Saving Aussie Invader 5R

$9,392 of $50k goal

Raised by 115 people in 1 month
Mark Read  Perth, WA
We qualified for a Research & Development grant via the Australian Tax Office. Through no fault of our own the grant has been withdrawn and we have been asked to repay $200,000 (that includes interest!). The ATO has called in the liquidators and we are raising funds to rescue the car from the liquidator and to try and get the project back on track. WE NEED YOUR HELP.
This project is Rosco McGlashan and the Aussie Invader team's life work and we are determined (with your help) to break the land speed record of 763mph and push it to 1000mph.

With your help and support we can get this project back on track. View the latest updates at our Aussie Invader Facebook page.
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Update 4
Posted by Mark Read
10 hours ago
This article was widely distributed today on the East Coast and thanks for all the message of support and donations. We do this for Australia to bring the world land speed record to out country for the first time.

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Update 3
Posted by Mark Read
11 days ago
Us raising our first $10k is so close and it would be great to do this over the next 2 days to show the Federal Government the backing we have from a grass roots level. We are so appreciative of all the donations, large and small. Thanks Rosco
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Update 2
Posted by Mark Read
17 days ago
We have just hit $3k which is fantastic, but just the start and let's see if we can hit $5k by the weekend. All donations will be used to get this project back on track and convince those in power how important sporting achievement is to a countries morale. Thanks once again and please share the link to our gofundme page...
Channel 7 film crew filming the story
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Update 1
Posted by Mark Read
18 days ago
We are off to a great start with the Aussie Invader campaign, having nearly raised a $1000 in the first few hours. A big thank you to all who have put the word out and shared this campaign, and even bigger thank you to all the donors.
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Read a Previous Update
Mark Bryan
16 days ago

Not sure why this didn’t show in the comment section when I did my donation…As an ex salt lake racer at Lake Gairdner (C-Pro Black XW Falcon @ 180mph 2002-2009) I have a lot to thank Rosco for, it was his track from back in the late 80’s or early 90’s that is used for the annual speed trials each year in March and without him running back then, salt lake racing may never have happened here in Oz.

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Garry Leone
17 days ago

Rosco. If I could pay the whole debt I would, sadly I am a retiree, have given what I can and hope the Australian public can get behind this, the Greatest of ventures. King and country are out the window so we want you to do it for yourself and U.S. The Ausie public. Good luck.

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$9,392 of $50k goal

Raised by 115 people in 1 month
Created December 7, 2016
Warren Smith
10 hours ago
22 hours ago
Jon Evans
2 days ago

You were robbed! Really want to see you back on track.

Ben Furniss
4 days ago

I wanna see it run!

Alan Bateman
4 days ago

Speed thrills

Calhan Bateman Moore
4 days ago

Go beat the world guys. with or without the Australian government

John Wood
7 days ago

Nothing like changing the rules! Lets go people and support Aussie Invader!

Steven McGuinness
8 days ago

Good luck Rosco

dean myers
10 days ago

Good luck , fight the good fight against the large organization.

bill edge
10 days ago
Mark Bryan
16 days ago

Not sure why this didn’t show in the comment section when I did my donation…As an ex salt lake racer at Lake Gairdner (C-Pro Black XW Falcon @ 180mph 2002-2009) I have a lot to thank Rosco for, it was his track from back in the late 80’s or early 90’s that is used for the annual speed trials each year in March and without him running back then, salt lake racing may never have happened here in Oz.

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Garry Leone
17 days ago

Rosco. If I could pay the whole debt I would, sadly I am a retiree, have given what I can and hope the Australian public can get behind this, the Greatest of ventures. King and country are out the window so we want you to do it for yourself and U.S. The Ausie public. Good luck.

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