of her appointment. "This is the result of a great culture that is led by men and woman," says Torney.

Gathering all the ABC's top female talent in the same room is not easy and there are lengthy email trails about competing schedules before the Sunday Life photo shoot is locked in.

ABC News Breakfast presenter Virginia Trioli arrives first, used to early morning calls. Leigh Sales and Emma Alberici come next, trading stories about sick kids. Four Corners reporter Sarah Ferguson cancels at the last minute, amid good-humoured ribbing that the Gold Walkley winner would rather be on the road than in a make-up chair. Annabel Crabb multitasks - monitoring breaking news on her iPad, then prepping for an interview.

They are all steely-smart. But none fits the cookie-cutter newsreader stereotype that is largely the domain of commercial television. There are no backcombed blonde bobs in sight. Sales is a redhead, Alberici and Trioli are feisty Italian-Australians and Crabb's wild curls require two hairdressers to tame them.

"The ABC is a pretty enlightened place," observes Jo Puccini. Yet drilling down into why there are so many women on top at the ABC is not simple. Everyone has a different view.

Veteran journalist Sally Neighbour credits the accessibility of part-time work. She worked flexibly from home as a freelancer while her son was in primary school and says her time away from full-time work at the ABC did not negatively impact on her career.

"Part-time work is a critical factor," she says. "You can take the time you need and then come back. If and when you are ready to step back into full-time work, it's not held against you and it doesn't derail your career."

Virginia Trioli reels off the names of trailblazing female broadcasters such as Caroline Jones, Maxine McKew and Sue Masters. "It's a particularly purple patch for us at the moment," says Trioli, "but we are simply following in footsteps that have been marked out for us.

"What marks us out as different is that the ABC and people who work at the ABC are very proud of it."

Leigh Sales points to the support of other women. She remembers that when her second son was born, Kate Torney would drop off meals to her home; Sales and Annabel Crabb also regularly pool meals, getting their families together to eat on weekends.

Sales says that to manage two small children and a high-profile career requires a level of organisation that is akin to "military precision", an occasional cleaner and a nanny.

She cooks dinner ahead of time while her sons eat breakfast, often in between an early morning international interview and the 9am editorial meeting.

"But I do feel really supported," she says. "Kate and [ABC managing director] Mark Scott regularly check in, saying, 'is there anything we can do to make life easier?' "

Sales credits the support of her husband of 19 years, Phil Willis. "We realised it has to be all hands on deck," she says. Still, she was anxious when she became pregnant with their first son, a few months after landing the 7.30 job.

"I thought, 'it's going to look like I waited until I got the big job then got knocked up,' " she laughs. "But there was always something going on in my career and [once we started trying] it took a long time."

Jo Puccini has managed her career as well as being a mother of two. She was a researcher for Four Corners, when she was encouraged to take on a producer's role. But she had a young son and didn't want to travel.

"I remember doing a story with [journalist] Liz Jackson and we were in Paris and I just cried, I didn't want to be away from him," she recalls.

As a compromise, Puccini produced two stories each year, then spent the rest of the year in the office as a researcher. "I was lucky to be in an environment where they valued me and were willing to accommodate that."

Puccini works flexible hours. She leaves the office early, at 6pm, two evenings a week and logs back in after her children are in bed. She is up before them, reading the newspapers.

"I'd like to support the next generation of women and encourage them," says Puccini. "Sometimes the quietest people in the office are the ones who work the hardest and often those are women."

Of course, the national broadcaster is no utopia. Currently on the ABC board, there are two women and six men. On the ABC executive, there are four women and eight men - roughly reflecting national figures that show a third of senior management positions are held by women.

And not every female reporter is effusive about ABC management. Last year's controversial cuts to 100 news division jobs and the so-called "hunger games" redundancy process, which pooled journalists and pitted them against each other to compete for their jobs, shook staff confidence.

One former female staffer says television culture is brutal, even at the ABC. She describes an old-fashioned "boys club" where dissent is not welcome. "Some of those women [at the ABC] take no prisoners," she says. "They may as well be men."

Lateline presenter Emma Alberici suggests ambitious women are often treated with derision. She recently told two commercial television executives that she aspired to run a TV station.

"They found it wildly amusing," she says. "In both cases they had started as journalists but there was something amusing about my ambition being similar to theirs."

At the same time, male media bosses make assumptions about what female audiences want - and fail dismally, Alberici says. "The commercial networks all look the same and they are too scared to try anything else. Female audiences are much better educated now and what is being dished up to them is no longer serving them."

The ABC's Europe correspondent from 2008 to 2012, Alberici favours quotas for women in leadership. She points to Norway, which in 2003 mandated that women must make up 40 per cent of company boards.

"We need quotas because we need to get there faster," Alberici says. "If men are forced to find female talent, then the women will be more inclined to put themselves forward."

The debate around family friendly work practices raises more questions than answers. Alberici's own family is a case in point. She was the first ABC female foreign correspondent appointee to have children - "and I had three under four", she laughs. Her husband, a television sound recordist, was the primary carer from the beginning. But, as a full-time father, he felt he was being judged and was constantly questioned about when he was returning to work. The pair recently separated and Alberici says the family dynamic is much more complicated because in the past men and women knew their roles.

"[Facebook boss] Sheryl Sandberg says you have to make your partner your real partner, but that is easier said than done," she says. "There is a massive stigma in men taking on the female role, as much as there is for women taking on a traditional male role. Until we redress the imbalance on both sides, we can't keep asking, 'why aren't women getting senior roles.' "

ABC managing director Mark Scott, who has three daughters and whose wife is principal of a private girls school, says female advancement is standard dinner table conversation at his house.

He describes the broadcaster as a "meritocracy" where flexibility is prized. He also recruits "on potential", understanding that talented men and women alike may find their careers interrupted by family responsibilities from time to time.

"Some people may not have the complete track record that others have, but they are hard-working and you have a strong sense that if you back them they won't let you down," he says.

When it comes to work-life balance, the ABC's political commentator Annabel Crabb is a sage. Her 2014 book, The Wife Drought, produced research that showed 76 per cent of working fathers have a partner who works part-time or not at all while only 15 per cent of working mothers have the same deal.

Crabb, herself a mother of three, took three months leave from the ABC to write the book. She has a live-in au pair and she and her lawyer partner both work flexibly.

"The solution [to workplace equality] is not just to worry about women in the workplace but increase our expectations of men at home," she says.

Crabb says the ABC has a strong culture of supporting women. The broadcaster, she says, is a "genuinely nice place to work" with no hint of "internal bastardry".

Still, she looks forward to when stories about women in power are nothing to write home about.

"It shouldn't be unusual that an organisation uses women in key roles," she says. "When you write an article about how high-profile media men organise their lives, that is the point at which this thing is over."