Early childhood educators protest being paid as little as $20 an hour

Childcare educator Patricia Rosas with five-year-old Antonella Blanco at the ABC childcare centre in Ultimo.
Childcare educator Patricia Rosas with five-year-old Antonella Blanco at the ABC childcare centre in Ultimo. Photo: Louise Kennerley

Patricia Rosas has a second job as a cook on Saturdays to supplement her salary as an early childhood educator.

She also does baby-sitting.

Ms Rosas, who works at an inner city early childhood centre in Ultimo, said having a second job was the only way she could afford to visit her family in Chile.

"I have a 14-year-old son and need a second job to save some money," she said. 

"I used to work full-time and it was very sad to see other mothers having a coffee and I had to rush to work because I'm a single mum."

Early childhood educators who earn as little as $20 an hour, half the average wage, are underpaid according to a new ReachTEL poll.

The poll, commissioned by United Voice, the union representing the early childhood sector, surveyed 2302 people around the country and found most supported educators in their campaign for higher wages. 

Ms Rosas has a university degree in teaching from South America and an Australian diploma in children's services.

In South America she specialised in working with children with disabilities.

"The parents here value my work but the government needs to value us too and to invest in quality early childhood teachers," Ms Rosas said.

Ms Rosas said she always looks for bargains.

"I buy clothes for $5 if I find a special. It's hard because my son also has needs. Things for teenagers are expensive," she said.

Helen Gibbons, assistant national secretary of United Voice, said "it is not good enough for qualified educators to be paid as little as $20 per hour" in 2016.

"Fixing the glaring inequity of educators' low wages and ensuring educators are paid at a level which is appropriate to their qualifications is a great place to start."

The ReachTEL poll found most women surveyed (58.4 per cent) believe childcare workers would receive a higher rate of pay if more than 90 per cent of the workforce was male. 

There are about 80,000 educators working in the long day-care sector across Australia and 97 per cent are female.

Two-thirds of the people surveyed said a pay rate of $20 an hour was too low for educators. And 2.2 per cent of people said this rate of pay was too high.

Low-paid childcare educators from across the country converged in Canberra last week to fight for a bigger public investment in their wages.

Childcare educators and their union, in a landmark Fair Work Commission case, are arguing that the workforce is paid less than men with similar qualifications because childcare is still viewed as "women's work".

The day-care sector was hit with industrial strife for the first time in 30 years when staff walked off the job at several Victorian centres earlier this month to draw attention to their pay.

United Voice has called on the Turnbull government to foot the bill for an increase in pay to avoid increasing labour costs to operators and higher day-care fees for parents.

United Voice said early childhood educators earned an average $20 to $23 an hour, or $40,700 to $46,000 a year depending on their qualifications.

Those with a four-year bachelor's degree earn $29 an hour, or $58,000 a year, which is below the $73,000 average income of primary school teachers.

The union's equal pay claim in the Fair Work Commission is seeking pay rises of between 39 and 72 per cent. The case will address questions of how who women work in childcare are disadvantaged compared to men working in comparable industries.
