These Numbers Show Why Trump's Muslim Entry Limit Is Absurd

Charles Kurzman Professor of Sociology, UNC Chapel Hill; Author, “The Missing ...
Charles Kurzman

Erdogan's Further Consolidation Of Power Would Cement Turkey's Demise

Aykan Erdemir Former member, Turkish Parliament; Senior fellow, Foundation f...
Merve Tahiroglu Research associate, Foundation for Defense of Democracies
Murad Sezer / Reuters

Diversity Of Views In The Women's March Is, Actually, An Asset

Margaret Levi Professor, Political Science, Stanford University; Director, S...
John Minchillo/AP

Trump's Victory Is The Triumph Of Business Elites Over Intellectual Elites

Michael Wu Director, Shangdao Institute for Social Research
Diying Wei Research Fellow, Shangdao Institute for Social Research
Pool via Getty Images

Inauguration Day: Letter To A Trump Voter

Richard (RJ) Eskow Host, The Zero Hour; Sr. Fellow, Campaign for America's Future
Mike Segar / Reuters

It's The End Of Politics As We Know It, And I Feel Fine

Jon Deutsch Founder, Capital D Strategies; Brand & Messaging Strategist; D...
Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

These Charts Show That China May Be Headed For A Financial Crisis

Akshay Shah Schwarzman Scholar at Tsinghua University
Carole Bernard Professor of finance at Grenoble Ecole de Management
Akshay Shah

The Intelligence Community Does Need A Shake-Up

Ivan Eland Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty, T...
Brooks Kraft via Getty Images

Don’t Mess With Jerusalem

James Zogby President, Arab American Institute; Author, "Arab Voices"
Richard Gray/EMPICS Entertainment

What Trump Needs To Know About Iran

Seyed Hossein Mousavian Former head of the Foreign Relations Committee of Iran’s Natio...
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