Fremantle council cancels Australia Day fireworks display

Posted August 25, 2016 14:48:35

The City of Fremantle has cancelled its annual Australia Day fireworks from 2017 in order to do something more "culturally appropriate".

Fremantle Mayor Brad Pettit told 720 ABC Perth the council voted Wednesday night 10 to one against the fireworks display in favour of hosting an alternative event, which may or may not be held on Australia Day.

"The [fireworks] are fun, and they are much loved, and it was a pretty tough decision ... but at the heart of it, it came down to some conversations quite a few of us had with local Aboriginal people in Fremantle.

"For them there was a real sense that Australia Day is not a day of celebration for everybody, in fact, for them it is a day of sadness and in many ways, a day that marks the start of much of their dispossession."

Mr Pettit said he anticipated the public reaction to the vote would be mixed.

"Diversely, would be the polite way of putting it," he said.

"But I do think there is a change in mood in the community, we started to see this last Australia Day.

"I think it is actually about leadership by the council and saying we need a more inclusive approach."

Mr Pettit said no decision had been made on what might replace the fireworks, but said some suggestions were a laser show, concert, or a family picnic.

He said it was not about saving money and the $100,000 fireworks budget would be allocated to an alternative event.

"I really do think we can come up with something that is fantastic, that brings people into Fremantle," he said.

Topics: australia-day, local-government, fremantle-6160