
Selective schools drive tutoring industry as students strive to keep up

Six or seven hours a week of tutoring straight after school just to keep up; feeling like a failure if you get an ATAR under 95; high pressure and relentless competition.

Selective schools might be the holy grail of education for many parents but according to some students, they are not all upside. Surviving in the hothouse environment of a top selective school is no walk in the park.

HSC results 2016: Top schools revealed

Here's which schools scored big in the 2016 Higher School Certificate.

Anecdotally, students say, virtually everyone does private tutoring to get in, and many to keep up with their peers.

"Tutoring is a huge, huge thing at James Ruse," said former student Calvin Yeung, 18, who did his HSC last year at the state's top selective school in Carlingford.

"You pretty much have to go to tutoring just to keep up. It's no longer that you get ahead by tutoring, because everyone does it."

Twenty unbroken years at the top of the HSC results ladder has created a feedback loop at the school, where only kids with the highest marks in the selective schools admission test can gain a place.


But what happens once you get there?

"One thing that was quite hard was I've never seen such a high concentration of talented people feel like they were worthless or worth very little, because they were beaten by other people," said Mr Yeung, who is about to begin studying civil engineering.

"I know a lot of kids who are brilliant in year 7 and then slowly get whittled down by everyone else just being a bit better.

"You've done well but you'd feel bad because everyone else is getting in the 99s."

His older sister had a similarly unpleasant experience at a selective girls school, he said. And they both felt something was lost to peers with a single-minded focus on getting perfect marks.

"I feel as though it stifles their ability to know themselves," he said. "It undermines the importance of learning. A lot of it was like, 'I don't really care about this thing but I need it to get the marks, then I can forget it' as opposed to lifelong skills."

In HSC results, the top selective schools outperform top private schools where parents pay up to $30,000 a year in school fees.

That generates intense competition to get in: last year over two-thirds of hopefuls failed to gain a place in the state's 47 selective schools.

An industry has sprung up around training for the selective schools test, although the government has proved reluctant to even acknowledge it. A spokesman for the Department of Education said coaching is "parental choice."

"The selective high school placement process uses fair and transparent methods of selection ... Participation in coaching programs is not considered in the selection process," he said.

The tutoring arms race is just one aspect that concerns UTS academic Christina Ho about selective schools, who pinpoints "hothousing" of students and "hyper-racialisation" as significant problems, as well as brain drain from local comprehensives.

The racialisation comes in because the schools no longer reflect the diversity of the community they are in, she said, and "that's not healthy in a multicultural society".

Students from a non-English speaking background make up a third of the public school population statewide, but more than 90 per cent of the top 10 selective schools. At Ruse it's 97 per cent, of mostly Chinese background.

It is the flipside of the domination of the most expensive private schools by Anglo Australians. Both are undesirable situations, she said, setting up a "potentially volatile" situation in high schools that should be a melting pot of Australian multiculturalism.

"It's important for kids in their socialisation to be exposed to all different kind of people, class backgrounds and religious backgrounds. Increasingly you're not having that because schools are not representing their local communities," she said.

The culture of tutoring emerged as a significant flashpoint in her forthcoming research paper titled Angry Anglos and Aspirational Asians: Everyday multiculturalism in selective schools in Sydney.

"One of the most surprising findings was the depth of anger and resentment felt by many Anglo-Australians within the selective school system, particularly among parents … angry at what they perceived to be a 'gaming' of the system by Asian-Australian families," she said.

On the other side, students who self-identified as having a common "Asian" identity, whether they had a Chinese, Korean or Vietnamese or other Asian background, emphasised the sacrifices their families had made to migrate to Australia. Tutoring is simply what you do to achieve your best.

Dr Ho said two big-picture policies have driven the changes: Australia's skilled migration policy and the ideological push to open up choice in schools.

"The goal of giving people choice in schools, it's hard to argue with that – but if you look at the social consequences of maximising choice, it will create more winners and losers, so there's more division and inequality," she said.

Dr Ho said there are good reasons that immigrants who have come under the skilled migration program put a very high value on education. Of Australia's China-born and Korea-born populations, nearly 40 per cent hold a university degree – about double the national average. For the India-born population it's more like 50 per cent.

Such families see education "as the primary mechanism for social mobility," and as a sort of insurance against the racism they expect their children will face out in the workforce.

This helps drive a "highly instrumental approach to education", including the use of private tutoring and targeted training for selective admissions tests, Dr Ho said.

Siddharth Sethi, 22, who did his HSC at Sydney Boys High five years ago, said that private coaching to get into selective schools is linked with the migrant experience.

"A lot of kids that I talk to who got into selective schools were doing coaching, in those coaching colleges there are a lot from non-English speaking backgrounds," he said.

Mr Sethi was born in Botswana to Indian parents, and came to Australia aged five. His older sister was put into private tutoring when they arrived in Sydney to help her catch up on what she'd missed in the Australian school system.

"Mainly I think the drive for education comes a lot from the parents," he said. "I know in my experience it was ingrained in me when I was really young that education was really important to set me up for life. Friends from ethnic backgrounds had similar experiences. Getting into a selective school was seen as an important thing."

Mr Yeung, whose parents were born in China, said he began private tutoring in Year 2. By high school, it was "just part of the culture".

It's not all bad, he said. Some kids thrive in the hothouse.

"It really depends on the kid. I know a lot of people who've really flourished and thrive off the competition and do really well. They push each other hard and that's good for them, the competition is good for them. They'll fulfil their potential."

Despite his doubts, Mr Yeung said tutoring was worth it.

"One of the biggest lessons I learned is that your kids' education is more worthwhile than anything else your parents could invest in. I think that's a very Asian mentality, but I also think it's true. You get the most return when your kids work hard."

A spokesman for the Department said that selective schools provided a valuable service.

"Selective high schools cater for high-achieving, academically gifted students who may otherwise be isolated from a similarly gifted peer group. They provide an engaging and stimulating learning environment by grouping gifted and talented students together, concentrating school resources and using specialised teaching methods."