Basal temperature chart: print out and fill in

Basal Temperature Chart
Basal Temperature Chart 

This chart is geared toward women who are trying to conceive. It will help you find the pattern to your ovulation and maximise your chances of getting pregnant. It will also give you information to provide your doctor if you suspect a problem.

Your basal body temperature (BBT) is your body's temperature at rest. A basal thermometer measures your temperature to .1 degree Fahrenheit, a little bit more precise than a standard thermometer. You can find them at most chemist stores.

The key is to take your temperature first thing in the morning before you do anything else, including speak, get out of bed, etc. Also try to do this at the same time each day.

Print out a few copies to write on in your bedroom and then chart the information on the computer later in the day and with more detail.

For information on how to read the charts or how to monitor your body for fertility signs, please contact your physician.

Download your basal temperature chart (PDF) by clicking on the link below. This PDF file can simply be printed to allow you to manually chart your basal temperature each day.

Basal Temperature Chart 

More information on ovulation