Sanctuary cities vs President Trump: Mayors across America vow to defy Trump on deporting immigrants - putting their federal grants of up to $10bn a year at risk

26/01/17 06:55

26/01/17 06:34

Mexico's president Enrique Pena Nieto (pictured) said on Wednesday evening: 'Mexico does not believe in walls. I've said it time and time again: Mexico will not pay for any wall.'

26/01/17 06:32

'The day is over where they can stay in our country and wreak havoc. We are going to get them out and get them out fast,' Trump said of drug dealers and criminals illegally in the United States.

26/01/17 06:31

Hillary Clinton said on Wednesday that she had attended Trump's inauguration in Washington on Friday 'to honor democracy and its enduring values.'

26/01/17 04:45

President Trump tells ABC News anchor David Muir in his first interview since the inauguration that building the wall with Mexico will start 'as soon as we can physically do it' - within 'months'.

26/01/17 04:42

President  Enrique Pena Nieto is 'considering' canceling next week's visit to Washington following Trump's order to begin construction of a wall between the two countries and make Mexico pay.

26/01/17 04:32

President Donald Trump's administration is preparing executive orders that would call for a 40 per cent funding cut to international organizations like the UN.

26/01/17 04:17

A draft executive order on Wednesday shed more light on the president's expected decisions regarding immigration. Trump is also expected to impose a four-month ban on all refugees.

26/01/17 03:35

The president said Wednesday that he thinks torturing terror suspects 'works,' and complained that the U.S. is 'not playing on an even field' against a brutal enemy that kills in gruesome fashions.

26/01/17 03:16

The president tweeted that his probe would include illegal immigrants and dead people on voter rolls, and people registered in multiple places. 'Depending on results, we will strengthen up voting procedures!'

26/01/17 02:39

On a trip to America, the Prime Minister will say Brexit and the election of Donald Trump have given the two countries a chance to ‘rediscover’ their confidence.

26/01/17 02:10

Australian tourists may be forced to undergo an in-person interview with U.S.officials. President Donald Trump is considering scrapping an online questionnaire that grants 90-day tourist visas.

26/01/17 02:03

‘It’s nice of you to worry; dear. But I’m sure he’ll behave himself.’

26/01/17 02:03

What if Trump ran Britain? In the Book of Genesis, God creates the world in six days. What could The Donald do in a week if he were in Downing Street?

26/01/17 01:34

President Donald Trump has only been residing in the White House for five days, but he's already put his mark on the executive mansion.

26/01/17 01:27

Sen. Tom Cotton became so furious about a delayed vote on Mike Pompeo to head the CIA that he confronted Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on the floor of the Senate on Inauguration Day.

26/01/17 00:56

The theory spread like wildfire online after President Trump's inauguration last Friday. These new frames, however, clearly show his hands change position.

26/01/17 00:36

Data from 85,000 healthcare providers has has confirmed what many suspected: the number of doctor's visits related to IUDs has indeed gone up - a staggering 19 percent in two months.

26/01/17 00:20

Top aides to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were touted as being made available for joint bookings on the lucrative speaking circuit – until their agency yanked promotional materials Wednesday.

26/01/17 00:19

Ricky Lee Bugg Jr, who studies and plays basketball at Lebanon Valley College in Annville, Pennsylvania, says he was eating with two friends when the manager asked them to leave.

26/01/17 00:19

Initiation fees at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida were raised from $100,000 to $200,000 on January 1.

26/01/17 00:17

CNN slapped back at President Donald Trump, who suggested that Fox News was the ratings winner on inauguration day.

26/01/17 00:15

President Donald Trump's top economic adviser Gary Cohn is receiving more than $100 million from Goldman Sachs, as he leaves the Wall Street bank for public service.

26/01/17 00:14

An expert from the University of Maryland reveals features and technology that could be used in President Donald Trump's official handset - and disabling Twitter is one of them.

26/01/17 00:14

Trump can take some of the credit but much of this was baked in the cake as a result of the careful nurturing of monetary policy and interest rates by the US central bank the Federal Reserve.

26/01/17 00:13

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has welcomed federal help with the city's violence problem but said that just letting police get 'tough and rough' would undermine efforts to build trust in law enforcement.

25/01/17 23:58

President Trump laid down a firm date for his Supreme Court announcement this morning. He said in a tweet: 'I will be making my Supreme Court pick on Thursday of next week.'

25/01/17 23:50

President Trump said he was enjoying his time at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue so far and was particularly impressed by the phones which he said were the 'most beautiful' he'd ever used.

25/01/17 21:59

Days after thousands of women, many wearing home-made pink knitted caps, descended on Washington to protest President Trump, a group of scientists are planning their own march.

25/01/17 21:20

Classic hits radio station HITS105 in New Boston, Texas has banned the pop icon for her 'un-American sentiments' in a Saturday speech at the Women's March in Washington, D.C.

25/01/17 20:39

Trump supporter Jon Voight has accused Miley Cyrus and Shia LaBeouf of 'treason' after they took part in protests against the 45th President.

25/01/17 20:14

Nebraska state senator Bill Kintner announced his resignation after retweeting an controversial tweet about Women's March protesters. Kintner has deleted his twitter account.

25/01/17 18:00

The State Department is reviewing a last-minute decision by John Kerry to send $221 million dollars to the Palestinians late last week over the objections of congressional Republicans.

25/01/17 15:55

First lady Melania Trump has seen an up-tick in her public approval rating since the Republican convention, although she closely trails President Donald Trump's daughter Ivanka in popularity.

25/01/17 15:18

Jane Fonda, 79, was one of hundreds of people gathered in front of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in New York's Columbus Circle on Tuesday to protest the president's policies.

25/01/17 14:33

The Trump administration has instituted what it described as a temporary media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants.

25/01/17 14:15

White House press secretary Sean Spicer has continued his war on the mainstream media by incredibly comparing 'alternative facts' in news reports to 'different weather reports'.

25/01/17 13:22

President Donald Trump may love to talk about the war he's waging against the media, but he can't quit them either, reading newspapers and watching television throughout the day.

25/01/17 13:12

In an angry tweet on Tuesday night, he said: 'If Chicago doesn't fix the horrible "carnage" going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016), I will send in the Feds!' he said.

25/01/17 12:37

US President Donald Trump is expected to sign several executive orders restricting immigration from Syria and six other mostly Muslim countries and launching the process of building a border wall.

25/01/17 11:54

The British poet (pictured) treated followers of her Twitter account to a short ditty imagining the first meeting between Donald Trump and Theresa May, due to take place next week.

25/01/17 08:37

They should give an Oscar to the most ludicrous, sanctimonious, self-regarding, self-promoting, Trump-hating, Brexit-bashing luvvie, writes RICHARD LITTLEJOHN.

25/01/17 08:28

An 82-year-old right-wing Christian politician who wants to ban Muslim migration was denied a U.S. visa to see Donald Trump sworn in. Fred Nile (pictured) has blamed the Obama administration.

25/01/17 08:12

With Theresa May about to invite Donald Trump to make a state visit to Britain, she might also suggest something the President could do for the Queen – offer HM the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

25/01/17 07:56

The picture which has bedeviled the Trump administration, comparing his inauguration crowds to those of Obama, was used during a confirmation hearing for Mick Mulvaney by Democrats.

25/01/17 03:52

Kerry O'Grady, the special agent in charge of the Secret Service's Denver district, was a vocal opponent of the Donald during his campaign.

25/01/17 03:39

Sergei Millian, who runs the privately-operated Russian American Chamber of Commerce, was named as the source of explosive allegations about the president's links to Russia on Tuesday.

25/01/17 00:50

President Donald Trump signed executive orders Tuesday to advance the construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access oil pipelines, a pair of projects blocked by the Obama administration.

25/01/17 00:29

Cate Blanchett, 47, called Donald Trump's inauguration as US President 'absurd' and 'ridiculous,' while appearing on Monday night's The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.

25/01/17 00:27

YouTube star Joey Salads wore a 'Make America Great Again' cap and walked around lower Manhattan for two hours after the Women's March ended. He filmed the reactions of pedestrians as he roamed the streets. In the general election, 79 percent of voters in New York City voted for Trump's rival Hillary Clinton.

25/01/17 00:15

Roland Peterson, a Swedish politician from Kalmar, was appalled by Donald Trump's position on climate change, which he infamously claimed to be a 'Chinese hoax'.

25/01/17 00:10

'We have outstanding candidates and we will pick a truly great Supreme Court justice,' Trump said in Oval Office remarks. He's meeting today with Senate leaders from both sides of the political divide

24/01/17 23:40

The White House issued a formal caution to journalists on Tuesday, warning them to steer clear of President Trump's youngest child in their reporting.

24/01/17 23:13

President Trump intends to keep James Comey as FBI director. He infuriated Clinton's camp by his actions before the election but is also overseeing a probe into possible Trump links to Russia.

24/01/17 23:07

The date for President Trump's first speech before a joint session of Congress has been written on the calendar. He'll appear on Capitol Hill on February 28.

24/01/17 23:07

Delivery company FedEx's veteran boss, Fred Smith, has become the first CEO to speak out against the decision to remove the U.S. from Trans Pacific Partnership, saying 40m jobs depend on trade.

24/01/17 23:07

President Donald Trump has announced that he will hang a panoramic photograph of his inauguration in an area of the White House reporters travel frequently, after a spat over crowd size.

24/01/17 23:06

Dave Archambault II says it is 'unfortunate' that the President took action today to advance construction of the pipeline.. Obama halted the progress in December.

24/01/17 23:03

The missiles, which can carry up to ten nuclear warheads up to 8,700 miles, are reportedly being moved to Heilongjiang province in north eastern China close to the frontier with Russia.

24/01/17 23:02

'I want new plants to be built here for cars sold here!' the president said over Twitter before a meeting at the White House with the heads of Ford, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler.

24/01/17 23:01

President Donald Trump was bothered that his aide didn't go far enough when he unloaded on reporters about their inauguration coverage, according to insider accounts.

24/01/17 23:00

Muhammad Ashraf, the president of Nationwide Chauffeured Services, said his insurance may not pay for the damage to his limousine that was set on fire during violent anti-Trump protests in DC.

24/01/17 22:59

The comments in the Global Times, a subsidiary of the Communist Party mouthpiece People's Daily, came after President Xi Jinping called for the elimination of atomic weapons.

24/01/17 22:23

Salatiel Marcos Ortiz says he got home at around 2.30am Monday and his roommate quickly turned combative. The part of Ortiz's ear was recovered by police in the apartment.

24/01/17 21:36

Pressed on why the White House wouldn't launch a formal probe into the president's voter-fraud claims, Sean Spicer blurted out: 'Maybe we will' – but couldn't provide hard proof that his boss is right.

24/01/17 20:22

Trump pals Ronald and Pamela Kessler were among the 700 invited guests who paid $1,000 per couple to welcome the New Year with The Trump Family at Mar- a Lago in Palm Beach.

24/01/17 19:53

A new video has emerged that appears to show Donald Trump being snubbed by a black verger at the Washington National Cathedral on Saturday.

24/01/17 16:42

New press secretary Sean Spicer offered some words of contrition after a Saturday rant, but then repeated his claim that President Trump's was the 'most watched inauguration ever.'

24/01/17 16:36

Obama-whisperer Valerie Jarrett, Conway's predecessor, had a Secret Service protective detail but colleagues suspected she didn't need one and merely had 'earpiece envy.'

24/01/17 16:01

US Marines and South Korean troops have been conducting joint exercises in temperatures of minus 20 degrees Celsius as the Pentagon sends out a warning to both North Korea and China.

24/01/17 15:15

The White House press secretary said Monday that the applause during Trump's appearance at CIA headquarters on Saturday were not from 'Trump or White House folks.'

24/01/17 14:57

The Umbrella hitmaker, 28, pounded through the hordes of campaigners waving placards with feminist messages and statements against America's new president Donald Trump.

24/01/17 14:56

The politically-appointed head of the General Services Administration has vacated her post, allowing President Trump to name the person who will oversea the lease on his luxury D.C. hotel.

24/01/17 14:40

Caris Tiivel will use her platform to draw attention to issues like Australia's refugee crisis and advocating same-sex marriage, should she win Miss Universe pageant next week.

24/01/17 14:32

President Donald Trump privately told congressional leaders on Monday that in a letter former President Barack Obama left him, he said it's possible for him to back a Trump healthcare bill.

24/01/17 14:22

The president told a room full of congressional leaders on Monday that he would have won the popular vote had it not been for 'three to five million' illegal immigrants who voted for Clinton.

24/01/17 14:20

The Senate on Monday confirmed President Donald Trump's nominee Rep. Mike Pompeo to run the CIA despite some Democratic objectionsRep. Mike Pompeo.

24/01/17 14:11

President Donald Trump's special counselor reportedly punched a rowdy individual in her entourage during the Liberty Ball in Washington on Friday.

24/01/17 14:11

Trump proclaimed his inauguration a national day of 'patriotic devotion' in his first batch of executive actions on Friday, mimicking a proclamation Obama signed dedicating his to 'hope and resolve.'

24/01/17 14:08

Monica Lewinsky has joined the conversation defending Barron Trump from internet bullies after he was ridiculed online during Friday's inauguration.
