Lindsay Lohan sports headscarf as she steps out in Turkey amid claims she's converted to Islam... but teams conservative look with thigh-high boots

  • The actress, 30, sported conservative headscarf in Turkey this week
  • Follows claims she has converted to Islam after studying the faith for years
  • Deleted all images on her Instagram, leaving just 'Alaikum salam' in her bio
  • The phrase means 'and unto you peace' in Arabic

Members of the Muslim faith welcomed her to Islam last week after she deleted her Instagram pictures and left an Arabic message of peace in her bio.

Now Lindsay Lohan has fuelled speculation she has converted to the religion after she was seen wearing a headscarf during a business meeting in Turkey.

Clad in a fur coat and with a conservative black scarf covering her hair, the Mean Girls star, 30, left the Istinye Shopping Mall alongside a group of men.

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New direction: Lindsay Lohan has fuelled speculation she has converted to the religion after she was seen wearing a headscarf during a business meeting in Turkey

In contrast to her headwear, the Hollywood star sported a rather misplaced pair of thigh-high crushed velvet boots.

Her appearance comes after she left her Instagram bare apart from a message of 'Alaikum salam' in her bio.

The Arabic greeting translates to 'and unto you peace,' and many took it mean that Lohan was converting to the Muslim faith.

'I'm so happy that lindsay lohan found Islam. may Allah guide her and bless her,' wrote one young woman on Twitter.

Conservative: Clad in a fur coat and a conservative black scarf to cover her hair, the Mean Girls star, 30, was seen leaving the Istinye Shopping Mall

Bizarre combo: In contrast to the headwear, the Hollywood star sported a rather misplaced pair of thigh-high crushed velvet boots

Gotta have faith: Her appearance comes after she left her Instagram bare apart from a message of 'Alaikum salam' in her bio, sparking renewed speculation she is now a practising Muslim 

Another posted on her account: 'I heard that Lindsay Lohan converted to Islam? If its true, alhamdulillah. God has shown her the right path to now follow.'

Lohan has not revealed however if she is in fact converting to the faith, and a rep for the actress did not respond to a request for comment from  

Changes: Last week, Lindsay changed her bio on the social media site to read 'Alaikum salam,' an Arabic greeting that translates to 'and unto you peace' (above)

Lohan recently rang in the New Year in the Middle East, choosing to vacation in Dubai over the holidays.

There were previously rumors that Lohan might be converting back in 2015 when she was photographed holding a copy of the Quran while doing community service in Brooklyn.

When appearing on the Turkish talk show Haber Turk later year, she explained that the book was actually just a gift from some friends. 

'My very close friends, who have been there for me a lot, in London are Saudi and they gave me the Quran and I brought it to New York because I was learning,' said Lohan.

'It opened doors for me to experience spiritually, to find another true meaning. This is who I am.'

She claimed however that she was attacked after that picture was released in the media.

'They crucified me for it in America. They made me seem like Satan. I was a bad person for holding that Quran,' claimed Lohan. 

Welcome: Many Muslims took the greeting to mean that Lohan might be converting to the faith despite the fact that she had not commented on why she changed her bio

Excited: 'I heard that Lindsay Lohan converted to Islam? If its true, alhamdulillah. God has shown her the right path to now follow,' wrote one woman (above)

Changes: Lohan visiting Syrian child refugees in Turkey last October (left), while she rang in the New Year in Dubai (right)

She said that she was then happy to leave and return to London because she felt 'so unsafe in [her] country.' 

Lohan professed her interest in a number of religions during an interview with Oprah Winfrey back in 2014, telling the popular talk show host that she was a 'very spiritual person.'

She had just completed her sixth stint in rehab at the time that she spoke with Winfrey, saying: 'I'm a very spiritual person and I've become more spiritual as time has gone on,.

'I'm really in touch, whether it's prayer or meditation... there are so many powers greater than me in the world. I've been blessed and lucky enough to have been given a gift to share with other people.'

Lohan spent time in October of last year visiting child refugees who had fled Syria and crossed over into Turkey.

She told Page Six last month that she was hoping to return to Turkey again either before of after the start of the new year.

'The dates are not set yet. It depends on how Turkey feels after the recent terrorist attack in Istanbul,' said Lohan,

'Not that any attack has or will ever stop me from helping those suffering, those who need our help the most.'

She then added:  'I miss my family a lot, but they are very supportive and understanding of the fact that my main focus is business, writing and soon to start another film. More so, my work with refugees.' 

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