Bottoms up! Camilla looks delighted as she's presented with a large glass of red to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UK Vineyard Association

  • Duchess, 69, hosted reception for 50th anniversary of UK Vineyard Association
  • Was also installed as Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Vintners 
  • Duchess is the president of UK Vineyard Association and supports English wines 

She's known to be partial to a stiff gin and tonic, but today the Duchess of Cornwall looked equally delighted to be presented with a large glass of red. 

Camilla, 69, hosted a reception to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the UK Vineyard Association of which she is president. 

And wine was the order of the day as she was then installed as Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Vintners. 

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The Duchess of Cornwall, 69, couldn't hide her enthusiasn as she was presented with a large glass of red after she was installed as a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Vintners, in London

The Duchess of Cornwall receives a medal from Brigadier Jonathan Bourne-May as she is installed as a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Vintners, in London

The Vintner's Company is one of the Great Twelve City Livery Companies. 

It received its first Royal charter in 1363, and was incorporated by Royal charter in 1437.

For today's engagement, the Duchess looked chic in a black coat dress and wore her trademark triple strand pearl choker. 

Camilla's knowledge of wine makes her perfectly placed to be awarded the honour. 

Cheers! The Duchess wore an elegant black coat dress and her trademark pearls for today's engagement 

The Duchess of Cornwall signs a book before she is installed as a Liveryman of The Worshipful Company of Vintners

As well as being installed as a Liveryman the Duchess today celebrated 50 years of the UK Vineyard Association 

She took over the role of President of the United Kingdom Vineyards Association in 2011 from Lord Montagu of Beaulieu.

The royal has made her appreciation of English wine clear during visits to vineyards around the country, such as the Denbies Wine Estate in Surrey and the Wine Research Centre at Plumpton College, East Sussex.

And she's also hosted the English and Welsh Wine of the Year awards in previous years. 

It's been a busy week for the Duchess who last night threw open the doors of Clarence House to host British equestrian stars to celebrate their success in Rio last summer.  

Camilla was joined by Olympic and Paralympic athletes including Sir Lee Pearson, eventer William Fox-Pitt and dressage team silver medallist Fiona Bigwood for the event at Clarence House.

Decorated Paralympic riders Sophie Christiansen and Natasha Baker, who each won three gold medals in Rio, looked delighted as they spent time chatting with the duchess.    

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