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What’s so feminist about yoga?

Despite the influence of capitalism on its practice, yoga can strengthen resistance and movement-building. - free thinking for the world

Racist newspapers whipping up fear, fake news slanting elections – had enough? Join openDemocracy and hear from Brian Eno, Caroline Lucas, Peter Oborne, Yanis Varoufakis, Paul Mason & many more on what happens next.

What’s so feminist about yoga?

Despite the influence of capitalism on its practice, yoga can strengthen resistance and movement-building. - free thinking for the world

Racist newspapers whipping up fear, fake news slanting elections – had enough? Join openDemocracy and hear from Brian Eno, Caroline Lucas, Peter Oborne, Yanis Varoufakis, Paul Mason & many more on what happens next.

This week's editor

En Liang Khong

En Liang Khong is openDemocracy’s assistant editor.

Job: openDemocracy 50.50 Editor

We are looking for an experienced editor with the vision, drive and commitment to take openDemocracy 50.50's critical perspectives on gender, social justice and pluralism forward.

How NATO is becoming a threat to Europe

Sometimes, Europe marches to catastrophe; often, it stumbles there.

An inside-outside strategy for defending the US Republic

Both the administrative pillar of resistance and the ‘Indivisible’ legislative pillar will be bolstered if linked to a grassroots strategy of cross-issue mobilizing and direct action – the core strategy.

Populism with no leaders: the rise of 'citizenism' and how to understand it

Is left-wing populism the best response to right-wing populism? An interview with Paolo Gerbaudo on 'citizenism' - the defining political movement of this generation.

Persecution and the threat to the refugee system

We need to accept that for millions of refugees persecution is the principal reason for flight today as it was before, during and after the Holocaust.

The NHS - Theresa May's dowry gift to Donald Trump?

Our Prime Minister is so desperate for a Brexit-salvaging marriage of convenience with Trump, she's suggested the NHS could be part of a rushed trade deal – and her vows about it being 'free at the point of use' leave too much unsaid.

How to make America great again? Bully Mexico.

As President Trump concludes his first week in the White House with extremely protectionist policies, there will be no sigh of relief in Latin America.  Español

The victims of Russia’s ultra-conservatism are the Russian people themselves

Russia has decriminalised domestic violence: one step towards “traditional values” means two steps back from international human rights standards


Investigating Sri Lanka’s ‘nude’ culture

Learning from schoolgirls and boys about blackmail, ‘nudes’ and cyber exploitation in Sri Lanka.

The media–technology–military industrial complex

In a world of so-called fake news and post-truth politics, the influence of largely invisible qualities of concentrated power over media, public and policy agendas, warrants renewed and urgent scrutiny.

The battle for minds, and role of human behaviour in generating plutocracies

The control or influence of information is diffused through education, politics, culture, media and the process of socialization.

What’s so feminist about yoga?

Despite the influence of capitalism on its practice, yoga can strengthen resistance and movement-building.

Theresa May, the press and a lesson from history

If Theresa May is brave enough to stand up to the press, she will reap the rewards.

Borders of our mind

Our leaders and media have proclaimed people on the move as swarms, coaches, criminals and rapists and succeeded in politicising and demonising the age-old human behaviour of migration.

Renewing cooperation on water: what hope for the two state solution?

A new agreement between Israel and the Palestinian Authority gives Israel carte blanche to expand water provision for illegal settlements.

The new casualties of Russia’s war on terror

The death of a man imprisoned for allegedly encouraging others to fight for Islamic State has cast light on murky killings dismissed as part of the “war on terror.” Русский

England has been resenting Europe for a very long time

England's vote to leave the EU is an echo of events long ago...

ISIS: worst of times, best of times

The insurgents of ISIS are under pressure in their strongholds. But over the long term they have grounds for confidence.

Waiting for Misha’s second coming

On Saakashvili’s watch, Georgia’s UNM has finally split. What does that mean for the country’s opposition?


Isidro Baldenegro assassinated in Mexico: another case of lethal collision between environmental activism and organized crime

The murder of the indigenous leader Isidro Baldenegro López has once again revealed the impunity with which organized crime acts in the face of human rights defenders. Español

On India’s Republic Day, we must remember Kunan Poshpora

As the Kunan Poshpora mass rape hearings continue, we talk to the co-author of a book which seeks to remember the 1991 events as an act of resistance.

The exiled Syrian actress helping young refugees deal with trauma using theater

Actress Raghad Makhlouf, speaks to Jameela Freitas about how her theatre workshops give young refugees a safe space to express themselves and deal with the stress caused by war and displacement.

Sisi’s neoliberal assault: context and prospects

Six years after the January 2011 revolution, the need for a return to its demands and slogans have never seemed more urgent.

Occupy is not the reason why Trump won

Trump is a symptom of a reactionary response triggered when the problems requiring systemic transformation are blamed solely on the political establishment.

A rights-based approach to technology: gathering admissible evidence and the eyeWitness to Atrocities app

The right to anonymity, whilst always promoted by accountability mechanisms has never allowed witnesses to give evidence without ever having to identify themselves to some sort of authority.

Citizens’ Forum: revisiting citizen participation in Portugal

Which choices would Portuguese citizens make, if only they had the time, information and ideal conditions to reflect on and debate the most important political questions of our age? Interview. Português Español

The BBC is neither independent or impartial: interview with Tom Mills

Is the BBC really impartial? Interview with scholar of the BBC, Tom Mills, on his new book.

Inclusive education exists in Russia, but only in theory

In Russia, inclusive education needs additional support. Children with special educational needs are often lucky to get any education — or any work afterwards. Русский

Syriza and ANEL: a match made in Greece

Are we seeing the convergence of Syriza and their right-wing coalition partners, ANEL, into a single party?

Facebook’s new role in Europe: protecting Poles from hate speech since 2016

A couple of years ago any nationalist statement against the “threat of muslimisation” was widely recognized as the very definition of hate speech across all European countries. By 2016, no longer.