What would YOU do with a £100k windfall?

Frugal Britons claim they would only spend £21,000 and save or pay off debts with the rest, new research reveals. Asked what they would splash out on, the majority of people said holidays, while cars were also a popular choice. But half said they would opt to do up their home, and two fifths generously said they would use the money to spoil their families, according to the survey of some 3,000 adults by finance firm SunLife.

The companies claim the mammoth deal will give customers a 'better availability of quality food at attractive prices' and will also help independent retailers as well as cutting food waste.

Retirees in 2017 look forward to income of £18,100 a year

Retirement incomes remain below the peak of £18,700 at the start of 2008, before the financial crisis fully hit home and low interest rates slashed annuity and savings income. Prudential research also found that 45 per cent of retirees felt financially unprepared to stop work, a number that has barely changed over the past decade despite huge changes to pensions.

I've heard that having a full attic will help to insulate my home, keep the warm air in and in turn reduce my energy bills, is there any truth to this or is it just an urban myth?

Yorkshire, West Brom and Coventry building societies have all sliced their rates to new lows, while high street lender HSBC has launched several cheaper deals for those with a reasonable slug of equity.

With the pound remaining at weakened levels, Unilever's chief executive Paul Polman said the company's decision to increase prices in the UK was 'definitely the right one'.

People who buy 20 or more items at discounters like Lidl and Aldi spend on average £39 - which is about £15 less than across the Big Four, where a big shop cost on average £53.





MARKET REPORT: Card Factory boss leaves as sales grow

The greeting card and gift maker was among the biggest risers on the FTSE 350 yesterday after it indicated that the drop off in business it suffered earlier in the year had passed. It said sales growth in stores open more than a year was back in the 'historic range' of between 1 per cent and 3 per cent. The company said it was confident profits for the full year would be slightly ahead of expectations.

Cigarette heavyweight Imperial Brands bowed to an investor rebellion by withdrawing plans for a bumper pay rise for its chief executive Alison Cooper.

While most of the firm's sales still come from women's fashion, it is seeing rapid expansion of its new men's range, which includes sequinned shoes costing £850.

Amaretti lattes and mint hot chocolates boosted sales at Costa Coffee owner Whitbread - but this success was soured in its restaurant arm.

The pubs group has seen sales rise 7.4 per cent over the last 10 weeks, with comparable profits in tenanted inns rising by 2 per cent and total beer and cider volumes increasing 1 per cent.

The new finance boss of J Sainsbury has been given more than £300,000 in shares to make up for money he lost leaving Poundland.

Gold isn't an investment it's a bet on people freaking out

I get the reasons for buying gold, from a long-term store of value, to the idea of it as an investment insurance policy, but I’ve never taken the plunge and stuck some in the Minor Investor portfolio. Recently though, I’ve been wondering whether this is a mistake. Should I perhaps buy some gold?

The cheapest places to buy a house if commuting to London

The most expensive places to buy a house and commute into London includes Oxshott in Surrey and Shiplake in Oxfordshire. Among the cheapest (pictured clockwise from top right) are Chatham, and Dover Priory - which are both in Kent, along with Northampton, and Foxton in Cambridgeshire, according to the study by estate agents Savills.

A further fifth of executors were warned before someone's death, but only after a will was already written, making it awkward for them to refuse the role, according to Co-op Legal Services.

More than 1.72 million vehicles were built in Britain during 2016 - up 8.5 per cent on the previous year and the highest figure since 1999.

This Lamborghini Huracan is the ultimate ski resort car

Just three months after creating what he calls the 'MONSTER Huracan', the former professional winter-sport athlete turned YouTube star has decided to put his ski-ready supercar up for sale. Costing in excess of £300,000 to build, he's asking for £210,000 for the car, which has covered 2,360 miles in total.

Announcing a cull of 48 more branches, the Yorkshire revealed that holders of the popular N&P; Gold accounts would have to arrange their banking elsewhere over the next year.

The lender said only 483,000 customers switched to its account in 2016 compared to around a million the year before.

Can I be due full £155 state pension if I contracted out?

Former Pensions Minister Steve Webb is This Is Money's Agony Uncle. He is ready to answer your questions, whether you are still saving, in the process of stopping work, or juggling your finances in retirement. This week, a reader who thought he would get less than the full £155-a-week state pension is confused to find out otherwise.

Investing Show:Is gold set to rise again?

Gold is still 30 per cent off its all-time dollar high, but for some investors it retains an enduring appeal. Adrian Ash, of BullionVault, joins the Investing Show, to explain who is buying, why they buy and look at the gold price's prospects.

Ford Mustang flunks safety test as examiners blast UK cars

The UK version of the muscle car lacks 'basic life-saving technology,' say crash-test examiners who have condemned it by awarding the first 'two-star' rating for safety since 2008 - stating that it 'bucks the positive trend towards safer cars'. Orders have poured in for the Mustang since it went on sale in Britain, but safety watchdogs say Ford made a 'deliberate decision' to exclude key safety features that are available to consumers in the USA.

Ford confirms its new GT supercar will do 216mph

Ford confirmed the figures for its new GT supercar, pictured, in a long overdue announcement, claiming it'll be quicker than Ferrari's 458 Speciale and McLaren's 675LT. The sold-out car - which has been reserved only for the rich, famous and social influencers and could cost about $500,00, or £400,000 - will be capable of a staggering 216mph flat out. We reveal more details on the new Ford GT.

How YOU could lose thousands in a new email scam

Richard Barber, 69, a former editor of Ok! magazine, transferred £4,000 to his trusted Polish builder after an email from his usual address asked for cash upfront for a loft conversion. But five days later Richard discovered his builder's email account had been hacked and the money had gone to a fraudster's bank account. Because he handed over cash voluntarily he will not get it back and has been sent a cheque by Barclays for the £4.33 that was left over (pictured). The retired journalist is one of thousands of victims falling for sophisticated bank transfer scams, with no way of clawing back their cash.

Do It Digital's mission is to get the 20 per cent of SMEs who still aren't online - to embrace the internet. Google, eBay and the Federation of Small Businesses have all signed up to help.

BT face criminal probe of 'false accounting'

Prosecutors have opened an investigation into the telecom giant's Italian unit after £8bn was wiped off the value of the company on Wednesday. It followed revelations over its Italian arm where managers were allegedly artificially depressing costs to inflate profits. They were taking loans to settle creditor bills which were not booked through the balance sheet. PwC, BT's auditor, is also facing questions over how it failed to spot the wrongdoing.

Gatemore Capital has teamed up with OTK Holding and Zoar Invest to oust French Connection boss Stephen Marks, who has refused to give up either of his joint chairman or chief executive roles.

Nick Robertson, who stood down as chief executive in 2015 to become a non-executive director, cashed in 300,000 shares at a closing price of 5175p.

It comes after HSBC last week said it will move 1,000 jobs , responsible for a fifth of the revenues of its UK operations, from London to Paris as a consequence of Brexit.

Alastair Baird, managing director for London at Barratt Developments, was arrested in October along with a 47-year-old woman. The Met have said two more arrests were made.

'Five on Brexit Island' cheers Christmas sales for WHSmith

The collection helped the retailer report a 1 per cent sales lift in the 21 weeks to January 21, also driven by strong performance in its travel shops, which were up 5 per cent. This offset a 3 per cent fall in sales across high street stores, partly because last year's adult colouring books were less successful. But the new range of adult parody books were popular Christmas presents.

But while the global watchdog was downbeat about their prospects, it predicted that industrial metals would rise robustly this year.

Trump can take some of the credit but much of this was baked in the cake as a result of the careful nurturing of monetary policy and interest rates by the US central bank the Federal Reserve.

Insurer is blaming me for an accident that I didn't have

On November  21, I parked in a multi-storey car park in Norwich. Three days later, I received a letter from my insurer, Hastings Direct, claiming I'd been in an accident. I phoned to say this was not the case. On December 9, I received a further letter saying their review had found I was responsible.

Britain's cash-strapped care system exposed

Today we can reveal that a lack of state funds has resulted in a giant £1.3 billion care home funding gap. This is being plugged by families who pay their own care bills, who are being charged £8,000 more a year than they should be to cover the shortfall. Local authorities have so little cash to look after our ageing population that they're trying to push through eye-watering council tax hikes.

Whether it's an elderly relative forced to sell their home to pay the exorbitant monthly fees or a wallet-busting 15 per cent increase in council tax bills in Surrey -there is no hiding place.

The perk introduced in April last year allows married couples to transfer one spouse's unused personal allowance to the other. Currently, if you earn under £11,000 you do not have to pay any income tax.

Customers of insurance firms UIA and Zenith are less likely to have a successful claim via their combined building and contents cover and Hiscox and Royal & Sun Alliance most likely, the FCA said.

Best cash Isa accounts online and on the High Street

Some deals let you make as many withdrawals as you want, then return the money to the account later in the tax year without busting your cash Isa allowance - but others don't. Similarly, some, but not all, will let you transfer your existing cash Isas to them. The confusion makes choosing an account a real slog and it's easy to pick the wrong one.

In an alarming new scam fraudsters intercept cheques sent through the post, change their names to that of the intended payee by deed poll - before cashing them in.

Freelancers and entrepreneurs have just six days left to file their returns before the January 31 deadline - or face an automatic £100 fine.

And the winner of our annual Wooden Spoon Award is... BT

Once again, BT has been crowned the winner of Money Mail's annual Wooden Spoon award and we were meeting the firm's bosses to find out what had gone wrong. It is the second year in a row the telecoms giant has scooped the crown for shoddy service - and it has now won three out of our last four Wooden Spoon awards.

Sky has confirmed that its line rental price will increase by £1.59 per month from March meaning the annual cost will be £227.88, £19.08 more than it is currently.

Some 391,978 18-year-olds were on the electoral roll in 2016, marking a 27 per cent increase compared to the previous year, data collected by credit rating agency Experian suggests.

How do I turn cash and investments into retirement income?

In our series Money Pit Stop, we ask an investing expert to give one of our readers a free portfolio makeover. This week, a 60-year-old fireman and former postman, who has built up a healthy portfolio, with £152,000 in investments, £183,000 in cash and some buy-to-lets, wants to boost his retirement income and fund future holidays.

The Crit-Air scheme now in force in Paris requires all vehicles to display a round sticker in the windscreen to confirm which emissions group the vehicle fits into.

Flights have been cancelled at London Heathrow, City and Gatwick airports while icy road surfaces and poor visibility also hit commuters trying to travel by road.

Holidaymakers urged to check small print of winter sports 

Of the 880 annual travel insurance policies on the market only 15 per cent include winter sports cover as standard and just four per cent of single policies do according to new research. Travelling without the right cover could leave holidaymakers out of pocket by thousands if they have to pay out for medical costs.

The Amazon Platinum Mastercard pays one point for every £2 spent on the card with a boosted rate of 1.5 points for every £2 spent with the online retailer.

Some £124million were stolen by hackers and criminals over the internet last year - a 1,266 per cent jump compared to 2015, according to a report by KPMG.

I lent a friend £25k, now he's ignoring me, what can I do?

When I lent my friend the £25,000 I never thought there would be a problem with him paying me back, as we both agreed I would need it by the time I retired, and I didn't know he was struggling with money. As we're so close it's very hard to ask for the money back, but I'm now worried I won't see it again.

Magnet kitchen worktop is disintegrating but it won't help

The laminate kitchen worktop tiles were installed a year ago but they have started to wear away in several places. Magnet says this is acceptable wear and tear and won't give me a refund or let me exchange the tiles but I disagree as the tiles are only a year old.

My TV was smashed by ‘Parcel Farce’

Parcel Force asked us to submit several documents including receipts and photos and then told us it didn't cover televisions in its compensation scheme, even though we sent the TV from Coverntry to Northumberland in its original packaging.

Rolls-Royce reveals seven unique cars it made in 2016

Rolls-Royce built and delivered a total of 4,011 vehicles last year. No two cars leaving its British factory at Goodwood are ever exactly alike. But these seven cars are extraordinarily tailored to the requests of buyers. From tiger-themed armrests to champagne tables in the boot, take a look at some of the surprising requests customers made in the last 12 months.

Fourteen ways to get fit without spending a fortune

Adults are advised by the National Health Service to do 150 minutes of weekly physical activity to keep healthy. If you fancy getting fit for less, or even for free, try our 14-step guide to keeping down the cost of workouts and gym membership.

The Post Office and major high street banks have agreed a deal which has been described at the 'biggest expansion in face-to-face banking access in a generation'.

Scottish Widows is scrapping punitive exit charges for its 33,000 customers from March 31. This means they will not need to pay a penny to access the cash in their pension.

How you can still find returns that WILL beat inflation

Inflation is picking up. It rose to 1.6 per cent last month and most experts now believe it will break through two per cent by the summer. We look at what rising prices mean for savers and borrowers and explain how it is still possible with a bit of work to get a real return on your money.

The influential EY Item Club is predicting that growth will slow to just 1.3 per cent this year and 1 per cent in 2018, remaining below 2 per cent until 2020.

Confidence among Britain's financial services firms dropped again in the fourth quarter, making last year the 'gloomiest' year for the sector since the 2008 financial crisis.

Carmakers warn of Brexit peril if we leave single market

The car industry will unveil its best manufacturing figures for 44 years this week - including soaring exports - but news of the boom may be overshadowed by fresh warnings of the threat from Brexit. However, one critic has warned that the automotive industry is at risk of talking itself into a crisis, and it should not be derailed.

The Prime Minister's speech on Brexit last week brought some clarity, but only on things that were already obvious.

In a Green Paper tomorrow the Prime Minister will lay out plans to slash bureaucracy, boost broadband and improve transport as part of her post-Brexit industrial strategy.

What do cryptic investment fund names mean?

Investment fund names are often a baffling mixture of impressive but vague words, which mean little to people who aren't already clued up on financial jargon. People hoping to boost their savings by buying a fund or trust face a steep learning curve, unless they're lucky enough to have a friend in the know or are willing to fork out fees to a financial adviser. We offer a short cut, and explain what all the fancy terms really mean.

I received a refund of £270. But the tax office's calculations show I have savings income of £3,650 a year, taxed at source. There is no way I have this much.

I sold an investment and asked for the proceeds to be sent to me by cheque. I never received the money. Someone then paid the cheque into their own bank account and withdrew the proceeds.

How to invest in jewellery and pieces that are worth money

Jewellery is more than just a luxury accessory. It is a fabulous fashion statement which can be looked upon as an investment. But those who decide to buy pieces need to know exactly what they are hunting for, while those who own jewellery could find something they think is worthless is worth a fortune. We explain what you need to look out for.

The latest UK Dividend Monitor from Capita Asset Services revealed dividend payments were 11.7 per cent higher than a year ago.

First, they close our branches, 900 of them over the past two years. it now appears some of the banks are keen to charge us for withdrawing cash from their hole in the walls.

Big Six may defy Ofgem call to cap energy prices

Energy giants look set to defy Ofgem's demand not to raise prices after accusing the regulator of getting its sums wrong on their costs. Senior executives at some of the firms said Ofgem had underestimated the costs the industry is facing. Their stance increases the prospect of higher energy bills as households brace themselves for a raft of other price rises this year driven by the falling value of the pound.

Amid a rash of other charge increases, BT is raising the tariff for copper broadband customers by £2 per month and those with Infinity packages will pay £2.50 more.

SWA says scotch whisky makes almost £5bn a year for UK

Research commissioned by the Scotch Whisky Association found that the industry supports more than 40,000 jobs across Britain. It was also the biggest net contributor to the UK's trade in goods in 2015 said the study, published as drinkers raised a dram on Burns Night. More than 10,500 people work in the sector in Scotland. Almost £1.3bn is paid in salaries north of the border.

As part of a £5billion deal made last year , Sky spent an additional £314million on Premier League broadcasting rights in the final six months of last year.

Last year, TSB's pre-tax profits grew by 169 per cent to £182million on a year earlier, while the amount of money deposited by customers rose over 13 per cent to £29.4billion.

UK plc only slowed slightly from the rate of 0.6 per cent in the previous two quarters, underlining the country's resilience after the historic EU referendum vote.

RBS has now made provisions of £6.7billion in total, likely to push the taxpayer-backed bank even further into the red and post one of its largest losses since its government bailout.

50 ways to save money....

To clear the average national household debt of ?13,000 at 6% interest with a monthly repayment of ?100 will take around 17 years. There are, however, plenty of simple ways to make significant savings on your regular spending that could clear your debt - or boost your savings - in less than a year. This is Money's top 50 - updated - money-saving tips may appear light-hearted but are deadly serious.

Pick the best (and cheapest) investment Isa platform

Choosing the right DIY platform is crucial but a wealth of choice and changes to charges have left many investors scratching their heads. We pick some of the best. We also highlight why investing in an Isa makes sense, as it should protect your hopefully growing investments from tax forever.

L Board sign on the rear of a blue saloon car , UK

If you are new to investing then the huge number of funds and investment trusts on offer can be confusing. Fortunately, This is Money's experts have some ideas to get you started.

On the up: Emerging markets such as Brazil are where much of the world's growth is expected to be over future years.

If you're looking to add some flair to your investing Isa with emerging markets, This is Money's experts have some ideas to get you started

Income investing: Dividends can deliver both a healthy boost to long-term growth and a way to earn from your investments.

Income investing can let you draw on your portfolio or reinvest dividends to build solid growth over time. Our experts give their fund and investment trust recommendations.

After the turbulence of 2016, many investors will be wondering what this year could possibly have in store for them. Here, three experts pick funds they believe could be winners.

How much money do I need to save for my pension?

The amount you can save into a pension ultimately depends on what you can afford - but the longer you leave it the more you will need to save. We tend to put ambitious targets on our hoped-for income in retirement and then underestimate how much we will need to set aside to achieve that. So how much should you save?

Even at a time when we are stretching our finances further to afford a home, moving less, and pushing mortgages beyond 30 years, we still remain captivated by two-year fixed rate deals.

When will UK interest rates rise?

An interest rate cut before the end of the year looks less likely following the plunge in the pound. However, the Bank of England has indicated that higher inflation driven by rising import costs won't make it lift rates.

Handy Brexit table explains options for the UK's EU exit

Despite endless media coverage of the political wrangling and financial speculation, the average Briton can be forgiven for remaining confused about what 'soft' and 'hard' Brexit really mean. But a clever table put together by HSBC cleaves some clarity from the murk.

What next for mortgage rates?

Several months after the Bank of England slashed the base rate to 0.25 per cent and lenders are still cutting mortgage rates on almost a weekly basis - but how low can they really go? The experts say not a lot lower and it's likely that if you get a mortgage at the moment, it's going to be a pretty cracking deal. 

Ten tips for buy-to-let

For many buy-to-let looks an attractive income investment in a time of low rates and stock market volatility. Climbing house prices, rising rents and improving mortgage deals are tempting investors - although they will need a big deposit. Read This is Money's top ten buy-to-let tips

Best paid jobs and biggest pay rises of 2016 revealed

Compare your pay to the national average and see whether your employer treated you to a pay rise in line with the the rest of your profession. Farmers, care and air travel assistants were big winners on the pay scales in 2016. Travel agents, careers advisers and probation officers lost out.

Premium Bonds winners

January 2017
Prize value Winning bond No. Area
£1,000,000 246AD564653 Hampshire and Isle of Wight
£1,000,000 244PR471632 West Sussex
£100,000 95QV191662 North Yorkshire
£100,000 200BA464300 Hertfordshire
£100,000 19RC263145 Outer London
£50,000 34FS057524 North Yorkshire
£50,000 247ZK817797 Berkshire
£50,000 233MD060953 Northern Ireland
£50,000 217DZ763847 Surrey
£50,000 122EE745522 Gloucestershire
£50,000 120EK701941 Overseas
More Premium Bonds winners


Tourist rates

Currency Rate Buy now
Updated 27 Jan 2017.
Euro 1.1485 Buy Now
US Dollar 1.2265 Buy Now
Australian Dollar 1.621 Buy Now
Canadian Dollar 1.611 Buy Now
Chinese Yuan 8.285 Buy Now
Croatian Kuna 8.494 Buy Now
Czech Koruna 30.95 Buy Now
Danish Krone 8.489 Buy Now
Egyptian Pound 16.27 Buy Now
Hong Kong Dollar 9.478 Buy Now
Hungarian Forint 353.8 Buy Now
Icelandic Króna 135.9 Buy Now
Israeli New Shekel 4.551 Buy Now
Japanese Yen 141.7 Buy Now
Malaysian Ringgit 6.2624 Buy Now
Mexican Peso 25.51 Buy Now
New Turkish Lire 4.3405 Buy Now
New Zealand Dollar 1.695 Buy Now
Norwegian Krone 10.19 Buy Now
Polish Zloty 4.942 Buy Now
Singapore Dollar 1.748 Buy Now
South African Rand 16.4 Buy Now
Sterling 1.0 Buy Now
Swedish Krona 10.8 Buy Now
Swiss Franc 1.229 Buy Now
Thai Baht 42.65 Buy Now
UAE Dirham 4.492 Buy Now

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