'She's struggling': Eden Sassoon shares fear that Kim Richards could die from addiction issues on RHOBH

Eden Sassoon warned on Tuesday's episode of The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills that she fears Kim Richards' 'struggles' with sobriety could kill her.

The 42-year-old recovering alcoholic opened up to Lisa Vanderpump about her deadly concerns for Kim after meeting her just once at a game night.

After having a heart-to-heart about her own alcoholism, as well as losing her sister Catya to a drug overdose in 2002, Eden insisted she fears for Kim's survival after seeing strong warning signs.

Fatal fear: Eden Sassoon expressed her fear that Kim Richards could die if she doesn't maintain her sobriety on Tuesday's episode of The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

Calling Kim's sister Kyle, 48, 'an enabler,' she admitted breaking down in tears after watching them interact at game night, telling Lisa: 'I was, ''Oh my God, I'm watching my family!''

'Watching Kim and Kyle, I see Kyle possibly standing where I stand now,' Eden warned later in an on-camera confessional.

'And that's not having a sister,' she said.

Eden told Lisa that her own battle with booze has left her wanting to 'poke' other women into seeing they can turn around their lives, too, saying she would 'love' to be able to help 52-year-old Kim.

Center of attention: Kim was followed by Eden at Paul 'PK' Kemsley's birthday party

Tea talk: Eden during tea with Lisa Vanderpump said it was clear that Kim was struggling

'She has the behavior of a straight-on alcoholic. She's struggling,' she told the British socialite.

When Lisa pointed out she had hardly spent any time with Kim, Eden insisted: 'I don't to spend that much time to …. she's struggling.

'And Kyle, I see the enabling… Just kind of sitting back and watching this.'

Bold statement: The RHOBH newbie also said that Kim's sister Kyle was an enabler

Lisa immediately and strongly defended her friend — insisting that 'Kyle has stepped in many times, like really in the best way' — but Eden remained firm.

'Kyle is an enabler to Kim because she allows this behavior to continue, she allows her to speak in ways a sober woman shouldn't be allowed to speak,' she insisted later during her on-camera confessional. 'It's behavior that as a sister maybe you'd want to say something.'

Eden earlier in the conversation confused Lisa when she revealed she had broken up with a man just because he called her a 'Type A' personality when she asked him not to eat a cheeseburger.

Strong defense: Lisa defended Kyle and insisted that she was not enabling Kim

She then opened up about her own story.

'I was a complete functioning alcoholic,' Eden told her.

'Having a mother a recovering alcoholic and a sister who overdosed, why did I drink for so many years?

Recovering alcoholic: Eden shared her story of being a functioning alcoholic with Lisa

'I never really explored my sister's death, I just knew that at some point she had to go. Here is a woman who was not strong enough to live this life,' Eden said.

Eden said that she finally got sober six months after her dad died, saying: 'I woke up really on the edge of my bed and I was like, ''When? When? Stop. You have your life, you've been given a gift, you have children'' — right from there to a meeting.

'I love it and I love to poke others to awaken them to the life that I have now, that you're capable of this too.'

Pokes others: The daughter of beauty icon Vidal Sassoon lost her sister Catya to a drug overdose

Of her sister, she later admitted: 'My sister died of a drug overdose. And I don't know if she chose to or if it was an accident.'

She was also at the heart of another bizarre discussion about sobriety when she had Dorit Kemsley and Lisa Rinna over for a night of smoothies.

As Dorit, 40, joked about putting vodka in her drink, Lisa then admitted that she had previously put a Xanax in a smoothie — then pulled out a large Ziplock bag that was stuffed full of pills.

Smoothie night: Eden had Lisa Rinna and Dorit Kemsley over for smoothies

Bag of pills: Rinna busted out her bag of pills after saying she previously put a Xanax in a smoothie

As Eden bragged about being able to name them all, she also confused the women herself by saying she could also imagine putting a Xanax in her own drink despite her own battles with sobriety.

'I take medication, I just don't drink,' she admitted.

The trio turned the pills into a sort of game, with Lisa, 53, insisting they were 'mostly vitamins' but also pulling out sleeping pills and some Xanax.

Good times: The joking about pills cracked Rinna up

'Get stung by a bee — got it covered,' she joked.

Dorit told Rinna she had a 'new found love' for her, even pretending to have had 'hearts in my eyes' at seeing the bag, but later admitted in a confessional: 'I would never think to put a Xanax in my smoothie.'

And she also called Eden's confession 'a bit odd,' asking: 'Can you take pills if you're a sober person?'

Good question: Dorit wondered if you can take pills and still be a sober person

Later, as Dorit threw a party for husband Paul's 49th birthday, she gossiped about the pills with Lisa Vanderpump and the party's surprise musical guest, Boy George.

'Are you sure she wants that broadcast?' George laughed, walking off from the conversation.

Dorit insisted it was 'the funniest moment,' clearly confusing Lisa Vanderpump — with Dorit telling her: 'Lisa for crying out loud pull the pole out of your ass.'

Birthday party: Lisa and Boy George listened as Dorit gossiped about the bag of pills

Later, Lisa said: 'Rinna pops a Xanax in her smoothie? I'm not sure if this is a joke or not?

'But judging by her past behavior I think she needs to double up on this medication, because clearly it's not working.'

Dorit had claimed to be 'under as much pressure as you could possibly imagine' for her husband's party because he threw her the 'most killer' 40th birthday.

Party planning: Dorit was feeling stressed as she planned for PK's 49th birthday party

They arranged to have Boy George, a client with her husband's Nixxi Entertainment, sing at the party with his small stage area being hidden behind black drapes to be a surprise halfway through.

'It means everything to me that George will do a special private performance for just us and our friends,' Dorit said.

'This is probably the only time he'll ever do it.'

Private performance: The RHOBH newbie was thrilled that Boy George was giving a private performance

Reset button: Dorit earlier went rollerblading with Rinna and Eileen Davidson after they all agreed to hit the reset button

Sweet gesture: Erika received a call from Dorit, Rinna and Eileen wishing her luck before her show

But as she prepared, she flew into a panic about what she called 'tragic' flowers brought to the house by the party planner, with Boy George teasing her: 'You've got flower dramas — now you know what Elton John feels like.'

'No one's going to notice. The most important thing is you look amazing,' he reassured her of the party, with Mario Lopez one of the guests.

Dorit got her own back on the singer when he asked who she was, with her quipping: 'The lady of the house. I know you like to think you are but I actually am.'

Party guest: Mario Lopez was among the guests at the birthday party

'George and I have such a great relationship,' she said later. 'Two people that love each other, that love to have a laugh together.'

The former Culture Club frontman had joked that his outfit, a large white suit covered in the letters 'X' and 'O,' was 'a bit over the top for a house party,' then made a political joke at the end of his set.

As Paul, known as PK, asked if he wanted to 'slip into something more comfortable,' the English singer quipped: 'Like another country?'

Hit song: Boy George sang Karma Chameleon from Dorit to George

Fun party: The British singer had a blast at the party

Kyle Richards, meanwhile, joined Erika Girardi as she traveled to Mykonos, Greece, to perform as her sexy alter-ego Erika Jayne at the gay Xlsior Festival.

Wearing knee-high glittery custom-made Chanel boots and a sparkly leotard, Erika invited Kyle into a pre-show 'prayer' — where her crew told the singer to bring 'sex on a platter, pump it up, tits, ass, c**ks throbbing.'

'I've never heard those words while saying a prayer in my life,' Kyle laughed later. 'I may be Jewish now, raised Catholic — nobody says prayers like that.'

Alter ego: Erika Girardi performed as Erika Jayne in a sexy outfit in Mykonos, Greece

Like a prayer: Kyle joked about the pre-show prayer as she went to Greece to support Erika

After the show, they partied around a gorgeous beach-side pool at sunrise.

Erika posed for sexy pictures in a revealing one-piece animal print bikini and gladiator sandals.

She finally got the usually reserved mom Kyle out to join her in a skimpy bikini herself, with Erika calling her 'a sexy motherf***er'.

Packed house: Erika performed in front of a packed house as Kyle cheered her on

Dawn shoot: The singer changed into a swimsuit for dawn photos after performing

Having fun: Erika talked Kyle into joining her in the sexy photoshoot

'She's a natural showgirl. She gets it,' Erika said later.

'This is the Kyle that I wish was was around all the time because she's just f***ing cool.

The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills will return next week on Bravo. 

Gal pal: Kyle got rave reviews from Erika who enjoyed spending time with her in Greece

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