Bridget Moynahan reveals son with Patriots star Tom Brady wants to be a soccer player or swimmer... and has NO interest in football

Bridget Moynahan has a son with 39-year-old football star Tom Brady of the New England Patriots: John Edward Thomas Moynahan, aged nine.

And on Tuesday the 45-year-old actress said on Live With Kelly her little guy has no interest in following in his father's footsteps.

When asked by the blonde talk-show host if John hopes to play football one day like daddy - who has two children with model Gisele Bundchen - or maybe act like mom, the actress said: 'I don’t think he wants to be either.'

No go: Bridget Moynahan told Kelly Ripa her son with football star Tom Brady of the New England Patriots, John, aged nine, does not want to play ball

The truth: When asked by the blonde talk-show host if John hopes to play football one day like daddy or maybe act like mom, the actress said: 'I don’t think he wants to be either'

Brady, 39, has won several Super Bowls and is still on top of his game.

But little John is not into it. 'I think right now he wants to be a professional soccer player,' the brunette said.

'Though after the Olympics, he’s like, "I think I’m gonna win a gold [medal] in swimming!"'

Her little guy: Brady, 39, has won several Super Bowls and is still on top of his game. But little John is not into it. 'I think right now he wants to be a professional soccer player,' the brunette said. Pictured September

He loves the game: Brady plays for the New England Patriots and has taken them to the Super Bowl

Mommy: Bridget and John in 2009

She then added: 'So then it was Michael Phelps. So I think he just likes awards!'

Moynahan split from Brady in 2006.

She then found out she was pregnant with her first child.

But by that time he was already with Vogue model Bundchen. They went on to have two children: Benjamin, aged seven, and daughter Vivian, aged four.

Bridget has moved on nicely and is now married to Andrew Frankel who she wed in October 2015.

'Married life is good!' she told Ripa.

'You know, I finally figured it out in my 40s that when it works, it works and, like, there doesn’t have to be drama.'  

Moynahan told More magazine in 2011 hut down rumors of tension with Gisele, whom he wed in 2009 and shares son with.

'I never made a comment about Gisele or Tom publicly. I have a relationship with these people on a daily basis. I'm raising a child, and it's public. My son has two loving parents and an extended family, whether it's cousins or stepmothers or boyfriends. My son is surrounded by love.'

With his wife: Brady is married to Gisele Bundchen with whom he has two kids. Pictured in September in NYC





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