
Updated: 21:35 EST

In a decisive break with the Blair and Cameron eras, the Prime Minister said the days of the UK using military force to 'remake sovereign countries in our own image' were finished. Speaking to senior US politicians, she laid out a new set of rules which will see the UK intervene only when the 'threat is real' and it is in our own interests. The comments effectively bring an end to what have been dubbed 'wars of choice' and the so-called 'Chicago doctrine' established by Tony Blair. Mrs May also warned Donald Trump not to trust Russian president Vladimir Putin and chose to evoke the memory of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher during the Cold War. She said: 'When it comes to Russia, as so often it is wise to turn to the example of President Reagan who - during negotiations with his opposite number Mikhail Gorbachev - used to abide by the adage 'trust but verify'. With President Putin, my advice is to 'engage but beware'.

NHS denies hip or knee operations for those who can sleep

Patients will be denied hip or knee replacements unless their pain is so severe they cannot sleep through the night. Health trusts have introduced the new rules to save millions each year. The proposals have been drawn up jointly by the Redditch and Bromsgrove, South Worcestershire, and Wyre Forest Clinical Commissioning Groups - three local health trusts in the West Midlands.

Police have released CCTV of the man wandering into the budget chain's Lincoln store on January 2. The fraudster walked up to the cashier with the boxed TV asked for a refund.

Amber Rudd fell foul of the law over her speech to last year's Tory conference in Birmingham outlining plans to make companies disclose how many foreign workers they employ.

Kingfisher Fish and Chips, Devon, has picked up the top prize at the fish and chip 'Oscars'. It won for Its upmarket menu featuring hoki, coley and mocaccinos.

Rory McGrath, the former panellist on They Think It's All Over, the BBC sports quiz show, has salvaged his marriage with wife Nicola after admitting a campaign of harassment against a married woman.


Following a Hardcastle item in Tuesday's paper which said that Theresa May had not been invited to Clarence House for a one-to-one meeting with the Prince of Wales since becoming Prime Minister, we have been asked to point out that Mrs May has had discussions with Prince Charles on several occasions.

Hayley Gascoigne collapses and DIES at family court ruling

Loved ones screamed and barristers wept as mother-of-four Hayley Gascoigne (left) was seen shaking as she suffered a fatal cardiac arrest in the concourse of Hull Crown Court today. Ms Gascoigne had just taken her seat after visiting the ladies toilets, having attended the court for a family hearing, when she suffered the attack. She was taken to hospital by paramedics (right), but died on arrival. Police have since launched an investigation into her death.

Ihtisham Shabir, 24, from Dewsbury, said that his only explanation was that the Ramadan fast had come to an end that day and he was rushing to a restaurant to eat.

The footage was filmed on the A46 near Baginton in Warwickshire. It was shared on Twitter but then deleted when the person who filmed it realised they were also in the wrong for using their phone.

Paula Vasco-Knight, 53, a former NHS trust chief executive is facing jail after giving more than £20,000 of taxpayer's money to a company run from her husband Steve's garden shed.

Ministers have called for a 'tougher' stance on taxing of the wealthy, after it was revealed celebrities can legally funnel their wealth into shell companies, often set up in tax havens such as the Virgin Islands.

Downing Street have refused to rule out nationalising Southern rail after their performance figures showed more than seven in ten trains on their busiest route were delayed.

It is one of his favourite words, summing up his politically incorrect - and extremely amusing - take on life. So Prince Philip will no doubt think it truly 'ghastly' that Tatler is banning its use.

Ministers are offering a £300,00 contract to a private firm to help solve Britain's teacher shortage with staff to be recruited from the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and the US.

The number of self-inflicted deaths in British jails soared to 119 in the year to September - meaning the rate has doubled in four years. The previous high was 96 in 2004.

Harriet Harman accuses professor of sex bribe

The alleged incident happened at York University (inset), where the former deputy leader of Labour (left and right) studied politics in the 1970s. She said her course tutor, Professor T V Sathyamurthy, told her she was a borderline candidate and would either obtain an upper or lower second - a 2:1 or 2:2. He then allegedly told her that he could guarantee she would get a 2:1 in return for sleeping with him. Miss Harman said she 'did not' and added: 'I was repulsed by him.' The claim is contained in Miss Harman's forthcoming memoir, A Woman's Work, which is due to be published next week. Miss Harman, who graduated in 1972 aged 21, said that despite refusing his sleazy advances she still scored a 2:1 in her degree.

Rupert Harrison, nicknamed 'the real Chancellor' when he was Mr Osborne's chief-of-staff, got a six-figure salary to work for asset management firm BlackRock two years ago.

He was famed for warning the Labour government against devolving power to Scotland, saying it would become a 'motorway to Scottish independence with no exit routes'.

The Queen is staying away from a major Commonwealth event in a snub to its controversial chief Baroness Scotland, it was claimed last night.

Output increased by 0.6 per cent in the final three months of the year - meaning the British economy grew by a total of 2 per cent in 2016.

Victims of paedophile bishop Peter Ball, left, last night called for dozens of letters he received from Prince Charles, write, to be made public. Ball was jailed two years ago for grooming and abusing 18 young men.

The European Union Bill governing Britain's withdrawal of the EU was unveiled in Parliament today and what a short, concise bill it was, writes QUENTIN LETTS. It is one for Leavers to relish.

National Trust advertises for ranger to look after puffins

The National Trust is advertising for a ranger to look after nearly 40,000 pairs of puffins on the Farne Islands, off the coast of Northumbria. The job does mean no running water - but there is wifi and full mobile phone reception. The island is also home to one of Europe's largest seal colonies - with 4,000 Atlantic grey seals inhabiting the landscape.

It has taken 89 years for the comedian to get his knighthood, and now he wants to put it to good use by helping people with depression. He said 'I want to help people who are not enjoying life'.

Michael died aged 53 at his Oxfordshire home on Christmas Day, but an inquest has yet to be opened, with police awaiting toxicology results to see if his death was drug-related.

Often people have a habit of checking the time when their sleep is disrupted - but this is a mistake, says Dr Michael Breus, a member of the American Board of Sleep Medicine.

The Brexit Secretary issued the tough message as he defiantly vowed to push ahead with the timetable for leaving the EU despite the government being dealt an humiliating legal blow.

Nicola Sturgeon, pictured today, said today's judgement raised 'fundamental issues' for Scotland and said it is now 'ever clearer' that Scotland should decide on its own future in a referendum.

David Blunkett said he was a champion of representative democracy and encouraged politicians to bring their judgement to the process as well as following voters' instructions.

Mother forced to hand over emu she raised herself

Charlotte Harrison (left), 24, hatched and raised a pet emu that she was given as a gift from her father last November. She nurtured it in an incubator for 47 days (right) but has now had it removed by the RSPCA and said she is 'gutted'. Miss Harrison believed she had developed a strong bond with the emu (inset, hatching), who she called Kevin after a character from a film, and that it thought she was its mother.

Michael died aged 53 at his Oxfordshire home on Christmas Day, but an inquest has yet to be opened, with police awaiting toxicology results to see if his death was drug-related.

Staff at the Woodlands Rest Home in Netherley, Liverpool, called an ambulance for Edna Spears (pictured), who was bleeding from a five-centimetre long gash on her head after a fall.

The heartbroken family of Denis Thwaites, the Birmingham City footballer who was killed in the Tunisia attack, told the inquest the evil and twisted ideology tore the family apart.

Tony Cowan marries his girlfriend in hospital before dying

Tony Cowan lost control of his car in 2014 and suffered a serious neck injury - so severe medics described it as almost 'unsurvivable'. But the determined 31-year-old, from Chester-le-Street, County Durham, fought to live as normal life with his partner of 12 years, Karen Dawson (pictured with Tony before the crash, left). But in the lead up to Christmas, Tony's pain became too much and he made the decision to switch off his ventilator - but not before marrying his fiance. The pair (pictured with Tony's mother Pepsi, right) said their vows in Tony's hospital room which was decorated by staff using fairy lights, sheets on chairs and aprons as ribbons. After having his ventilator switched off, Tony was laid to rest with the wedding dress his bride would have worn.

Ruby the eight-year-old miniature poodle from Inverness has worked out that if she lies on top of a fluffy brown bed throw she cannot be seen - but the only downside is her owners keep sitting on her.

Hidden camera footage appears to show vulnerable Sheila Morris, being left alone overnight at Privy Court nursing home in Surrey, according to her family.

Jemma Casey, 24, from Fife in Scotland, said her daughter Morgan was sent explicit messages through the app Roblox - and now worried parents across the country say their children have also been contacted.

Andy Potter, who hosts the afternoon show on BBC Radio Derby, told listeners the shocking news on the breakfast show this morning. He said he will not be going back to work after the tragic diagnosis.

Andy Potter, who hosts the afternoon show on BBC Radio Derby, told listeners the shocking news on the breakfast show this morning. He said he will not be going back to work after the tragic diagnosis.

Shocking CCTV shows the moment student, 21, was mowed down

Farid Reza (pictured below right), 36, and William Spicer, 28, were racing and showing off at speeds greatly exceeding the 30mph restriction (main, circled) before the crash that killed 21-year-old student Hina Shamim (top right) on March 31, 2015. They both denied causing the death of the Kingston University sports science undergraduate by dangerous driving (one of the BMWs also crashed into a bus, inset). Reza was sentenced to five years in prison after being found guilty of causing the death of the Kingston University student by dangerous driving. Spicer was acquitted and convicted of the lesser offence of careless driving.

These are the amazing scenes as a gang of moped raiders targeted a jewellers in central London. One of the raiders in Victoria emerges from the store and asks 'where's everyone gone?' before he's arrested.

Stuart Hamilton, 37, from Gorgie, Edinburgh, took snaps of naked and semi-naked men at the Virgin Active gym in the Fountainbridge area of the city from February 2014 to July 2015.

Bryan Gates, 63, was one of 1,885 people looked into by the church after concerns were raised about their behaviour. He was a minister at Longton Central Hall, Stoke-on-Trent.

Benjamin Lynch (pictured), 29, from Hounslow was enraged when the woman dumped him and he discovered on Facebook she was with a new partner.

The youngster, who has only been named as 'Infant Tunstill', was found dead in a flat in Burnley, Lanashire, the afternoon of January 16. Rachel Tunstill has been charged with her murder.

Mitchel Britten drank half a gallon of beer watching an England v New Zealand test match at Lord's before he attacked Neil Brotherston at the Embargo Republica club in Chelsea.

Paedophile made ‘hidey-hole’ to imprison girl

Teesside Crown Court heard how 'violent, controlling and sexually abusive' Michael Dunn (left) brutally assaulted four victims in a catalogue of sex crimes which spanned several decades. The depraved 57-year-old from Redcar in North Yorkshire, knocked through a wall at his home (inset) to create a cavity behind his fridge (right), camouflaged with a false wall, bags of dust and guarded by Alsatian dogs. He forced one girl to hide inside the damp and mould-ridden hole in case police came looking for her. Prosecutor Richard Bennett told the jury if any of his victims challenged him 'they suffered physically' and 'he had sex when he wanted'. He told the jury the victims 'were in his thrall and felt almost powerless' against their 'paranoid and short-tempered' abuser. Jurors convicted him on 16 charges including 10 of rape, three of indecent assault and three of false imprisonment.

Sean Kirsopp, 22, arranged to meet a 14-year-old called Jay at an Asda in Felling, Gateshead but found he had been snared by a vigilante paedophile group when he arrived.

Farid Reza has been found guilty at the Old Bailey of causing the death of student Hina Shamim (pictured), 21, who he crashed into outside Kingston University.

The shocking clip showed a silver Mitsubishi Colt driver make a dangerous decision and fly past the vehicle at the head of the queue - before going through a red light in Inverness, Scotland.

Richard Ruddy (pictured), 25, from Poole, Dorset, dodged multiple train fares and ridiculed South West Trains for a year on Twitter, bragging that the firm was 'saving him money'.

The video from Rah Rah Room in Piccadilly Circus was recorded during the club's New Year party. The melee (pictured) is said to have broken out after a man was punched for dancing with a woman.

Facebook rape gang in Coventr jailed for 44 years 

Waqaar Khan (left), Kadeem Bourne (top left), Marcus Woolcock (top right), Keenan Kelly (bottom left) and Zahid Chaudhary (bottom right), were convicted of rape, sexual assault and human trafficking at Warwick Crown Court. The vile gang targeted their victims in Coventry, between 2015 and 2016 with a string of attacks. Girls were picked up by taxis and taken to parties or car parks where they were plied with alcohol or drugs. One of the victims said she came around to items of her clothing missing and a sex act being performed on her.

Jonathan Norbury, 35, of Swansea, is accused of sleeping with three teenage girls aged between 15 and 18 while working as a primary school teacher.

Michael Bowditch, from Ramsgate, Kent, had denied murdering Becky Morgan, 17, but he changed his plea to guilty to manslaughter before his trial today.

Newport Crown Court heard Michael Kenyon flew into a rage after his girlfriend Hayley Rose (pictured together) began to suspect he was sending messages to another woman.

The Kardashians could appear in the blueblood bible

Burke's pages traditionally include the British gentry and historical families of Ireland and the Commonwealth but new owner Sam Malin, 53, has a new scheme to bring the book into the '21st century'. Malin, who bought the go-to society handbook in 2013, says that the Kardashian's could make their way into a Burke's edition of 'mediatised' or 'distinguished' families. He said: 'Now, they are certainly mediatised, but unless they end up with an English title, they won't be in the three main volumes. But they may be in a volume of modern, mediatised families. In fact, if you look at Twitter, Rob Kardashian mentioned Burke's Peerage, so the idea is there.'

The idyllic Woodhouse Farm, nestled in the North York Moors national park, is up for sale for £500,000. Sixty years ago, it was home to one of Yorkshire's great eccentrics - George Baxter (pictured).

The homelessness campaigners set up camp three days go in the Eaton Square property in Belgravia, central London, belonging to mysterious oligarch Andrey Goncharenko.

The astonishing rare photographs detail the first ascent of Mount Everest embarked upon by mountaineer George Mallory and his hardy team of adventurers in 1922.

Residents in Barton-under-Needwood, Staffordshire, have blasted council bosses for refusing to fix the notorious roundabout (pictured), despite receiving a £1.6million grant to fix it.

A girl, eight, had her ear ripped off as she sat in a boat-style carriage at a fairground in Spinney Hill Park, Leciester. The driver took a corner too quickly and the ride overturned in August 2014.

Police stop van driver with plastic school CHAIR seat 

A road casualty reduction team pulled the van driver over on the A47 in Norfolk, where they were bemused to see the odd piece of furniture beside him (pictured). After seeing the unlawful addition to the driver's interior they decided to run checks which revealed he was driving illegally without insurance or a license.

The change in legislation will allow the families' lawyers, Northern Ireland firm KRW, to apply for funding in time for the re-opening of the inquests into the bombings, which killed 21 people (pictured).

Vorderman and 200,000 other campaigners want a knighthood for George 'Johnny' Johnson who was part of Royal Air Force 617 Squadron, which conducted a night of raids on German dams in 1943.

Shoppers in several Iceland branches, including Portishead and Channons Hill in Bristol, spotted calorie-laden chocolate eggs on the shelves above Slimming World frozen meals.

Raffaele Sollecito, 32, claims he has £440,000 of debt and is suing the Italian authorities for compensation and says their 'mistakes' mean many still think he is guilty of killing Meredith in 2007.

The child had already been abused aged six by a man who was friends with her brother while she was in bed with her mother, a report by Croydon Safeguarding Children Board found.

Gambia finally gets its new president, Adama Barrow

President Adama Barrow (centre) finally arrived in The Gambia after being forced to flee to Senegal when former leader, Yahya Jammeh, refused to leave after pledging to rule for a billion years. Gambians hope the former Argos worker from north London will be a 'different leader' after '22 years of dictatorship'.

Giorgia Galassi, 22, and her boyfriend Vincenzo Forti, 25, have described the horrific ordeal of being trapped in the luxury Hotel Rigopiano, in central Italy, after it was hit by a wall of snow and rubble.

Thae Yong-ho, the former deputy ambassador in London and North Korea's most senior defector, said the dictator would be prepared to 'press the button' depite the inevitable consequences.

The judge, nicknamed Abu Hafsa, and the four other commanders ran away from the battle for eastern Mosul and were eventually captured before being shot by firing squad in front of a large crowd.



The teenage extremist, identified only as Safia S. under German privacy regulations, launched the attack on the policewoman in Hanover's main train station last February.

The woman was thought to be in her first year of teaching at the primary school in the village of Lapeyrouse-Morney in the Drôme region when she became unable to control her pupils.

The attack came in August when the two young men took a tram from Cologne's Cathedral Square, the site of the New Year migrant sex attacks in 2015, and they were set upon by the gang of six men.

As I settled down to write a few minutes ago, an email popped into my inbox, purporting to come from Amazon. A blatant attempt to defraud me, writes TOM UTLEY.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: When she sits down in the Oval Office as the first foreign leader to have talks with President Trump, Theresa May can congratulate herself on the diplomatic coup.

US firm Beyond Meat believe they have created the world's most 'realistic' vegetarian beef burger and meat-lover Tom Rawstorne and vegan Tanith Carey put it to the test.